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Topic: 281: I Want That Inside Me  (Read 27619 times)


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281: I Want That Inside Me #15
file this one under 'maybe i shouldnt have decided to listen to this while at work'


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281: I Want That Inside Me #16
One bit of backstory to the creation of this doc was that we discovered it during the postgame of a session of Eclipse Phase, an RPG about transhumanist horror and science fiction. And then we discovered real transhumanist horror.
Corn Syrup Liatai

Victor Laszlo

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281: I Want That Inside Me #17
All of these people posting pictures of perplexed doctors makes me feel like this episode was probably missing something
Mix One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Sherman Tank Wyst Boots Raingear Corn Syrup A Meat GirlKisser420 Yavuz Borgy-Le-Borg ikaribattousai beelzeboob Dr. Buttplug Vinny Possum Shell Game Bodark Down10 Liatai Knitting Machine Ragnarok Boobies Pavlova

Sherman Tank

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281: I Want That Inside Me #18
All of these people posting pictures of perplexed doctors makes me feel like this episode was probably missing something
Victor Laszlo, June 02, 2018, 07:20:57 pm

Speaking of which, what exactly was your reaction to that email Lemon sent you?


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281: I Want That Inside Me #19
All of these people posting pictures of perplexed doctors makes me feel like this episode was probably missing something
Victor Laszlo, June 02, 2018, 07:20:57 pm

Speaking of which, what exactly was your reaction to that email Lemon sent you?
Oh goddammit fuck you you Sherman Tank goddamn it!, June 02, 2018, 09:32:49 pm
Victor didn't want to be in this episode because he didn't want to let people on to his secret army of useless stupid cyborgs he's been working on

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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281: I Want That Inside Me #20
All of these people posting pictures of perplexed doctors makes me feel like this episode was probably missing something
Victor Laszlo, June 02, 2018, 07:20:57 pm

Speaking of which, what exactly was your reaction to that email Lemon sent you?
Oh goddammit fuck you you Sherman Tank goddamn it!, June 02, 2018, 09:32:49 pm
Victor didn't want to be in this episode because he didn't want to let people on to his secret army of useless stupid cyborgs he's been working on
Wrought, June 02, 2018, 10:09:31 pm

Yay Victor(ious Army of Murder Transhumans)!
Wrought Mix Liatai Bodark Ragnarok Boobies


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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281: I Want That Inside Me #21
time to get this thread back on topic



  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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281: I Want That Inside Me #22
Lemon Sherman Tank Liatai

Victor Laszlo

  • May my path be lit up by the bridges that I've burned
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281: I Want That Inside Me #23
All of these people posting pictures of perplexed doctors makes me feel like this episode was probably missing something
Victor Laszlo, June 02, 2018, 07:20:57 pm

Speaking of which, what exactly was your reaction to that email Lemon sent you?
Oh goddammit fuck you you Sherman Tank goddamn it!, June 02, 2018, 09:32:49 pm

Basically the text equivalent to this


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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281: I Want That Inside Me #24
Tipsy Almond

Sherman Tank

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281: I Want That Inside Me #25
Corn Syrup Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Lawnchair M.D. Boots Raingear Yavuz chai tea latte Down10

Dr. Buttplug

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281: I Want That Inside Me #26
Speaking as someone who thinks that Transhumanism and body modification stuff is cool, this is about as dumb as wishing you were superman and jumping off of a building to see if you can fly. I'd be willing to have some mad scientist implant bleeding edge tech into my body. However the notion that these people are at all advancing the tech or implementing it in a meaningful way is absurd.

When the headline "FLORIDA MAN'S DICK FALLS OFF DUE HOMEMADE MOTOR IMPLANT" hits the presses it's only going to cause a setback for real scientists. That could be bad considering the majority of this tech is for amputees people suffering from serious diseases.

That's sort of strikes at the heart of it though. Bio tech isn't really for these people, it isn't for the silicon valley richer than god dip shits either, it's for people with debilitating ailments and disabilities.

Anyway I do agree with the one poster and have always dreamed of having cyborg arms. Then again, who hasn't?
Tipsy Almond


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281: I Want That Inside Me #27
Well it's just like the people who read too much harry potter and became "real life witches" who put leaves in a bowl with some salt and chant "skunk skunk spray me now" until the universe solves their problems, only they played too much deus ex, missed all the messages about information control and decided the game was a call to arms for people who wanted to graft fidget spinners into the palms on their hands
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Yavuz Dr. Buttplug Corn Syrup Liatai

chai tea latte

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281: I Want That Inside Me #28
 something that really bothers me about the biohacking community is the cavalier attitude to which people seem to treat the idea of an "upgrade". We still have a limited understanding of phantom limb pain, but that doesn't stop these white-dreadlocs types from wishing they could just swap out limbs and accessories like clothing, nerve damage be damned. So while the lack of research and general dumb shit going on in the ep is stomach-turning, it's been selected for from the top down. I love the idea of biohacking and self autonomy, but this shit is just too fucking dumb to countenance, even for the sympathetic.

Jackal Flapnasty hits the nail on the head - the established tech in this sphere is for people with disabilities. Oscar Pistorius' blade legs were better suited for competitive running than my 'stock' ones, and that's pretty cool to me in a way a magnet implant just isn't.
Wrought Liatai Dr. Buttplug

Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr.

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281: I Want That Inside Me #29
I think this might be the first episode I can't bring my self to listen to. Just the concept alone of having stuff under your skin, possibly moving skeeves me right the fuck out. Idiots going into detail it about might kill my soul enough that I'd have to remove the "Delight" from my name.