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Topic: afraidand.online  (Read 7679 times)

Nifty Nif

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This is a thing I'm making!
afraidand.online is a schizophrenia outreach project that I'm working on.  It's going to be a podcast dealio hosted on tumblr (yes, I know, the best blog format ever) with lots of personal anecdotes and plenty of written materials focused on recovery and living a normal life.  The theming is pretty boring because I'm not much of a designer.  The content is a bit F+ inspired (reading some stuff from the internet) because I can tell that plenty of people on the internet need a little help, or maybe just a friendly voice telling them that they'll be okay and that they're not being gangstalked.
Anyway, it's definitely in draft mode at the moment.  I'm mostly posting it here as a personal commitment, or as a proof of concept or something--proof that I have a concept at all.  Thanks for looking!
Ashto Achilles' Heelies Gyro Lemon Zekka Frank West Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Carbon Bodark DetectiveSlowpoke Emperor Jack Chick eldritchhat NutshellGulag Yavuz Nikaer Drekin chai tea latte JonRG Blandest Liatai nuffkins, of all people, Kaleidoscope Victor Laszlo TempuraCalipso STOG jorty


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afraidand.online #1

Please keep working on this.
Nifty Nif


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afraidand.online #2
This is super exciting, Nif! Do you mind if I reblog that first post, or would you rather I wait until you've got the blog fleshed out more?
Nifty Nif

Nifty Nif

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afraidand.online #3
This is super exciting, Nif! Do you mind if I reblog that first post, or would you rather I wait until you've got the blog fleshed out more?
Bodark, August 12, 2016, 07:13:18 pm

Go for it! It'll motivate me to keep working!


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afraidand.online #4
Nif, this idea is amazing and you're amazing
Nifty Nif