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Topic: If we're really quiet, maybe they won't notice that we're talking about ANIME  (Read 188253 times)

Fatty Bo Batty

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Man, I just remembered that Me!Me!Me! existed, and how poignant it was, and then remembered that the Internet at large didn't get the point, effectively doing the opposite of the moral of the video. Because Tiddies.

cashmir sweaters

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I haven't read the whole thread so I don't know if Planetes has been mentioned. It been awhile since I was into anime but the last one I really liked was Planetes. In the near future Commercial Space is big business, but with all that space traffic comes space debris, which can endanger lives. So Planetes is about a team of space garbage collectors ("Debries Section") whose job it is to clean things up before a lose screw destroys a shuttle. Meanwhile there's a terrorist group running around trying to get the rich nations of Earth to forget space so they can focus on helping poor nations (by blowing shit up) and the first crewed mission to Jupiter is also in the works. Im a bit of a space nut and the accuracy is dead on. Planetes is this great blend of Japanese corporate life and space geek stuff and I love it.


Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Holy fucking shit Yuri On Ice is good.

Edit to elaborate:
* figure skating
* great characters
* it's basically a story about a gay guy figuring out and accepting himself and finding love and how all those things make him and the people around him happy
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Breakfast
« Last Edit: January 05, 2017, 10:07:59 pm by Goose l'orange »

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Holy fucking shit Yuri On Ice is good.
Goose l'orange, January 05, 2017, 10:00:48 pm
Welcome aboard the hype train, you'll find it well stocked in ice-boyfriends
Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Holy fucking shit Yuri On Ice is good.
Goose l'orange, January 05, 2017, 10:00:48 pm
Welcome aboard the hype train, you'll find it well stocked in ice-boyfriends
AgentCoop, January 05, 2017, 10:03:23 pm
Yuri On Ice: Viktor Nikiforov is real and he tried to suck my dick
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte xX_sp00ks_Xx

Ms Dragoness

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So I decided to pick up a show called Kuzu no Honkai (Scum's Wish) because I've only been watching Kobayashi-san and Gabriel DropOut and felt that a dramatic romance anime might be a good break in good ol' softhearted comedic cuteness and I've never had an anime anger me so and I can't stop watching.

Heed my warning: do not watch this show!!

These people are horrible and it will make you mad. Just a warning.


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Hi I'm very new to anime and I've just started watching Your Lie in April

This is sad
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Kemono Friends has gone from being a CGI trashfire to one of the most legit FEELS anime of the season. KABAN, NOOOOOOO!


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Everyone watch this show
AgentCoop, November 11, 2016, 08:26:06 pm

The books are finally being officially released in English and they're just as amazing.  Worth every penny.
I'm due for a rewatch again, maybe I'll watch them as I complete each book.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 11:26:15 am by duz »

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Everyone watch this show
AgentCoop, November 11, 2016, 08:26:06 pm

The books are finally being officially released in English and they're just as amazing.  Worth every penny.
I'm do for a rewatch again, maybe I'll watch them as I complete each book.
duz, March 23, 2017, 01:07:49 pm
I got the first volume not too long ago, they're super great

lazzer grardaion?

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So, there's a Godzilla anime coming later this year, and I fuckin' love me some Godzilla, so I was really excited to hear this! The dude who's directing it has done a bunch of Detective Conan movies (which probably isn't super representative what Godzilla will be like), and also the Netflix original series 'Knights of Sidonia', so I decided to give that a shot.

The premise of this Godzilla anime is apparently that, in the future, Godzilla (and presumably other monsters) has fucked up the world so bad that humanity evacuates in big ark ships and leaves for a distant star system. The system is less habitable than they'd hoped, so a group makes the decision to return to earth and duke it out with the monsters to try and win back the planet, but because of time dilation 20,000 years have passed when they get back.

The premise of Knights of Sidonia is that, in the future, giant aliens have fucked up the world so bad that humanity evacuates in big ark ships and leaves for a bunch of different star systems (though the Sidonia hasn't had contact with any of the others for hundreds of years, so as far as they know they're the only ones left). The aliens are basically everywhere, so they're constantly duking it out with the aliens to try and keep what's left of humanity alive.

So yeah, I think this might not be a terrible guide for what I should expect from the Godzilla anime.

Spoiler alert: I'm now a lot less excited for the Godzilla anime.

Knights of Sidonia starts off okay! It reminds me a lot of the first season of Battlestar Galactica, where the ship is constantly being attacked by the aliens, they have a very limited amount of the material that can actually kill the aliens permanently, and under all this tension, people's petty conflicts start putting lives at risk. Then the show slowly and insidiously transforms into a harem anime.

And, I'm just going to say this now, the art style makes it really hard (for me at least) to tell people apart.


These are all different major characters.

Anyways, the series has a lot of... very dumb decisions on the part of its characters. The aliens (which look like very angry scoops of strawberry ice cream) attack by grabbing the heroes' robot suits with their tentacles. Then another character will heroically rush in to cut the tentacles with a big knife, thereby getting grabbed by the tentacles and heroically sacrificing themselves (instead of using the big laser beam that their dang robot suits have). This happens multiple times. Additionally, the Sidonia is a spaceship, and consequently it sometimes experiences significant acceleration, so you would think that it would be constructed with stability in mind, making sure everything can be locked down fairly easily. Instead, the interior of the ship is built like the Kowloon Walled City, and when the ship has to make emergency maneuvers, people are fucking falling out of windows, furniture is flying everywhere, buildings and bridges are falling down.  It's a very bad design.

Then the show starts slowly introducing... weird things. The show takes place a thousand years in the future, and roughly a hundred years ago there was a massive food shortage, so people have been genetically modified to photosynthesize. This is an excuse to have characters need to be naked on a regular basis, which leads to wacky, hilarious, and original hijinks in which the protagonist goes to visit a lady, sees her naked, and gets punched through a wall. Then they mention that the flight suits have a weird organic catheter, which is a little worm that slides its way up your urethra. This is all just an excuse for a scene where all the female pilots are putting on their flight suits and looking uncomfortable.

So, anyways, the protagonist's love interest gets eaten by an alien, then she later (kinda) comes back as a weird human-alien hybrid experiment. Most of her body is a big armored monster thing, but she communicates through a tentacle that, uh...

...looks like a penis.

Then the protagonist, two girls, and the tentacle monster all get an apartment together, and hey we have successfully morphed into a harem anime.

There's ostensibly a plot about a mad scientist trying to become god or something, but that never really matters much (maybe season 3? who knows).

Talking about the mad scientist reminds me that I haven't really talked about the characters much. Here's the quick rundown:

  • Likes food
  • Sad when people die
  • Oblivious to girls wanting to fuck him

Girls (including the tentacle monster):
  • Want to fuck the protagonist

Beyond that, there are a lot of little things in the show that are either clearly borrowed from other better anime, or very abruptly dropped. There's a shadowy council on the ship of folks who have modified themselves to be immortal, and are very clearly modeled after the Seele council from Evangelion, except whereas Seele continually hinted at secrets being kept from the characters, and was clearly orchestrating something big, the immortal council accomplishes nothing and then gets murdered. There's a special material that's the only thing that can permanently destroy the aliens, and they only have enough for 38 spears tipped with the stuff, except fairly early on in the series they figure out a way to mass-produce it and they're shooting it out of cannons and making all kinds of shit out of it. Characters bring up a bunch of times that maybe the aliens are simply misunderstood, and maybe they only seem to be attacking us because we can't understand each other, and I think this is presented in such a way that the viewer is supposed to agree, but it never goes anywhere, and it seems like the aliens are mindless monsters.

So yeah, it's bad generic anime. Now, it's very possible that all of these issues are from the original manga, so I can't completely count out the director, but yeah, I'm much less hopeful about the Godzilla thing.

Just so I don't end on a down note, let me mention one thing I do like about Knights of Sidonia: there's a character who is  a bear with a robot arm.

She is a chef. She has a regular human voice, and it is never explained why she is a bear.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 09:48:14 am by LancashireMcGee »

Guts Going Nutz

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kill me
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Macho Masc Sangy Savage

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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kill me
Guts Going Nutz, May 02, 2017, 09:18:42 pm

Watching cgi berserk like


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I have reached the second half of Gurren Lagan and holy shit when did this show become super fucking depressing what the fuck.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Fatty Bo Batty

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I have reached the second half of Gurren Lagan and holy shit when did this show become super fucking depressing what the fuck.
Runic, May 02, 2017, 10:13:38 pm

You are in the valley before one of the greatest peaks.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop