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Topic: Your friends do terrible accents  (Read 8855 times)


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Your friends do terrible accents
Trav chai tea latte GirlKisser420


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Your friends do terrible accents #1
I was not expecting this to be as hard as it is. What the fuck is Iranian?


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Your friends do terrible accents #2
So whose playing this game?

We had some quality time on this the day before The F Plus Live show, and it went over pretty well. Anyone else play this at a party?


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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Your friends do terrible accents #3
I've got a party friday with a few fplus fans in attendance, I'll push for it there. It's just not something you can really play online, unfortunately, and I don't really want to hear a lot of people's nigerian accents
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 12:06:05 am by GirlKisser420 »

Emperor Jack Chick

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Your friends do terrible accents #4
as a declarative sentence, I agree with the title.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Your friends do terrible accents #5
chai tea latte RoeCocoa


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Your friends do terrible accents #6
The domain badaccent.club is up for renewal next month.

Looking at the data of the site, I can see it's getting played, but still kind of an edge case as far as "is this worth paying for", so here's my idea...

BadAccentClub is a public repo which has been worked on by me and me alone. Some folks have said that the site could use more content, and I agree.

I will renew the domain if I get a pull request with changes. Never done a PR before? This could be your first.

Here's the Repo: https://github.com/AhoyLemon/badaccent.club

Wanna add to the list of available quotes/accents? Go right ahead.

Here's the list of accents: https://github.com/AhoyLemon/badaccent.club/blob/master/js/partials/_accents.js
Here's the list of quotes: https://github.com/AhoyLemon/badaccent.club/blob/master/js/partials/_quotes.js

Wanna play with the logic of the game? That's all in the _vue.js file. Wanna play with the look of the game? I'm amenable to that. Look in /pug for the HTML and /scss for the css. If you get into that you'll probably want Prepros.

Point is: Fork my repo and make some changes, we'll keep this site going for another year. If nobody does, that's fine too. It'll still be available as an Android app.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 11:43:54 am by Lemon »


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Your friends do terrible accents #7
Update:  No PRs came in, bad accent club is retired.