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Topic: Episode 97: Even Nonsense  (Read 36248 times)


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #15
Edit: Okay I just visited the comments section and holy shit she is loving the attention she is getting from you guys. She'll probably wind up spending ten dollars to post here and then we can ban her for only ever talking about herself.
Isfahan, April 04, 2013, 05:56:51 pm

I'd pay $10 for that!

edit: I thought about it, and I would legitimately pay $10 for Amy Lee to join these forums. Maybe all "I inspired x to y" talk could be confined to its own thread? I just want to hear if she has inspired / met One Direction yet.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 09:25:29 pm by Psammetichus »

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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #16
And you know what we could use it for?

Creating an Amy Lee-bot to generate BS inspiration claims. HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #17
"I not only collaborated with the two "Steves" of Apple, but also Bill Gates over the years and their team of experts. I'm not behind F+Podcast. "

THIS JUST IN: We're the only thing not invented by Amy Lee


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #18
We're so utterly vile that Amy Lee doesn't want to take credit for us?

Jesus Christ, I don't want to be in any more recordings.  This is killing my career. 
I need to get a new angle.  Maybe a better stage name. 

Now who the hell could I turn to for that sort of thing?
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes TheCrawlingChaos
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 11:47:37 pm by bunnybread »


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #19
Chill dude.

I'm behind the F+ podcast.  I'm also behind Amy Lee.  Where do you think all those ideas actually came from?

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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #20
We're so utterly vile that Amy Lee doesn't want to take credit for us?

Jesus Christ, I don't want to be in any more recordings.  This is killing my career. 
I need to get a new angle.  Maybe a better stage name. 

Now who the hell could I turn to for that sort of thing?
bunnybread, April 04, 2013, 11:34:07 pm

I'll be the first to nominate Bunny Lee as a stage name. That or Fluffy Aftercare.


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #21
We're so utterly vile that Amy Lee doesn't want to take credit for us?

Jesus Christ, I don't want to be in any more recordings.  This is killing my career. 
I need to get a new angle.  Maybe a better stage name. 

Now who the hell could I turn to for that sort of thing?
bunnybread, April 04, 2013, 11:34:07 pm

I'll be the first to nominate Bunny Lee as a stage name. That or Fluffy Aftercare.
Al, April 05, 2013, 10:03:01 am

God damn it, I called dibs on Fluffy Aftercare like a week ago!


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #22
Her delusions are fantastic (in every sense of the word). I think she might be inspired by the culture of "groupies" from the 1960s and '70s (as depicted in the film "Almost Famous"), where certain girls got connected to the biggest names in rock, but any claims for inspiring those artists and their art are only anecdotal.

If it weren't for the internet, she'd have a really shitty time keeping track of the time of all these remarkable songs and stories she "created".


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #23
I, being King Video Games, asked her about id Software's most popular first person shooters, and I get this shit:

Reginald Charming - I focused on user web interface, operating systems, search engine, etc.


Being serious for a moment, I was actually expecting that. I would have given her a thumbs-up if she had used one of the many metal bands ripped off for Doom's soundtrack to show how she influenced that game.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 06:14:41 pm by STOG »


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #24
I could only make it halfway through this episode, for two reasons:

1) It was getting pretty painful to listen to the crazy spiral of delusions generated from obvious mental problems, as hilariously-manifest as they were

2) I was having bad flashbacks to my experience with one notorious dude back in the PoE days (I dare not invoke his name because doing such is what got him stalking/harassing me across several websites for a while but I suppose one could say he is an "artistic photographer at deviantart" or something).

I do appreciate that she took the time out of her busy schedule of going back in time to write every song and personally invent every musician to answer everyone's questions in the main site's comment thread though.


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #25
Somehow, what bothered me most was the implication Kurt Cobain would have wanted anything to do with Def Leppard. I mean, I'm not the biggest Nirvana fan, but come on. The guy had better taste than that.

btw, during the Jeff Dunham segment, I was waiting for a call-back to the Kindle Porn ep. The stilted writing and endless talk of cruises could easily have segued into "...his name was George. He was the captain of the ship. He was 45 years old."


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #26
Somehow, what bothered me most was the implication Kurt Cobain would have wanted anything to do with Def Leppard. I mean, I'm not the biggest Nirvana fan, but come on. The guy had better taste than that.
Dacey Mormont, April 08, 2013, 02:04:06 am

Hey, thems fighting words! I may be first to admit Def Leppard is not exactly Mozard, but it's my kind of silly and if I ever get married the groom better get used to the idea that all the music in our reception will be cheesy 70s and 80s metal.


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #27
Is Nutshell broadcasting from an oil drum in this episode?
Geremy Tibbles, March 26, 2013, 10:54:56 pm

No kidding. I need to get a new mic.
NutshellGulag, March 27, 2013, 01:07:20 am

I wasn't bothered by it until you said "We're all Amy Lee down here" and I had to turn all the lights on in the middle of the day.

Tagline for this ep should be "Art Imitates People Imitating Life".

I'm surprised she didn't take credit for Ben Folds' "Zak and Sara", which is clearly based on her life:

Often Sara would have spells where she lost time
She saw the future, she heard voices from inside
The kind of voices she would soon learn to deny
Because at home they got her smacked


She saw the lights, she saw the pale English face
Some strange machines repeating beats and thumping bass
Visions of pills that put you in a loving trance
That make it possible for all white boys to dance
And when Zak finished Sara's song, Sara clapped

Obviously, the pale English face belongs to Freddie Mercury, Sara is another one of Amy's names, and Zak is fucking everyone in existence.


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Episode 97: Even Nonsense #28
"she's a 1-woman Brill Building"

still laughing, JF I love you man