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Topic: 345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy  (Read 36899 times)


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #15
I opened the doc solely to find out how Webeewize Unyubeekuku was spelled.

Great Joe

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #16
Everything about this is perfect.


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #17
I think one of the other things about this site that gives off Dozerfleet/Saganfan vibes is the naming conventions. Both of those guys had a weird tendency to give their characters these bizarre, uncanny valley names that sound almost, but not quite, like a name an actual person would have. Stuff like Fredirck Galactico Impcus, Sabirius ChaKhan, Shalia Flippo, John Domeck or Pinkella Goldsen. While not all the names on the Supernanny fan wiki fall into this category, there were enough for it to be noticeable...
adrenochrome dome SHAMBA~1.SBB


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #18
Was thinking about it last night and I have a feeling this wiki is kinda am extension of kids writing super edgy versions of children's shows. Children's shows are very tame, which for some people makes it super fun to corrupt them or attempt to make them seem bad by portraying them in a certain way, and that's the same but instead with supernanny.
dractivisionary, February 07, 2021, 09:58:12 am
Absolutely. From what I saw of the wiki I'm almost 100% certain that these are a bunch of kids, probably like 11 or 12 or so, just practicing a prolonged game of internet oneupsmanship. You thought YOUR fanon episode was crazy?! Well here's MINE! Your teenager has been kicked out of school? Well mine has been kicked out of a HUNDRED schools!!!

For this reason I disagree with calling them "severely broken" and instead posit that they are "very funny"
positive stress, February 07, 2021, 10:39:23 am

this would be a workable theory if the wiki did not consist of 11,000+ pages and they were not still editing it while we were in there recording the episode
Achilles' Heelies Seth "Slimy" Rollins Lemon SHAMBA~1.SBB Macho Masc Sangy Savage


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #19
I desperately want an oral history of this wiki. There's clearly some kind of magnificent human story going on here and I need to know it.

Mz Saturn

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #20
Hey everybody, really glad people are enjoying the episode they got out of my doc. Gonna share some of my thoughts here.

First of all, I was pointed towards this wiki from a random post on tumblr by someone who had stumbled upon it. One rabbit hole later, I spent about four hours constructing the doc because I had no idea what else to do. This sort of experience has to be shared.

Second, I really recommend looking through the website and exploring it yourself. There’s no other way to really understand (as much as one can) the ins and outs of this strange little community.

The admins have provided the majority of the pages on the wiki, but there are a couple other prolific users, many of which have been banned. For example, the guy who kept making those portmanteau names? No longer allowed to post. He’s banned for making something like 27 of the same type of family with weird and sometimes genuinely offensive names. The admins kept his pages up, for some reason. I think this is because it would eliminate some of the “episodes” and therefore fuck up the “seasons”, but this is speculation on my part.

Most of the admins have definitely been here since they were children but did not leave since becoming adults. Looking at the front page and in their profiles, you’ll find they have their own share of drama and interpersonal issues. In my doc I included a link to this page, which is just publicly shaming people for not adhering to the wiki’s standards: https://supernannyfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Disruptive_Editing_Chart

Further, there’s community-specific terms and slang that I found really fascinating, like referring to certain characters as “amok runners”. Obviously this sort of coinage happens in any internet community, but there’s some stuff I still haven’t been able to parse. In some character profiles you’ll see in the trivia that they “share the same brain mixed” with other characters. I still have no idea what this means. None of my research yielded any explanations.

Also, the page for Reicheru Chaiko itself would have been the length of a whole goddamn document. It’s bonkers long and I still don’t know how this character relates to anything in the wiki. I think she’s haunting the descendants of the people who killed her. It is very confusing.

Anyway, if I do make another doc I promise it will not be this ungodly long, but paring this one down was very difficult. It is a lot like the Dozerfleet wiki because there is so much wonderful and confusing material I had trouble choosing what to include. Another reason you might want to spend some time looking around, yourself.

Edit: Oh, and big thanks to the guys for recording this! You all did really funny stuff with the material and it was a real treat to hear K Thor on the show again. Great episode, and I’m not just saying that because I compiled the doc for it.
kthorjensen KingKalamari Achilles' Heelies Frank West Antivehicular chai tea latte Sorrel Spacebat Cradicus Immoral Filth adrenochrome dome Dr. Buttplug Captain Fargle Big Stinky SHAMBA~1.SBB One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes
« Last Edit: February 07, 2021, 04:39:01 pm by Mz Saturn »

positive stress

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #21
Was thinking about it last night and I have a feeling this wiki is kinda am extension of kids writing super edgy versions of children's shows. Children's shows are very tame, which for some people makes it super fun to corrupt them or attempt to make them seem bad by portraying them in a certain way, and that's the same but instead with supernanny.
dractivisionary, February 07, 2021, 09:58:12 am
Absolutely. From what I saw of the wiki I'm almost 100% certain that these are a bunch of kids, probably like 11 or 12 or so, just practicing a prolonged game of internet oneupsmanship. You thought YOUR fanon episode was crazy?! Well here's MINE! Your teenager has been kicked out of school? Well mine has been kicked out of a HUNDRED schools!!!

For this reason I disagree with calling them "severely broken" and instead posit that they are "very funny"
positive stress, February 07, 2021, 10:39:23 am

this would be a workable theory if the wiki did not consist of 11,000+ pages and they were not still editing it while we were in there recording the episode
kthorjensen, February 07, 2021, 03:13:59 pm
Ah! Well, nevertheless,
A Meat


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #22
In like 5 years mainstream media will be struggling to understand the supernanny wiki and it's effect on america
Seth "Slimy" Rollins Achilles' Heelies Frank West Penultimatum chai tea latte Phantom Creep Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #23
I don't think the Fourth Stimpire copypasta ever got read on the F Plus, but that's what a ton of this stuff sounded like to me. For those that don't know, it's an extremely lengthy and robotic description of this dystopian society where anything even vaguely enjoyable is punishable by cartoonish, Superjail-esque surgical punishments like "your skeleton is dissolved and replaced with liquid metal that hurts you five million times every nanosecond for a googolplex years" and things like that.


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #24
Hey everybody, really glad people are enjoying the episode they got out of my doc. Gonna share some of my thoughts here.

First of all, I was pointed towards this wiki from a random post on tumblr by someone who had stumbled upon it. One rabbit hole later, I spent about four hours constructing the doc because I had no idea what else to do. This sort of experience has to be shared. 
Mz Saturn, February 07, 2021, 03:48:22 pm

Congrats on the excellent first doc.

I should mention the turnover time was impressive, the effect this site has on doc makers is pretty much like blood in the water for sharks. You did a good job getting it in first.
Mz Saturn Lemon Boots Raingear Seth "Slimy" Rollins

Shell Game

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #25
Hey everybody, really glad people are enjoying the episode they got out of my doc. Gonna share some of my thoughts here.

First of all, I was pointed towards this wiki from a random post on tumblr by someone who had stumbled upon it. One rabbit hole later, I spent about four hours constructing the doc because I had no idea what else to do. This sort of experience has to be shared. 
Mz Saturn, February 07, 2021, 03:48:22 pm

Congrats on the excellent first doc.

I should mention the turnover time was impressive, the effect this site has on doc makers is pretty much like blood in the water for sharks. You did a good job getting it in first.
GirlKisser420, February 07, 2021, 11:31:31 pm
can confirm. You had some people very sad they were too slow.
Mz Saturn

Mz Saturn

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #26

Congrats on the excellent first doc.

I should mention the turnover time was impressive, the effect this site has on doc makers is pretty much like blood in the water for sharks. You did a good job getting it in first.
GirlKisser420, February 07, 2021, 11:31:31 pm
can confirm. You had some people very sad they were too slow.
Shell Game, February 08, 2021, 12:28:00 am

Thanks to both of you! Big fan of y’all’s docs and of Extra Credit as well. I kind of had a feeling this fan wiki, once knowledge of it began to spread, would inevitably get turned into a doc pretty quick. I actually thought I’d get beaten to the punch. But this is the result of a very weird New Year’s Eve at the end of a very weird year.
Shell Game Cradicus Boots Raingear Dr. Buttplug Macho Masc Sangy Savage


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #27
This was just a tremendous episode to record and it's fair to say that a 44 page doc didn't even scrape the surface as we headed into the depths of the site pretty quickly and were still going strong even at the very end - stuff like the 20 Man Canoe Assassination literally came up as we were trying to find a good place to stop, and I feel confident that we could have kept going until sanity ran out. Just an incredible find and a pleasure to have been a part of.
Boots Raingear Shell Game Mz Saturn Immoral Filth Dr. Buttplug Lemon SHAMBA~1.SBB

Shell Game

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #28
This was just a tremendous episode to record and it's fair to say that a 44 page doc didn't even scrape the surface as we headed into the depths of the site pretty quickly and were still going strong even at the very end - stuff like the 20 Man Canoe Assassination literally came up as we were trying to find a good place to stop, and I feel confident that we could have kept going until sanity ran out. Just an incredible find and a pleasure to have been a part of.
kthorjensen, February 08, 2021, 01:42:45 pm
Oh trust me, I've informed the crestfallen documenters that they have more than their fair share to grab at. For reasons that are totally selfish. This jealous crab has no shame.
Great Joe Mz Saturn A Meat Zemyla Macho Masc Sangy Savage

A Meat

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #29
I hope none of the editors ever have kids of their own, then they'll need to call in a nanny who will shatter their dreams by not suplexing their child into a naughty pit or super naughty pit