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Topic: Episode 121: A Not At All Brief History Of Dozerfleet  (Read 48666 times)


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The scariest thing about this guy is that I feel like we all have considered being him at some point in our internet lives.  I mean, eventually, everyone stumbles onto wikia and realizes that they could theoretically make their own wiki all about their awesome ideas and non-conformist views, so that some day someone else would be like, "wow this person is brilliant."  Or am I just a huge narcissist for having had that thought at one point?Cleft Uppercut, January 03, 2014, 09:25:46 pm

Having had one such thought doesn't make you a narcissist. Almost everyone likes to imagine dazzling others with one's wit and/or profundity occasionally. Most people don't turn this desire into a way of life or wish death on an entire region of a country, however. (Regarding the latter: I attended high school with someone who came from a sheltered "Christian" household, and he opined that Hurricane Katrina was a divine punishment for New Orleans residents' hedonistic lifestyles. A secluded, intensely religious life may be enough for someone to divide all of humanity into "worthy" and "unworthy" categories for arbitrary reasons [thus the callousness toward one's fellow man in the event of such disasters], but the sheer glee with which Dozerfleet mocks hurricane victims is, indeed, sociopathic.)

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Holy shit. His description of Take Back the Night is... it sure is a thing: http://dozerfleet.wikia.com/wiki/FSL:_Show_6

He's like some grotesque caricature of a human being, shambling around in a skin suit.


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I gave into my curiosity and checked the "forum" bit of his wiki.

Voting for Michele Bachmann!


Notice how all the "saved replies" that oppose him are like one or two sentence long, while his side gets to go on for several paragraphs.

By sending the DNR and other agencies to Tombstone, AZ to make sure it dies of thirst rather than repairs its water supply, Obama has made it clear he cares nothing for the rights of states. The same can be said of his contempt for Arizona's immigration law, which is actually more lenient than the "non-racist" immigration laws of Mexico that say "all Gringos are to be shot."

Damn, even our immigration only says "Never trust a Ruskie".

Since repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," the navy reports three sodomy rapes per day. Obama's solution? Put on lewd sex plays funded by the Pentagon. Since then? The rape rate has only gotten HIGHER! Solution? More of the same. Is this what we elected Obama for?

Curse you Obama! All those gay rapists were just waiting for the day when they didn't have to hide the fact they were GAY rapists.

Zsa Zsa

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I keep looking through the wiki for pieces of original artwork (rather than his ubiquitous Sims-rendered pics). Most recently I found this.

He is believed to be a man named Barry who suffers brain damage, but nobody is really entirely certain what his issue is.


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Is that a description of the character, or the artist?


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Ugh, Dozerfleet wiki creator is just a far-right talking-point-repeating machine. To take ZA's selection previously quoted:

1.  Are you an earthworm?  No?  Then why live like one?

Creationists like to repeat this line from some textbook about how humans are distantly related to earthworms by evolution and then claim this is the reason there are so many school shootings: evolution teaches that you're nothing! Upon hearing this, students instinctually grab the closest gun and shoot people. Obviously, the problem is biology class, and not readily available access to firearms.

2.  If in Adam's fall, so did all (which used to be a mandatory part of teaching children how to read), then...

This is from the New England primer from 1777. Children were taught the alphabet using Biblical couplets. In modern time, we have A for Apple, B for Ball, etc. But back then they had, for A, "In ADAM's Fall, We sinned all" and for C "CHRIST Crucified, For sinners dy'd," etc. So it was for teaching the alphabet, not to read, and it wasn't mandatory. And he got the quote wrong and mangled the theological message (If in Adam's fall, so did all? He shouldn't have added the qualifier if, which casts the whole couplet into theological doubt.)

3.  The human mind would be prone to curiosity AND rebellion against a pre-ordained order.  Which is exactly what we see.

Maybe God shouldn't have made humans with the ability to rebel against His perfect order but hey, I'm not God. (Also, this bit of chicanery would make mafiosi proud. God makes humanity with the ability to sin and then has His Son as the only way to escape that sin. Oy vey, what a racket!)

4.  Therefore, the temptation to violate boundaries that one KNOWS produce no good results will always be there.  But some will be more prone to certain harmful tendencies than others.  Which is also observable.


7.  There is no such thing as sexual "orientation."  There is male and female sexuality, and then there is perversion of it.  Which is a spiritual AFFLICTION.  The reason "orientation" started being used as a term in the 90s was to serve as a more effective political battering ram.  This is because the term used before the writing inf 1992's "After the Ball" was "preference."

"Sexual orientation" was first used in 1967, and After the Ball was published in 1989. Also, no.

But "preference" implied a choice on whether or not to act.  Except, there is always a choice.  If a pretty lady walks into the room, I have to make a choice to disrobe with her.  It's not an automatic response.  I can always choose to keep my clothes one and resist her charms. 

As if panties could stay in position when Dozerfleet creator walks into a room!

Now, I also have a preference for Asians and Filipinas.


This might be called a "fetish."

Nah, more like racism based on a fundamental misunderstanding of both American and Asian cultures and hinging on the (previously absent) manifestation of ethnic and racial stereotypes.

However, I can, with time, choose to override it and replace it with a fascination for some other type of woman.  However, the Orders of Creation are in no way usurped by liking the visual appearance of an ethnicity other than my own.  That's still man-woman according to God's plan, and within variations of one created kind.  So I don't see a POINT in trying not to find such women interesting.

ok you totally side-stepped the question here

8.  It is unfair to say that there is "no connection whatsoever" between Crookedist depravity and pedophilia.

I'd say the problem is depravity, not homosexuality.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 03:37:29 pm by Psammetichus »


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Obviously, the problem is biology class, and not readily available access to firearms.
Psammetichus, January 05, 2014, 03:34:26 pm
Man, you should know that is the kind of declaration that sparks debates that totally derail threads.
Don't be a buzzkill when we are all enjoying Dozerfleet.

Now back to Dozerfleet, I think the most cringe worthy page Dozerfleet has created is his LinkedIn page:
I dislike LinkedIn but either this person totally fucking doesn't understand it or he is actually listing Dozerfleet Productions in his CV and saying he has worked in it for "19 years and 4 months".
I don't think he gets what normal people mean by exaggerating your CV.


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From the non-biblical reasons to oppose gay marriage page...

Sticking a penis in anyone's mouth, man or woman, has never been conducive to the benefit of anyone
Dozerfleet Founder
Unfortunately, homosexual activists are operating under the assumption that someone's day could be improved by getting head.
zmonbobbo McMillan and Waifu Sherman Tank


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From the non-biblical reasons to oppose gay marriage page...

Sticking a penis in anyone's mouth, man or woman, has never been conducive to the benefit of anyone
Dozerfleet Founder
Unfortunately, homosexual activists are operating under the assumption that someone's day could be improved by getting head.
Lemon, January 05, 2014, 05:42:19 pm
Just to be safe, we should go lesbian.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Sticking a penis in anyone's mouth, man or woman, has never been conducive to the benefit of anyone
Dozerfleet Founder
This dude has never gotten a blowjob and I have zero sympathy or pity for him.


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From the non-biblical reasons to oppose gay marriage page...

Sticking a penis in anyone's mouth, man or woman, has never been conducive to the benefit of anyone
Dozerfleet Founder
Unfortunately, homosexual activists are operating under the assumption that someone's day could be improved by getting head.
Lemon, January 05, 2014, 05:42:19 pm

A bulb for you, sir.


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Even if the mother were endangered by complications, it is her duty like a pelican's to be willing to rip her own chest apart and die to protect her children. A woman unwilling to sacrifice herself for her infant children is a nature-derelict.

Arrives in this thread several pages late to declare that PELICANS DO NOT ACTUALLY TEAR UP THEIR OWN BODIES TO FEED THEIR YOUNG. This is a myth in the vein of "ostriches bury their heads in the sand" and "lemmings commit mass suicide", but specifically one that has been filtered through CHRIST-O-VISION.

Mother pelicans hold their bills close to their chest while feeding their young on regurgitated fish, as this position is the most effective for emptying the pouch and insuring the young eat their food. To an observer, this may appear to be the pelican wounding her own chest to feed the young on blood, but any blood is disgusting fish slurry in reality. This apparent act of self-sacrifice was of course leapt upon by Christianity as a symbol representing Jesus- which is kind of hilarious, given what the pelican is actually doing.

Dozerfleet Dude's context for quoting this myth is repugnant even without his complete misunderstanding of how pelicans work, but the misunderstanding really pushes this into new levels of idiocy.
Sherman Tank

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Even if the mother were endangered by complications, it is her duty like a pelican's to be willing to rip her own chest apart and die to protect her children. A woman unwilling to sacrifice herself for her infant children is a nature-derelict.

Arrives in this thread several pages late to declare that PELICANS DO NOT ACTUALLY TEAR UP THEIR OWN BODIES TO FEED THEIR YOUNG. This is a myth in the vein of "ostriches bury their heads in the sand" and "lemmings commit mass suicide", but specifically one that has been filtered through CHRIST-O-VISION.
Ansemaru, January 15, 2014, 08:05:00 pm

To say nothing of the fact that the whole argument is a big ol' naturalism fallacy even if his facts were right.

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Won't be / the next victim / for you! /
I'd prefer / to think that / I can / run you through! /

So what / you hate me? / No more Real Nice Guy! /
Baby / die die die!!! /

(Die die!!!)

Dragged me / deep into the / mud enough! /
Now I'll / make my comeback / and I'll / strut my stuff! /

Time for payback, / gonna / make you cry! /
Then you'll / die die die!!! /

To borrow from Toast in an earlier episode, it's like somebody was exaggerating way too much in a story about a serial killer.  Like to the point were I'm not even sure this guy's for real anymore.


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In some other thread on here, I think, someone mentioned a theory about how Sonic, as the coolest thing a kid in a hyper-controlled environment might be allowed to play, ends up as a common ground for so many people with issues.  Thinking about that and the "no one has ever been so conservative and so into Sims" made me realize that's probably what's up with Dozerfleet's relentless fascination with the game.  Given his super strict religious family it's not a big stretch to think that they were probably against violent video games but fine with ones like The Sims. 
Sherman Tank