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Topic: Episode 47: In the Land of Dragon Dildos, Is the Chin-Waddle Man King?  (Read 19407 times)


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So an acquaintance of mine and I think former casual F+ fan (I never see them around anymore) mentioned being upset by the Bad Dragon episode because it made fun of people who liked to stretch their assholes.

Thanks for that premature tip-off as to how every conversation I would ever have with them would go.

Listening to this episode again, I do have a question: What was the timeframe on it, and on eps of similar...uh...stress levels?  This one is segmented enough that you can hear significant rises and falls in how freaked out everyone is, and possibly how drunk STOG is (someone even comments on this at one point).  Do you guys have to take breaks during recording for some subject matter because it's just that off-putting?  Is there content where it's so off-putting that you CAN'T take a break, like the Unschooling ep seems to roll with?  I'm unfortunately not a stranger to snark fatigue, and I'm curious as to how it manifests with the Ridiculists.


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So an acquaintance of mine and I think former casual F+ fan (I never see them around anymore) mentioned being upset by the Bad Dragon episode because it made fun of people who liked to stretch their assholes.
Delcat, June 02, 2013, 05:27:25 am
You need new friends, Delcat. Also new acquaintances.
Delcat Acierocolotl Alpha Starsquatch chai tea latte Lemon Navigator Sherman Tank


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So an acquaintance of mine and I think former casual F+ fan (I never see them around anymore) mentioned being upset by the Bad Dragon episode because it made fun of people who liked to stretch their assholes.
Delcat, June 02, 2013, 05:27:25 am
You need new friends, Delcat. Also new acquaintances.
Juice Unlimited, June 02, 2013, 07:09:57 am

When I said I never see them around anymore?  I meant HERE, ON THIS FORUM.


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Let the witch hunt begin!

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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So an acquaintance of mine and I think former casual F+ fan (I never see them around anymore) mentioned being upset by the Bad Dragon episode because it made fun of people who liked to stretch their assholes.
Delcat, June 02, 2013, 05:27:25 am
If I liked to stretch my asshole wide enough to drive a model train into, I think that'd make me fair game for mockery.

It's not kink-shaming. It's a natural reaction to monster cock overshare.


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I think the usual claim on episodes is valid here. Its not making fun of people who own and use dildos exotic or not. Its making fun of people who like to share that information with the world and role play with them. If I went around talking about things I own for the whole world to see with my name attached then yeah please make fun of me. Because I enjoy a good joke.Now I'm a partial fan of Dan Savage and I agree with him on being sex positive and whatnot, but I really don't need, or want to see everything that goes on in your bedroom. If you want to share then good for you, I can choose not to view it happily. I will kink shame only when you rub that kink in my face. Some people just lack the ability to differentiate who wants to have that kink shared with them.


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joke, it was in fact a joke opener

just wanna clarify that

carry on

(and as far as witch hunts go, they posted a few times and haven't been on since, so don't go side-eyein' each other, they're long gone)

Keetah Spacecat

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If you want to shove giant rubber dicks up for butt for fun and enjoyment, hey! More power to you! Have lots of fun!

It's just when you get a whole bunch of people that like to put rubber dicks up their butts in one place in one forum is when it starts to get weird. Especially when they are so broken they start roleplaying that the silicon dragon pussy they bought is a real person coming to see them and be their waifu forever.

The sharing portion is the most horrific cause people take pictures of rubber dicks in their butts and people crit it and it's like what I was raised to keep bedroom antics in the bedroom :x


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Especially when they are so broken they start roleplaying that the silicon dragon pussy they bought is a real person coming to see them and be their waifu forever.
Keetah Spacecat, June 02, 2013, 11:54:25 am

Oh yeah, that was the other question I had, thanks for reminding me!  Both times I've listened to the ep, I've gone "Wait, WHAT?" at that part and run it back to confirm that yes, the "mate" he was talking about "meeting" was, in fact, a rubber fucktoy.  Was there that moment of horrible realization re: "Oh God he's not talking about another furry AT ALL" for the Ridiculists too?

I remember being so fucking hammered I could barely stand after reading that episode.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 02:11:24 pm by jack-chick »

Emperor Jack Chick

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Apparently I accidentally edited your post, and now I can't de-edit it. Sorry about that!


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On the contrary, it's a pretty clear answer.

Sherman Tank

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Wrought Eider Duck Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Liatai


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ye badde tweetes
Ramona Chingona

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What are you talking about, Elon Musk proudly proclaiming that a giant dildo dragon is the way of the future would be so 2018. Just another chapter in his midlife crisis.