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September 20, 2024, 08:25:59 pm

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Topic: I write  (Read 11095 times)

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
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I write
On politics, and Poland, and Dutch society.

Mostly in Dutch, but If you happen upon something interesting and Google butchers that shit beyond recognition, I'll gladly translate to English.

http://www.krapuul.nl/author/standplaats-krk/ <- A Dutch radical left-wing publication
https://standplaatskrk.wordpress.com/ <- Wordpress blog featuring some translations
https://medium.com/@Standplaats_KRK <- Medium
https://www.facebook.com/StandplaatsKrakow/ <- FB-page
https://www.patreon.com/StandplaatsKrakow <- And even a Patreon

Let me take this opportunity to solicit ideas for articles that need writing: I can use the inspiration.

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
  • 115
  • 5

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
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  • 5
I write #2

None of the criticism sent their way by hundreds of concerned folks protesting the dehumanization and humiliation of the weakest members of Dutch society get any results or even serious reactions by the Rotterdam cops.

This makes their repeated whining for more respect from citizens hypocritical as hell, and makes me more and more convinced that, yes, All Cops Are Bastards.

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
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  • 5
I write #3

These folks, of the VVD (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie: Peoples’ Party for Freedom and Democracy) want to make it illegal to call a vegetarian schnitzel a schnitzel. Or vegan sausage a sausage.

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
  • 115
  • 5
I write #4
We're going to revive our English language sister-site Krapuul.com too!

So what is krapuul? Krapuul is Dutch for ”scum”. That’s right, we write about scum. We write about corrupt politicans, crazy politics, stupid policemen, nasty “journalists”, companies that kill people for profit, hate, racism, fascism and nazism. We write about hypocrisy. We never lie. So you can imagine that the subjects of our articles are usually rather unhappy. Most of the times that gives us a good laugh but sometimes it can become rather nasty.

Anyway it’s for a good cause! Justice and freedom for all. We are all about freedom and justice for everybody. For real, not like those political parties in the Netherlands that use the word Freedom in their name.

So if you have interesting stuff that fits the above profile, drop me a line, We always aim for authorial diversity and full creative freedom!

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
  • 115
  • 5
I write #5
http://krapuul.com/blog/445/dutch-daily-algemeen-dagblad-employs-racist-scumbag/ <- Dutch daily Algemeen Dagblad employs racist scumbag

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
  • 115
  • 5
I write #6
http://krapuul.com/blog/457/dutch-criminal-and-politician-geert-w-calls-for-genocide/ <- Dutch criminal and politician Geert W. calls for genocide


http://krapuul.com/blog/451/white-terrorist-dylan-roof-unrepentant/ <- White terrorist Dylann Roof unrepentant

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
  • 115
  • 5
I write #7
http://krapuul.com/news/466/financial-times-gives-platform-to-war-profiteer-erik-prince/ <- Financial Times gives platform to war profiteer Erik Prince

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
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I write #8
http://krapuul.com/news/473/irish-times-invites-actual-hipster-nazi-nick-pell-to-write-article/ <- Irish Times invites actual hipster nazi Nick Pell to write article

Look at him!

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
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  • 5
I write #9
http://krapuul.com/news/480/british-prisonplanet-conspiracy-nut-paul-joseph-watson-made-up-blmkidnapping/ <- British PrisonPlanet conspiracy nut Paul Joseph Watson made up #BLMKidnapping

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
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  • 115
  • 5
I write #10
http://krapuul.com/news/484/polish-government-legalizes-displaying-white-power-slogan-and-celtic-cross/ <- Polish government legalizes displaying White Power-slogan and Celtic Cross

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
  • 115
  • 5
I write #11

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
  • 115
  • 5
I write #12
http://krapuul.com/blog/862/polish-minister-of-foreign-affairs-makes-diplomatic-deal-with-non-existent-country-sanescobar/ <- Polish minister of Foreign Affairs makes diplomatic deal with non-existent country #SanEscobar

http://krapuul.com/news/874/saudi-arabian-airstrike-hits-school-in-yemen/ <- Saudi Arabian airstrike hits school in Yemen

http://krapuul.com/news/880/orban-about-to-destroy-hungarian-civil-activism/ <- Orbán about to destroy Hungarian civil activism

Standplaats Kraków

  • Formerly known as Tyfus
  • Paid
  • 115
  • 5
I write #13
http://krapuul.com/news/1702/one-less-source-of-fake-news-udo-ulfkotte-is-dead/ <- One less source of Fake News: Udo Ulfkotte is dead

http://krapuul.com/blog/1679/trumpism-emboldens-holocaust-denier-david-irving/ <- Trumpism emboldens Holocaust denier David Irving
