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June 02, 2024, 06:43:01 pm

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Topic: Episode 131: Ask A Stupid Question, Make A Stupid Podcast  (Read 8790 times)


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with Boots Raingear, Jimmyfranks, Isfahan, Frank West, and Lemon.

Content for this episode was compiled by Montrith and Lemon

Edited by Lemon.

What is there to say about BlurtIt.com that hasn't already been said about the Visigoths? Well, quite a bit, now that I think of it. The point is that BlurtIt is a populist Q and A website, less popular than (but just as stupid as) Yahoo Answers, where people ask all sorts of dumbfounding questions about genitals touching other genitals, and then the answers prove dumber than the questions. This week, The F Plus is suffering from panic panic.

Elliot Smith - A Question Mark
The Replacements - I Don't Know

chai tea latte

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"How To Make A Homemade Tattoo Gun Out of an Electric Razor" is the best thing I've heard all week. Whatever happened to good old stick-n-pokes?

They have been being used as a vibrator for sexual pleasure. Many inmates talk about their orgasms with the razors. Also, electric razors can be made into tattoo guns, spreading AIDS and hep B and C. They are found a lot in shakedowns and cell searches. But women are still taking them to the shower and, due to the shower area being shared, we all have to hear their sexual noise and the hum of the razor.

Should taxpayer money be paying for women's orgasms in prison and tattoos? Please let the public know about this and let them decide.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 08:52:10 pm by kal-elk »


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All this prime material and it's the variations on "penis" that make me just about asphyxiate. The fuck, self.


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Anonymous answered
There is a test a doctor can perform on a guy or a girl to tell whether or not they have had sex or not. Just ask your doctor.

I really enjoyed the mental image of a guy taking a girl to the doctor and asking the doctor if she's a virgin. Alternatively, the guy asking his doctor if he himself is a virgin.

It's amazing that people still don't know to use Google to answer their dumb questions. Google is probably way easier and faster than using Yahoo Answers or BlurtIt or whatever else. Platforms like that are strange to me. It makes for great content though, and a funny podcast.


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Maybe you're supposed to have the doctor with you while you're going to have sex?  It'd make the question about how to tell if someone is a virgin after having sex is true make more sense.


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Man, I fucking hate those wizards, making it snow so much this year


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This was a great episode, it sounded like you guys had a lot of fun with this one. It was like the last part of the Kindleporn episode where you just read off names, but times ten.


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Countdown to Jack Chick: two posts

EYE OF ZA, March 31, 2014, 08:24:17 pm


You should check out bring me the horizon... If you like screamo.... I might only be 13 but this band is pretty hardcore

Oh man this is going to be a fun night.


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Countdown to Jack Chick: two posts

EYE OF ZA, March 31, 2014, 08:24:17 pm

Not as heavy!!!??? Have you not heard slipknot or dragonforce?
Quote from

Boots Raingear

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I like to think the person freaking out about the dog getting sold for food thinks that hot dogs are made of actual dogs.


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The part about talking about sex with their kids reminded me that in the U.S. is still full of Post-Marital Conservatism.

By that, I mean the attitude of "well, it was okay when I did it as a teenager, because it was safer then and we didn't have sex shown all over the music and the TV and the movies!" I consider it a sign of ignorance, to flip your views on moral behavior once your kids start doing it.