I love when Internet crazy people call out other Internet crazy people for having stupid theories. "Well, obviously the Earth is concave and has a glass dome over it, but obviously there aren't other planets that cause cataclysms in our solar system. That's just stupid."
Müteşekkir Sultan Selim the Hedgesultan, October 08, 2016, 12:28:52 pm
This reminds me of Martin Gardner's
Fads and Fallacies (pub. 1957), which discussed various pseudoscientific theories (the first chapter, "Flat and Hallow," is, incidentally, about the flat and hollow earths!); in the introduction to the second ed. of the book, he wrote:
THE FIRST EDITION of this book prompted many curious letters from irate readers. The most violent letters came from Reichians [i.e. follows of Wilhelm Reich] furious because the book considered orgonomy alongside such (to them) outlandish cults as dianetics. Dianeticians, of course, felt the same about orgonomy. I heard from homeopaths who were insulted to find themselves in company with such frauds as osteopathy and chiropractic, and one chiropractor in Kentucky "pitied" me because I had turned my spine on God's greatest gift to suffering humanity. Several admirers of Dr. Bates favored me with letters so badly typed that I suspect the writers were in urgent need of strong spectacles. Oddly enough, most of these correspondents objected to one chapter only, thinking all the others excellent. Quote from
My outladish theory is merely brilliant minds bucking the system, like Gallileo or Copernicus.
Your outlandish theory is the meaningless babble of cranks and weirdos. It has always been this way, it seems.