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Topic: I do a goofy webcomic sometimes (Share webcomics here!)  (Read 30613 times)


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a good splork or sploosh or schlup or rettchkkkk or snik or fsht beats a verb any day


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Careful where you go with that lest you settle on "wank!" as your onomatopoeia for punching a metal robot in the face.


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The weird thing is I had the same pet peeve at the time BECAUSE of Gonterman and yet did it constantly.  Maybe I thought I was being ironic?  I don't even know.  Like I said, shit that's better left behind.

My friend Toastuh has been doing a fucking gorgeous hand-drawn comic about monsters and crazy people and steampunk and such for two years now.  I would say the fonts are wonky in the beginning, but they're not anymore because she went back after about two months and painstakingly re-lettered everything.  She's also something like six months ahead of the queue at any given time.  I don't think she knows how webcomics WORK.


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I just looked back through Intergalactic Truckstop to see if I've been guilty of Gontermanatopoeia (I love coming up with portmanteau words on the spot) without realising it at the time. I think I've managed to mostly avoid it, although occasionally I have a written down "*twitch*" when attempting to denote a character twitching their foot or antenna. Not so much onomatopoeia as signaling the motions being acted out, I guess.

Other than that, I've gone out of my way to avoid doing that with noises. When it comes to guns I tend to use "KRAK" or "PAF" or "POW", typical gunfire sounds like that. Also I was guilty of intentionally using "DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA" to simulate machine gun fire (or sub-machine fire, if you prefer). Also I used "KRAKOW" as an explosion sound effect once.


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I don't draw a comic but one of my friends does. Unfortunately it's in Finnish though, so probably pointless to share. I wish I could though, she's a pretty good artist.

As for Gonterman, my favorite  onomatopoeia of his would have to be either "HOLSTER!" or "RAPID MACHINEGUN FIRE!".


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Why not link it? If she's good, we could at least appreciate the artwork.


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Yeah, I say go ahead and link it, Montrith! :D I always appreciate a good comic, even if I don't know the language the characters are speaking in I can at least appreciate the art.


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If you're feeling zesty, type out the text, we'll machine translate it and have Stog read it in his Hans von Hozel voice.


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The comic is kind of wordy so it really doesn't work if you don't know what's going on. Here's her sketch section however. It has little or no text so you can just look at the pics. She does a lot of experimenting on different styles aside from drawing the comic.



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I just looked back through Intergalactic Truckstop to see if I've been guilty of Gontermanatopoeia (I love coming up with portmanteau words on the spot) without realising it at the time. I think I've managed to mostly avoid it, although occasionally I have a written down "*twitch*" when attempting to denote a character twitching their foot or antenna. Not so much onomatopoeia as signaling the motions being acted out, I guess.Chaz GELF, March 06, 2013, 02:20:20 pm
Motion lines are pretty good for conveying things like twitching/shuddering/vibrating and motions in general.  I used to use them a lot more than I do now, partly because they seemed a bit "cartoony" but also partly because my comics just don't have a lot of dynamic action going on anyway. [EDIT] never mind I guess I use them a lot more than I realized.

The comic is kind of wordy so it really doesn't work if you don't know what's going on. Here's her sketch section however. It has little or no text so you can just look at the pics. She does a lot of experimenting on different styles aside from drawing the comic.

montrith, March 06, 2013, 04:24:08 pm
Good stuff!

She's also something like six months ahead of the queue at any given time.  I don't think she knows how webcomics WORK.
Delcat, March 06, 2013, 08:58:24 am
Seriously? Even Howard Tayler (probably the only well-known webcartoonist who is notorious for ANY amount of buffer) only has something like a 2-month buffer for Schlock Mercenary, and that's his full-time job (and isn't exactly a triumph of finely-detailed artwork).
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 07:33:30 pm by fluffy »


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She's also something like six months ahead of the queue at any given time.  I don't think she knows how webcomics WORK.
Delcat, March 06, 2013, 08:58:24 am
Seriously? Even Howard Tayler (probably the only well-known webcartoonist who is notorious for ANY amount of buffer) only has something like a 2-month buffer for Schlock Mercenary, and that's his full-time job (and isn't exactly a triumph of finely-detailed artwork).
fluffy, March 06, 2013, 07:26:33 pm

She also has two jobs, is studying to be a neuroscientist at one of the top five hardest schools in the US (Reed), and has recently taken up learning the cello specifically to relax.

Worrying that she's going to disintegrate into her composite atoms (which will then go shooting off in a million directions at the speed of light) is kind of a full-time hobby.

Also, her regular art is jaw-dropping, but she never believes it when people tell her that.


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She's also something like six months ahead of the queue at any given time.  I don't think she knows how webcomics WORK.
Delcat, March 06, 2013, 08:58:24 am
Seriously? Even Howard Tayler (probably the only well-known webcartoonist who is notorious for ANY amount of buffer) only has something like a 2-month buffer for Schlock Mercenary, and that's his full-time job (and isn't exactly a triumph of finely-detailed artwork).
fluffy, March 06, 2013, 07:26:33 pm

She also has two jobs, is studying to be a neuroscientist at one of the top five hardest schools in the US (Reed), and has recently taken up learning the cello specifically to relax.

Worrying that she's going to disintegrate into her composite atoms (which will then go shooting off in a million directions at the speed of light) is kind of a full-time hobby.

Also, her regular art is jaw-dropping, but she never believes it when people tell her that.
Delcat, March 07, 2013, 09:29:04 am


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Did I mention she's three years younger than I am?


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speaking of goofy comics mine made it out of the qualifying round and into round 1 of the tournament.

it's up against shortpacked so in the unlikely event you
1) don't read shortpacked
2) have a facebook account
and 3) want to do me a solid

click on the bar that reads inhuman and toss me a vote? it'd be appreciated


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Hahaha up against Shortpacked? Good luck, man.

Wow, you're actually holding your own surprisingly well.  Maybe Willis' fanbase isn't as rabid as I thought. I mean, you're only getting trounced 2 to 1!