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Topic: Time for a generic question  (Read 72447 times)

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Time for a generic question
So, what's everyone's favorite episode(s) of the podcast, and why? No, this isn't for focus grouping the episodes. I'm just always curious as to what people like about their entertainment.

Personally I can never pick just one episode, since I like all the readers and I can't imagine picking one episode that excludes even one reader.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Oh geez, that's a toughie. I'm going to say my favourite was Episode 56, "Excuse Me, May I See Your Water Selection?", just because of how ridiculous the notion of overcharging for fancy labeled water is, based on its hardness and MOUTHFEEL.

fruit power

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Re: Time for a generic question
Episode 34 "This is What You Want? This is What You Get!" featuring God's plans for her vagina.

One of my favorite readings is of that Gimli and Legolas slash. I have no idea how the readers made it through that.

Keetah Spacecat

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Re: Time for a generic question
Episode 24: Violet, You're Turning Violet, Violet, is probably my favorite episode. I think it's mainly because it's just so unfathomably ridiculous, and the voice acting during the first segment always leaves me in stitches XD

Episode 83: Just The 160,000 Of Us and Episode 89: Angry Angry Hippos also great when I just want to laugh at fake oppression. Especially that ThinPrivilage blog oh man.


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Re: Time for a generic question
I regularly listen to pretty much any episode where fanfiction or scripts get read. Just great for car rides. If the Transformers and Resident Evil/CSI episodes were on vinyl, I'd probably have worn them out by now.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Our Love Doesn't Need A Third Dimension
Just The 160,000 Of Us
The Ace And Cakes

Mockery of ludicrous people seems to play a strong part in my choices.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Hopping back in to say that almost any of the bizarre fetish episodes are also funny to listen to (Particularly the "Any Cling You Want" episode. Such an oddly specific and innocuous thing!).

I'd be biased in saying that "I Sink I Love You" was one of my favourites, too, since I submitted the majority of the content used in there (Somehow I completely missed the thread about Bin Laden possibly having quicksand fetish videos, you guys are way better at finding this crazy stuff than I am). I am sorely tempted to attempt a dramatic reading of one of BoggyMan's posts, since he sadly didn't get read in the episode itself.

I Can See Your Retch Marks was amazingly ridiculous, especially that one story with the sugar bags. I have no idea what was going on there.


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Re: Time for a generic question
It's really hard to limit myself to one. So I'll list a few of my favourites...

Episode 25: Porno For Pyros (Except With Sex Instead Of Fire)
Episode 50: What's Louisville Got To Do With It?
Episode 51: She Thinks My Sex Are Spexy
Episode 52: How To Listen To A Podcast (Advanced Users)
Episode 69: The State of the Micronation Is Strong
Episode 75: If I Could Turn Back Time, I'd Still Cut You In Half
Episode 87: So, Clearly You All Hate Us

Come to think of it, I've had some great times with The F Plus!

Boots Raingear

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Re: Time for a generic question
I can't possibly pick a favourite episode, but my proudest find is the Victor Laszlo Buttman Remembers bit from Episode 25. It's the perfect example of somebody who has spent too much time in their weird community to realize that a eulogy should probably not be mostly about buttsex.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Episode 89: Angry Angry Hippos always struck me as the episode where all the ridiculists came into the topic all guns blazing in terms of humor and jokes, there were literally fat jokes made every couple of minutes or so but they were all so well delivered that it still remains one of my favourites.

Episode 79: Help Me Help Rob Help You is also a really funny episode, it's on par with wikihow and yahoo answers in my opinion.

But my favourite episode has to be our friend Hans Von Hozel. There was nothing I liked better then hearing his story about Garfield and the reading of that whole story was just superb. It's the one episode I keep listening to and I can honestly say I still haven't tired of it.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Re: Time for a generic question
I like the ones with Jack Chick. He's the best!

Most of the ridiculists know my Deep Dark Secret about episodes...


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Re: Time for a generic question
Definitely a tie between Hans Von Hozel and the cling wrap guy. Runners up: every bad recipe episode ever.


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Re: Time for a generic question
Soo hard to pick...

Just the 160,000 Of Us - This was what introduced me to The F Plus and it's still probably my favorite episode
I Can't Believe It's Entirely Butter - "Stupid Hot Dog Thing" will never stop being funny
It's Only Supernatural - I've listened to this many times and it's still just as hilarious and disgusting
The Devil Went Down to Tumblr - everything about this "demon" is just perfect for the F Plus
Lemon Types In A Title For This Episode - laughs and reminisces about how great this one was

Special mention: The haiku battle on Sissykiss, and the guy with a Stargate on AboveTopSecret


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Re: Time for a generic question
Episode 50: What's Louisville Got To Do With It?, because it tore me between laughing at all of the bizarre methods the featured person was taking to keep out the NWO gangstalker projected sound noises, and feeling sorry for this individual who was possibly going through a lot of pain, however much of it self-induced. The episode left an impact on how I think about the average internet weirdo, how the little slices of their lives they give us in between bizarre outbursts can tell us so much about their personal circumstances, and how those circumstances can possibly lead to the behaviors that make them stand out to us. It also taught me that people actually wear tinfoil hats - who knew!

The episodes about multiples, fat activists (good god that name), and the recent one about dumb parents giving dumb advice have also become my favorites almost solely because they had me laughing and alternatively being in-fucking-furiating.

I also really liked Boot's "...and then you fuckin' eat it." from the second recipe episode, because it just sums up so well the view that anyone who follows those recipes must have towards food. If you have no qualms with actually eating fucking marshmallow sugar slop then you must have had your taste-buds cauterized, and you just fuckin eat any food that's placed in front of you. That episode in general was spectacular not only because the humor was dead-on, but, as Lemon explains at the end of the podcast, the collection of recipes that were read illustrated the trend towards providing a step-by-step guide to finding the last three or four things in the pantry that might not induce vomiting when combined and dumping them in a pan (or trough).
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 01:56:12 am by nilvoid »


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Re: Time for a generic question
Hard to pick, but I think that the ones I always recommend to people new to the podcast, and hence the ones that I consider to be among the best would be...

Angry Angry Hippos is a good recent addition.
I Sink I Love You, I'm always a fan of the niche-yet-inoffensive fetishes. There's something adorable about them.
Disliking This Episode Is A Form Of Harassment, just... pure reams of insanity. Fucking amazing.
Our Love Doesn't Need A Third Dimension, because these fetishes really hit the upper zenith of their madness when someone gets philosophical and superior about them.
Amazon Recommends Years of Therapy, badly written porn? Always a wonder.
The State of the Micronation Is Strong
Where Can I Find A Tailor For These Pinstripe Balls?, see the Amazon Recommends episode for why I love this. Bad fiction is the best fiction.
In The World of Dragon Dildos, Is The Chin-Wattle Man King?, because hearing the readers' sanity slowly leaking away was amazing.

Gotta Poke 'Em All!, honorary mention as I never get tired of any episode that makes a member of the cast break down.