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Topic: Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015)  (Read 11038 times)


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Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015) #15
If anyone actually wants to have a go at an F-Plus Orb, I'm up for modeling/animation.

Nikaer Drekin

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Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015) #16
Sorry for the technical issues everybody! I tested everything but that, I think, and restarting made my audio stuff mess up randomly, so it took a while to reset. Also, apparently there's supposed to be music and text to speech the whole time? None of my orbs had that.
Frank West, November 22, 2015, 10:54:19 pm

I honestly thought any technical issues you were having fit the spirit of the orbs pretty perfectly. Also, you guys need to do more Terrible Games Played with Enthusiasm, this was amazing!

If you want everyone to be watching the game along with you, Frank, you might be able to share the window in Skype. Though you encountering something mind-boggling and waiting for the rest of the ridiculists to lose it all at once was pretty hilarious.

Frank West

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Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015) #17
Sorry for the technical issues everybody! I tested everything but that, I think, and restarting made my audio stuff mess up randomly, so it took a while to reset. Also, apparently there's supposed to be music and text to speech the whole time? None of my orbs had that.
Frank West, November 22, 2015, 10:54:19 pm

I honestly thought any technical issues you were having fit the spirit of the orbs pretty perfectly. Also, you guys need to do more Terrible Games Played with Enthusiasm, this was amazing!

If you want everyone to be watching the game along with you, Frank, you might be able to share the window in Skype. Though you encountering something mind-boggling and waiting for the rest of the ridiculists to lose it all at once was pretty hilarious.
Nikaer Drekin, November 23, 2015, 02:42:02 pm

In retrospect that might be better, in testing the delay wasn't quite as long, but it's twitch so...whatever. Whenever we try this next, I'll look into a screen-sharing program, Skype's is kind of bad last time I checked.


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Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015) #18
If anyone actually wants to have a go at an F-Plus Orb, I'm up for modeling/animation.
izzy, November 23, 2015, 01:03:04 pm

Your willingness to do it makes me suspect that you might be too qualified for the position.

Let's find a talented texture artist, then have them make the models and animations and you make the textures. And no tablets allowed.

Frank West

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Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015) #20
If anyone actually wants to have a go at an F-Plus Orb, I'm up for modeling/animation.
izzy, November 23, 2015, 01:03:04 pm

Your willingness to do it makes me suspect that you might be too qualified for the position.

Let's find a talented texture artist, then have them make the models and animations and you make the textures. And no tablets allowed.
Spacebat, November 24, 2015, 08:15:57 pm

I'm an experienced musician, so I will only write songs without being allowed to listen to them while I work: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7567446/Temp/WIP/MusicOfTheOrbs_Deaf2.mp3


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Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015) #21
It's up
Frank West, November 24, 2015, 08:23:35 pm

I'm sure I speak for all of us here when I ask, "What the shit did I just watch?"


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Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015) #22
If anyone actually wants to have a go at an F-Plus Orb, I'm up for modeling/animation.
izzy, November 23, 2015, 01:03:04 pm

Your willingness to do it makes me suspect that you might be too qualified for the position.

Let's find a talented texture artist, then have them make the models and animations and you make the textures. And no tablets allowed.
Spacebat, November 24, 2015, 08:15:57 pm
I do know how to do textures, so that's probably out. Hmm.

I know absolutely nothing about programming or music, so I could do either of those.

Admiral Jackbar

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Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015) #23
Please make this a regular thing. You guys freaking out about hell pigs and increasing your sex energy is a part of my soul now.


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Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015) #24
Oh, did you guys remember to turn off the delay on twitch? They have an option to turn it off.

Frank West

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Urth: The Livestream (Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2015) #25
Oh, did you guys remember to turn off the delay on twitch? They have an option to turn it off.
Spacebat, November 25, 2015, 07:09:36 pm

They've got an option to turn it down from over a minute to 10-20 seconds, which I turned on. There's still more delay than there used to be, even with that beta option on. In the future, I'll look into direct screensharing with the other rediculists, which I initially thought wouldn't be worth it, but in retrospect would have been easier.