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Topic: 258: Do Not Pass Go  (Read 21350 times)


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258: Do Not Pass Go
Sherman Tank

Sherman Tank

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258: Do Not Pass Go #1
Hell yeah Motörhead in the intro this ep is gonna rule.

Boots Raingear

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258: Do Not Pass Go #2
Joey likes
Achilles' Heelies Lemon xX_sp00ks_Xx TurkeyPopulationGuessingMan Corn Syrup A Meat Cirr Positronic Sherman Tank bubbleuj


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258: Do Not Pass Go #3
So, what you're saying is, you bought a couple of these for the Live Afterparty, right?


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258: Do Not Pass Go #4
Boots gets play of the episode for the Twilight Imperium joke.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 05:56:02 pm by Neal »

Sherman Tank

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258: Do Not Pass Go #5
Choose however many of these tag suggestions you need to win the game:

"feminism? aaaaaaaaaah!"
"great britain's greatest perverts"
"please give me money for my stupid idea"
"oppression fetish"
"useless tiny detail fetish"
« Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 08:24:00 pm by Sherman Tank: The Game »


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258: Do Not Pass Go #6
I wanna say that all the games I found for this document were through the Related Games function. I thought to browse the newest releases and saw that, you know, there's a fair amount of honest to goodness fun looking games that I could see somebody enjoying - It's not all bad. But the thing is, if you're in the well of shit already, there's absolutely no getting out through the Related Games function. So I suppose I must congratulate thegamecrafter.com on having such a robust related games algorithm!

As a ballp.it bonus, here is a game that I chose not to include in the document, because this thing is, God, it's just a thick layer of perversion that you can't express in a podcast format:

I urge you to look at the rules .pdf in the ad copy. It's the longest thing.
Corn Syrup Tenerence bubbleuj Sherman Tank

Fatty Bo Batty

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258: Do Not Pass Go #7
Magic: The Shaggening.

i posted this in the wrong thread first


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258: Do Not Pass Go #8
I realized during editing that newjerseyexit.com does NOT include marbles in the list of things that come with game purchase. I guess the guy who made the damn thing lost them all.
Please And Thanks Yavuz Mix Sherman Tank Achilles' Heelies Corn Syrup Boots Raingear Knitting Machine znarf A Meat bubbleuj KingKalamari


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258: Do Not Pass Go #9
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets my Don Knotts and James Stewart impersonations mixed up.
Boots Raingear


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258: Do Not Pass Go #10
So "Debbie does Japan" isn't a vintage classic.  I'm the only one.  Ok then, moving on....
Corn Syrup


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258: Do Not Pass Go #11
Hey guys, let's have a Ballp.it games night!

Anyone? No?

A Meat

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258: Do Not Pass Go #12
I wanna say that all the games I found for this document were through the Related Games function. I thought to browse the newest releases and saw that, you know, there's a fair amount of honest to goodness fun looking games that I could see somebody enjoying - It's not all bad. But the thing is, if you're in the well of shit already, there's absolutely no getting out through the Related Games function. So I suppose I must congratulate thegamecrafter.com on having such a robust related games algorithm!

As a ballp.it bonus, here is a game that I chose not to include in the document, because this thing is, God, it's just a thick layer of perversion that you can't express in a podcast format:

I urge you to look at the rules .pdf in the ad copy. It's the longest thing.
Spooks, July 28, 2017, 06:31:15 pm
I on the other hand, did search the newest stuff when you showed me this site and got material for a different doc out of it


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258: Do Not Pass Go #13
I'm surprised nobody noticed they also have forums.


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258: Do Not Pass Go #14
Considering how easily GamerGaters are parted with their money, I've always toyed around with the idea of producing some piece of shit (not literally.... although.... hmm....) and marketing it towards them. Any negative reviews I receive for this piece of trash will be spun as CENSORSHIP by THE FEMINISTS; just look at that guy in this episode who gave the game five stars not because it was good or because he had any experience with it, but because someone gave it one star. You know how Abraham Lincoln (allegedly) said that you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time? GamerGaters are the later; they are fooled all of the time. The question isn't if these guys will waste their money on shit, it's what shit they'll spend it on.

Honestly, though, if I did this (and I almost certainly won't), I'd probably feel guilty and donate all of it to the SPLC or ADL or NAACP or someone. 