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Topic: [SPOILERS] Breaking Bad  (Read 4531 times)


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[SPOILERS] Breaking Bad
Wow, what a great ending to an excellent show.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 09:48:29 pm by Isfahan »


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Breaking Bad
Great stuff indeed.


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Breaking Bad
Truly magnificent
Someone on NPR was complaining that Walt got exactly what he wanted and got away punishment free, but I'd have to disagree, he got the punishment he thought he deserved in episode one, and even tried to give himself. That scene with Skyler was simply amazing too.


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Breaking Bad
In my headcanon, Jesse adopted Brock and became an artismonster cock woodworker.

Also, here's a semi-official (as in, comes from the actor, not from anyone else involved in the show) explanation of whatever happened to Huell.


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Breaking Bad
In my headcanon, Jesse adopted Brock and became an artismonster cock woodworker.
fluffy, September 30, 2013, 12:17:54 pm
I know on talking bad Aaron Paul said he was unsure what Jessie would do because he was completely free. Jonathan Banks added that he knew Jessie would go back for Brock right away though.

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Breaking Bad
I was kind of disappointed with the ending actually, because I really wanted to see what happened to everyone who's not Walt. Yeah, I know it's his story, but I just couldn't bring myself to care about him at the end.

Personally, I can't see Jesse being able to step in as a parent for Brock. Even if he did manage to get custody, I think it would just be too much knowing that it was his involvement in the meth trade and getting on Walt's bad side that got Andrea killed.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 06:37:09 pm by Al »


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Breaking Bad
I was kind of disappointed with the ending actually, because I really wanted to see what happened to everyone who's not Walt. Yeah, I know it's his story, but I just couldn't bring myself to care about him at the end.[/color]
Al, September 30, 2013, 06:35:37 pm
At first, I felt the same way, but the more I think about it the more I like it. I personally want to imagine happy endings for Jesse, Skyler, Walt Jr & everyone else, but some people want more realistic endings, and this way we can all get what we want without arguments over what should have happened to them. As it stands, my only complaint about the otherwise great finale is that Walt's last words were so lame: "goodbye, Lydia".

I hope that now they reveal that Better Call Saul is actually a sequel, and not a prequel like they've been claiming. There's so much comedic potential.


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[SPOILERS] Breaking Bad #7
I'm really happy with the ending. I loved the bit with Jesse driving away like a maniac. I'm also kind of impressed that they managed to make me kind of sad seeing Walt die, despite the fact that I hated him and wanted him dead for ages.

They've also pretty much ensured that I'll never be able to hear Baby Blue again without thinking of that scene.


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Breaking Bad
I was kind of disappointed with the ending actually, because I really wanted to see what happened to everyone who's not Walt. Yeah, I know it's his story, but I just couldn't bring myself to care about him at the end.[/color]
Al, September 30, 2013, 06:35:37 pm
At first, I felt the same way, but the more I think about it the more I like it. I personally want to imagine happy endings for Jesse, Skyler, Walt Jr & everyone else, but some people want more realistic endings, and this way we can all get what we want without arguments over what should have happened to them. As it stands, my only complaint about the otherwise great finale is that Walt's last words were so lame: "goodbye, Lydia".Dacey Mormont, September 30, 2013, 09:41:43 pm

There were alternate endings where, among other scenarios, Walt is the only one left alive and everyone else is dead.

I hope that now they reveal that Better Call Saul is actually a sequel, and not a prequel like they've been claiming. There's so much comedic potential.Dacey Mormont

Pretty unlikely. If Saul was going to set up shop somewhere else he wouldn't be buying a new identity. He's so deeply tied to the Heisenberg case he knows the feds would nab him if he went back to lawyering.


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[SPOILERS] Breaking Bad #9
I've talked about this a couple of times now, but I really didn't like the last episode very much.

It wasn't loathsome, but in a show that did such a terrific job being surprising, and even moreso in the two episodes leading up to it, the final episode really just felt like a fanscript.
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It's really just too many boxes ticked. I know people are looking for the closure that the show offered, but nothing was exceptionally engaging about the finale. The pacing was even pretty slow.

Also, that exchange between Walt and the Nazi Leader was some James Bond garbage. We're gonna kill this guy, but let's first take him inside. Okay, we're gonna kill you now, do you have any last words? I'm a pussy? You're a pussy! Let me demonstrate something to you before I shoot you in the head because I care what you think. The episode was fine, that entire scene was a horrible contrivance and I hated it.

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[SPOILERS] Breaking Bad #10
I already know how this show ended. The allen took off his mask and it was Walter White Junior.
Bobalay slandersonn


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[SPOILERS] Breaking Bad #11
I liked the finale but I can definitely see that it wasn't by any means the most satisfying

But I loved the ride and now I'm sad that I tore through it so fast because there's no more of it

(Also thank you John for liking my fanart xoxo)