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Topic: EPISODE 100  (Read 63513 times)


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EPISODE 100 #105
Can I just say that I tried showing the Nekobe story to some local furries over dinner?Ashto, December 12, 2014, 10:10:35 am

cube abuser


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EPISODE 100 #106
Can I just say that I tried showing the Nekobe story to some local furries over dinner?Ashto, December 12, 2014, 10:10:35 am

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSmoking Crow, December 12, 2014, 10:21:21 am

Come now, was all that screaming really warrented? ...wait, I think I just answered my own question.

Sherman Tank

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EPISODE 100 #107
Yiff the otter is an amazing comedy classic.


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EPISODE 100 #108
Yiff the otter is an amazing comedy classic.
Sherman Tank, November 02, 2015, 07:21:49 pm

Thanks for necrobumping this so I can tell all of you folks how much I fucking love the whole "Real Digimon" saga. I still remember reading the Facepunch thread when we found out one of the ringleaders was actually on Facepunch, and it was that kid "probing the internet to make a map of the digiworld" by just pinging random servers and doing some dumb shit with it.
NotHelpingMatters SHAMBA~1.SBB

I Liked That Joke

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EPISODE 100 #109
It is important that I revive this thread discussing an episode that came out over three years ago. This is one of my favorite episodes, and I've listened to it maybe ten times, and just today I noticed an oversight that can't be ignored any longer:

At minute 43, John Toast makes a pretty good joke in response to the assertion that human-Pokémon marriage is legal in Justin RPG's state. In this joke, he takes the common slogan "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve", and relates it to Pokémon by adding the suffix "-achu". Pretty good. BUT NOT IDEAL.

The best possible version of that joke would have been "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Eevee". I don't feel that I need to defend this position. Please re-edit this episode to include this joke instead.
Ashto Saoirse-Lilith Frank West moooo566 (taylor's version) Shigan chai tea latte Achilles' Heelies Wyst Lemon RoeCocoa Bodark JonRG nuffkins, of all people, Moose Goose Goose Honk At Me Now Nifty Nif Lost Season NotHelpingMatters Sherman Tank SHAMBA~1.SBB GirlKisser420 Liatai Yavuz


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EPISODE 100 #110
There's now a feature film based on the post by the Japanese guy whose wife would pretend to be dead when he came home. Here's the trailer:

SHAMBA~1.SBB Liatai Wrought Yavuz Sherman Tank moooo566 (taylor's version) Vinny Possum Wyst