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Topic: Episode 149: There's A Reason Why We Don't Do Drugs Together  (Read 11560 times)


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I feel like jamming things into a human body will cause bleeding if done improperly no matter where you jam them.


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I feel like jamming things into a human body will cause bleeding if done improperly no matter where you jam them.
Yossarian, September 06, 2014, 11:18:50 am

Oh come on! Everybody knows that the male urethra is nature's USB port.

Mister Smalls

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You're really lucky, Odd.  The thermometer is a gateway drug.  Next thing you know, you're shoving glass balls eight inches deep into your ass and scrubbing out your penis with a Q-tip.


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You're really lucky, Odd.  The thermometer is a gateway drug.  Next thing you know, you're shoving glass balls eight inches deep into your ass and scrubbing out your penis with a Q-tip.
Mister Smalls, September 06, 2014, 01:08:20 pm
Actually the next logical step if that insertion had actually been pleasurable would have been the AAA battery that was, for some reason, in the same drawer as my thermometer. I was one good orgasm away from following the dangerous path of urethral-mechanophilia.


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Was it Boots that attributed the three days of burning that followed urethra insertion to the cotton left by a Q-Tip?
I have personal anecdotal evidence that says that a little bit of blood and some days of peeing in pain seem like the normal response to urethral insertion.

I was about 14 and I shoved a thermometer into my dickhole. In my defense it was a digital thermometer and I wanted to know if my cock really warmed up more than the rest of my body. And I also wanted to know if it would feel good. It did not.
Odd, September 06, 2014, 01:41:36 am

what the fuck dude
Smoking Crow, September 06, 2014, 02:26:55 am

You're right, he should have posted that in $10 Secrets.

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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You're really lucky, Odd.  The thermometer is a gateway drug.  Next thing you know, you're shoving glass balls eight inches deep into your ass and scrubbing out your penis with a Q-tip.
Mister Smalls, September 06, 2014, 01:08:20 pm
Actually the next logical step if that insertion had actually been pleasurable would have been the AAA battery that was, for some reason, in the same drawer as my thermometer. I was one good orgasm away from following the dangerous path of urethral-mechanophilia.
Delcat, September 07, 2014, 12:42:57 am
scratchohey Yossarian chai tea latte


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You're really lucky, Odd.  The thermometer is a gateway drug.  Next thing you know, you're shoving glass balls eight inches deep into your ass and scrubbing out your penis with a Q-tip.
Mister Smalls, September 06, 2014, 01:08:20 pm
Actually the next logical step if that insertion had actually been pleasurable would have been the AAA battery that was, for some reason, in the same drawer as my thermometer. I was one good orgasm away from following the dangerous path of urethral-mechanophilia.
Odd, September 07, 2014, 12:42:57 am

Mister Smalls

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I suppose it's good that you had a plan
chai tea latte