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June 02, 2024, 03:18:24 pm

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Topic: Lots and lots of changes to thefpl.us  (Read 14586 times)


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Lots and lots of changes to thefpl.us #15
A small but not completely insignificant change....

I just remembered that HTML5 includes a "download" attribute for <a> tags. That's probably gibberish to you, but the important part this means if you click the cloud/download icon, it'll actually download the fucking file, rather than trying to open the MP3 in a window. This'll only work for newish browsers, but if you're not using a newish browser I hate you anyway.

(also this only applies to the most recent 10 or so episodes, since those are the only links I changed)


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Lots and lots of changes to thefpl.us #16
Oh cool, that always bugged me that like, when downloading on my phone, I had to specifically tell it to 'save link' because no, Chrome, I don't want to use your weak-ass built-in player.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Lots and lots of changes to thefpl.us #17
Did some small tweaks to thefpl.us, mostly some things that were bothering me over the last couple days. Most notably, the expanding sidebar works a lot better than it used to.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Lots and lots of changes to thefpl.us #18
Couple slight tweaks:

  • mobile hamburger menu sidebar now properly scales to your phone's height.
  • image in an episode comment can not be bigger than  98% of the available space in its container.
  • CSS compressed to save about 40% of the stylesheet's bandwidth.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Lots and lots of changes to thefpl.us #19
The Weird Romance flyer was raising hell with mobile display, so I made some changes to that thing. Clicking the image downloads the flyer now.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Lots and lots of changes to thefpl.us #20
Boots and I figured out today that putting preload="metadata" in the embedded <audio> elements for each episode was one of the main culprits in this "waiting for web sockets" problem we're having. I removed a bunch of that, which should translate to a performance increase short-term.


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Lots and lots of changes to thefpl.us #21
Just wanted to add that it displays nicely in a command line web browser. Not really much in the way of CSS there, but I guess it's worth noting.

Also wanted to note that I really think "My Mistress Is Machine Washable" should have the 'how in the hell did you get that fetish?' tag.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Lots and lots of changes to thefpl.us #22
Just cleaned up the meet index a bit.

I set it up so that a meet page is not a requirement in order to have a person credit as the content provider, then went through and chopped out any profile page with no information and only one submission. If anyone got deleted and wants back on the page, that's super easy to do, just ask.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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  • 4,135
  • 421
Lots and lots of changes to thefpl.us #23
Made a little update to fanart. On the episode pages, click a piece to see it full size.