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Topic: Episode 103: Adam Carolla Would Look Better In A Burqa  (Read 46036 times)


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Now that you guys've finally gotten around to making an MRA episode, I have to ask: Which content was harder to read, bug-fuckers or MRAs?
nilvoid, June 13, 2013, 11:20:32 am

Speaking strictly for myself, I have a much easier time reading hyperperverts than reading guys like this, because guys like this are pervasive and genuinely damaging to something greater than their own urethras.

I touched on it before, but I think it's perfectly fine and reasonable for dudes to want to bang sluts, and I'm really not bothered by the liberal amount of bullshit that is sometimes applied by dudes who are trying to bang sluts. That's all fine, and we recognize that courtship involves a certain amount of selective truths. Really, that's part of the fun, and everyone over 13 understands that the advice to "be yourself" is offered with a big asterisk.

But, the PUAs and the MRAs are actively constructing a Boys vs Girls Battlezone, and these fucking guys turn gender politics into something like a race war: Women are subhuman, they are nice to put dicks into so by all means give that a shot, but feel free to do it at the sacrifice to everything else because, if your dickery ruined someone's night, at least you tried! It's a Pussy Hunt with a Scorched Earth Policy. Women don't want to fuck you because they think you're gross? Burn the village.

I know I'm conflating MRAs, PUAs and InCels in this, but it's the same mindset, and I'm certain it's a lot of the same people.
Down10 Sherman Tank


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Now that you guys've finally gotten around to making an MRA episode, I have to ask: Which content was harder to read, bug-fuckers or MRAs?
nilvoid, June 13, 2013, 11:20:32 am

Speaking strictly for myself, I have a much easier time reading hyperperverts than reading guys like this, because guys like this are pervasive and genuinely damaging to something greater than their own urethras.

I touched on it before, but I think it's perfectly fine and reasonable for dudes to want to bang sluts, and I'm really not bothered by the liberal amount of bullshit that is sometimes applied by dudes who are trying to bang sluts. That's all fine, and we recognize that courtship involves a certain amount of selective truths. Really, that's part of the fun, and everyone over 13 understands that the advice to "be yourself" is offered with a big asterisk.

But, the PUAs and the MRAs are actively constructing a Boys vs Girls Battlezone, and these fucking guys turn gender politics into something like a race war: Women are subhuman, they are nice to put dicks into so by all means give that a shot, but feel free to do it at the sacrifice to everything else because, if your dickery ruined someone's night, at least you tried! It's a Pussy Hunt with a Scorched Earth Policy. Women don't want to fuck you because they think you're gross? Burn the village.

I know I'm conflating MRAs, PUAs and InCels in this, but it's the same mindset, and I'm certain it's a lot of the same people.
Lemon, June 13, 2013, 03:03:58 pm

Yeah, I absolutely agree. This episode more than any other had me unconsciously begging for it to end, despite enjoying the jokes. Making it all so much worse is their tendency to take an infinitesimally tiny part of women who are behaving, in their eyes, "badly," and apply it to all women everywhere, or at the very least just Western women (as if they're just one big group). I've spent a lot of time pouring through Men's Rights Reddit, and they are absolutely unable to see beyond their own experiences (white college dudes, basically), screaming at strawmen without a shred of empathy or self-awareness. It's sickening.

If there's any positives to be taken out of this, it's that although these guys like to consider themselves politically active (especially the MRAs), they are absolutely powerless. Ironically, this lack of being taken seriously only fuels their horrible attitudes, as its supposedly evidence of some kind of coverup orchestrated by academia, the media, and the government to keep men down (pfft). "We're right, and if you BITCHES would just stop proving us WRONG then we could show you how RIGHT we are!!!"
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 03:37:59 pm by nilvoid »


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These people think that they live in the Vietnam War of gender relations. Anyone blinks at what you say and its time to carpet bomb Hanoi. Clearly a well thought out and productive policy.
Sherman Tank


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I found this episode far less enraging than I thought I would. The particular bits that were read just kept hitting the peacock-as-apex-predator level for me, making the whole thing more ridiculous and confusing than upsetting. I can't even see these dudes being welcomed in any of the actually influential (and therefore more dangerous) anti-feminist organizations.

Actually, now that I think of it, I would totally pay money to see one of these guys derail an anti-abortion meeting with weird talk about women not understanding toilets.


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Normally I enjoy listening to the F Plus, but this episode only managed to fill me with frustration. I can certainly see why you guys had been trying to avoid this topic.


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When you're into comics you run into these guys by the boatload for some reason (Usually whenever someone points out instances of sexism) and the thing that always gets me is the utter hypocrisy in their attitude towards people who are interested in women's issues: These guys universally seem to consider feminists a bunch of whiney nitwits who constantly get up in arms about nothing and complain for the sake of complaining. But you look at the MRA's attempts at activism and the shit that they get up in arms about (CHAIRS!), yet these guys do not, apparently, see any sort of disconnect there.

These MRA nitwits are the whiniest bunch of flailing douchebags on the face of the earth. They make Valerie Solanas and Andrea Dworkin look like Margaret Atwood and Susan B Anthony.


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As much as the subject matter of this episode frustrates me, I have to congratulate the ridiculists in making it bearable.

Also I enjoyed Adam Bozarth doing his discount Orson Welles impersonation, as advertised in his guest profile on the site!


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And now I'm gleefully waiting for transatlanticalien to illustrate the cock carousel.
Al, June 13, 2013, 07:44:00 am
Oh no! I was going to give this episode a miss for a while, but
now I feel obligated to not let you down


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It's probably because they're insecure asswipes.


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A lot of the soapboxing in these reads reminds me of typical "hot talk" radio where there is no shortage of pithy-but-brainless arguments that are squeezed between commercials for "male enhancement" pills. The reactionary rants are full of contempt and outrage and disgust, but rather than lead into some kind of call to action or an actual protest, they just piss and moan and carry on.

The more absurd and revolting the arguments from these MRAs, the more of it is an indication that they haven't left their basements and talked to actual human beings. Once you realize this, the easier it is to dismiss it as the natural course of social progress. So I don't get too depressed about it. Much of it is toothless and nothing to worry about in terms of the real world. (We are laughing at them, are we not?)

I just hope these knuckle-draggers forget to vote.


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The "reverse Idiocracy" comment was perfect. I remember years and years ago (probably close to a decade ago, now that I think about it) coming across some site that was dedicated to convincing men that Western women were evil, and you had to go to Asia to find a perfect submissive waifu if you wanted to have a satisfactory life. At first I was completely boggled with "oh my god this is SO HORRIBLE", innocent child that I was. Then I realized: wait, these guys horrible, hateful, petulant losers and are voluntarily removing themselves from my dating pool. Possibly from the gene pool altogether, for that matter.

That's the Internet's greatest service. Creating subcultures for people who hate women, or hate women that are 3D, or don't exactly hate women but can't get it up unless she's wearing five fake dicks and a clip-on raccoon tail, or whatever -- these are people who once would have had to buck up, leave their rooms, learn to suppress their myriad issues, and find actual friends and romantic partners (who would later learn somewhere down the line that they'd actually befriended/dated/married a fucking crazy person). Now those people can replace their yearning for human contact with codependent internet allies who will tell them that it's totally cool and okay that you want to dedicate your life to filing complaints against the matriarchy for keeping your mom from sleeping with you, or whatever, and the rest of us can rest just a little easier knowing that the awkward guy at the end of the bar probably isn't suppressing an urge to anatomically correct every frame of the My Little Pony cartoon.
gee golly gosh

Adam Bozarth

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As "harmless" as the authors of this dreck might be in person, their vitriol and shitty opinions are being deseminated on the Internet where anyone can pick it up. The Internet is still a really effective communicator and has created these echo chambers quite handily.

This would be fine and dandy if shitty opinions just stayed online. Do you remember during the last election when so many Republicans were trying to redefine rape? What is that shit? What about Stuebenville, where the attitude of prosecuting the actual rape has been more focused on the males who lost their potential career as pro athletes instead of the poor victim? Or just the casual usage of rape as a punchline in comedy. If you think it's limited to a Tosh off-night show, try going to any open mic night and sit through the guys who WANT to be a great comedian like Daniel Tosh.

Its important that these idiots are mocked and derided because their backwards ideas and baseless hatred are persistently keeping fellow human beings oppressed. They are not harmless.

I was saying to Lemon that The F Plus does a fantastic job of revealing the scaffolding around human delusion. There is a base falsehood somewhere in the arguement that the poster's life is centered around. Whereas some delusions are ultimately only harmful to social interaction, this level of misogyny seems to be too appealing.

The F Plus also features a really mangled and entitled version of civil rights that exists online. It's easy to laugh about "trigger warnings" and "privilege" posts when the author thinks they are a dragon ghost in an ugly teenaged body. However, its important to remember that there still is real oppression out in the world.

Enough of me and my soapbox. Just be nice to everyone, everyone.
Lemon NutshellGulag Runic chai tea latte Clockderp advancedclass Zsa Zsa Calariene Mechahobo Yavuz Sherman Tank
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 08:51:53 am by Adam Bozarth »


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What the fuck is the "Anglosphere?"

Boots Raingear

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What the fuck is the "Anglosphere?"
Ike, June 14, 2013, 10:22:37 am
It's a collective term for the countries of the world that use English as their prominent language and share similar culture. It comes from Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age, which is much more interesting than The Matrix.


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I'd rather imagine he meant Anglospherical and it was about a bunch of really fat white assholes wondering why nobody wants to touch them.
Alpha Starsquatch Ansemaru