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Topic: Name for trope where a name is partially obscured, so the thing is called that  (Read 3301 times)


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For example, "Zardoz"  coming from an old statue that had "Wizard of Oz" on it and some of the letters had worn off, or a statue of George Washington being referred to as "Ashing" in "By the Waters of Babylon."

Typically, a character will approach the ancient ruins of something and see part of the name, or primitive peoples will be worshipping some pop culture ephemera and calling it by a partial name after a generic nuclear holocaust.

Those are the only examples I can think of off the top of my head. Apologies for using the t-word, but it seems appropriate here. Predictably, tvtropes itself is useless, and Zardoz's page does not have this listed on there. 

It would be useful to have as a piece of shorthand since it's fairly common. I will usually say "I got Zardozed" while watching tv with friends, but when discussing things informally with people who don't know me well, having a general one (if such a term exists) would be useful.

Sherman Tank

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Maybe it's because I spend my life reading government documents full of impossible to understand acronyms, but I really think that not everything needs to have a pithy name or a formal designation.
RoeCocoa Sovereign SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 12:46:47 pm by ASMR Succulent Chinese Meal + Sherman Tank »


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Maybe it's because I spend my life reason government documents full of impossible to understand acronyms, but I really think that not everything needs to have a pithy name or a formal designation.
ASMR Succulent Chinese Meal + Sherman Tank, March 15, 2019, 09:47:26 pm
So it's a metroidvania.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop RoeCocoa Salubrious Rex SHAMBA~1.SBB

Mr. Hunky Academia

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Maybe it's because I spend my life reason government documents full of impossible to understand acronyms, but I really think that not everything needs to have a pithy name or a formal designation.
ASMR Succulent Chinese Meal + Sherman Tank, March 15, 2019, 09:47:26 pm

Imma call it a V'goz

(V'ger + Zardoz)


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Maybe it's because I spend my life reading government documents full of impossible to understand acronyms, but I really think that not everything needs to have a pithy name or a formal designation.
Small Purge of my Angry Sherman Tank, March 15, 2019, 09:47:26 pm
THIS Troper disagrees and thinks everything needs to be designated and further diluted into smaller parts so that everything has a fun name for it, forever, with no end in sight.