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Topic: Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021  (Read 4116 times)


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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021
Hey! So I want to talk about Sealab 2021 for a bit. I was rewatching some episodes last night (whether or not I was high at the time is none of your business), and I think there's a number of things in this show worth talking about.

I've personally referenced Sealab 2021 in a number of different F Plus episodes, but the show orginally aired in the year 2000, and now that it's 2021, it seems appropriate to give an introduction to anyone who might be interested...

So our story actually starts in the Mid-90's, with Space Ghost Coast To Coast, which in some ways wasn't a proper television show. Or at least, it didn't start as a regular television show. It was what happened when a group of guys who worked for the same company just started fucking around.

It aired on Cartoon Network, which is a channel that was owned by Ted Turner. But Ted Turner owned a number of different channels, and he didn't give a fuck about all of them. The general policy was: Kids like cartoons right? Well then, play some cartoons, just don't spend a lot of money on them. So, Cartoon Network was mainly just a channel that played reruns of old cartoons from the 60's. Cheap to buy, cheap to air. As such, Cartoon Network continued to earn a modest profit, and making a little money (but not too much money) is a really good way to get people to leave you alone. Including just making your own content.

The intricacies of the show Space Ghost Coast To Coast I won't go into here, but for two important facts:

  • It was done visually by taking the stills for an existing cartoon (in this case a 1966 superhero cartoon called Space Ghost) and reusing them, over and over again.
  • It was rather strange.

Anyway, I'll transition here, because while I could talk about that more, that show led to four cartoons that would be the beginning of Adult Swim: One of them (The Brak Show) was a direct SGC2C spin off, one of them (Harvey Birdman) was a more polished J. J. Sedelmaier production, one of them (Aqua Teen Hunger Force) would be the break-out hit, and the other one was Sealab 2021.

Like Space Ghost Coast To Coast, Sealab 2021 was also a reappropriation of a Hanna-Barbera Cartoon (a 1972 cartoon called Sealab 2020), and also would get weird. Like, impressively weird, right out of the gate.

The first episode of the show, you find out they're in an underwater building of some sort, and it's about to blow up. As soon as the group is presented with this news, everyone has a leisurely "what if" conversation about whether (if given the chance) they would put their brains in a robot body. Then Sealab blows up.

That's the first episode.

They continued on with this aesthetic. Existing as 11 minute episodes, more often than not Sealab would be following one single (usually very stupid) idea all the way through a rabbit hole and into the end credits.

  • An episode that's almost entirely 1 establishing shot? Sure. They'll do that.
  • An episode where they meet their bizarro counterparts, who just say "Bizarro" over and over again? Sounds good, they'll do it.
  • An epsiode that's a Rube Goldberg chain of the same people saying "Uh oh" to each other? Yes, absolutely.
  • How about we pretend we're making a movie, just as an excuse to interrupt our own promotion with commercials? Let's do exactly that.
  • What about an epsiode where they just reproduce an episode of Sealab 2020, even though that show is very boring? Let's get started!

If you're curious and want a first episode to start from, I'd actually point you to an epsiode from the second season called "The Legend of Baggy Pants". There's no such thing as a typical epiosde, but this one has a lot of things I like about the show: A pointless plot, lingering shots, absurdism that's still motivated, and Captain Murphy being a psychopath.

There's five seasons of this, and yes, of course, it'll get less good over time. Part of this is because one of their main actors died, and part of that is that breaking reality every episode is not a formula for consistency. So yes, the episodes definitely get worse over time.

However, I still personally think Sealab 2021 was good throughout its entire run, and even though I've seen it a number of times, I still laugh at it. Yesterday, I was talking to Jimmyfranks and he brought up "Zing of the Day" from Radio Free Sealab, and that just reminded me of all of this.

Sealab 2021 eventually led to Archer (after a brief stop at Frisky Dingo), and the four original Adult Swim shows eventually gave way to things like Robot Chicken and Squidbillies... but also some things that aren't completely awful, I guess.

Apparently the entire thing is on HBO Max & Hulu if you want to watch episodes there.

So, that's some words from me about Sealab 2021. Do you have favorite episodes? Things you remember about the show? People who quoted the show to you over and over and you fucking hated them so you can't look at it anymore? Let's talk Sealab! Pod 6 is jerks!
Great Joe Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop sambair Achilles' Heelies chai tea latte Macho Masc Sangy Savage Antivehicular KingKalamari

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #1
I wish my job had a Bebop Cola machine I want some Mingus Dew


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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #2
I'm incapable of hearing Jingle Bells without thinking about Dolphin Meat.

Achilles' Heelies

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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #3
My favorite is definitely when Murphy gets trapped under the Bebop cola machine.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Macho Masc Sangy Savage sambair

chai tea latte

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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #4
Oh, that's where Flylo got the name!


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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #5
Here's a weird recommendation but if you liked Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law, there's a Harvey Birdman video game. It's for the Wii, PS2 or PSP, all of which are pretty easy to emulate. It looks and feels exactly like the show, but also is exactly the gameplay of Phoenix Wright. It's not half bad, and it was made with in collaboration with the writers and VAs from the show.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #6
Sealab 2021 was one of my favorites, and it's going to be hard to find a specific episode that was the best. I think Der Dieb, just because it's just an incomprehensible escalation of dumb shit all for a very dumb reason.

...and every year I sing the Hesh robot birthday song to my brother:

Season 2 is also full of great episodes like Feast of Alvis and Hail, Squishface, which is their Star Trek tribbles parody. The show just really struggled after Harry Goz died, because Captain Murphy really tied everything together so well. Like Fusebox is the episode Lemon talked about that is just this image for an entire episode:

It worked because all of the characters and writing was good enough. Also youtube has done a bang up job of removing every possible clip, I can barely find anything. I did find the excellent I, Robot episode in full if you want a little sample:

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #7

Yeah, this show has colonized my brain.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #8
And, you know, if you like really catchy and perfect in every way songs, The Brak Show is there:


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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #9
Here’s Brak’s catchiest song.
Lemon Macho Masc Sangy Savage


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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #10
What I'm learning from Lemon's OP is that it's a shame that there's no Ted Turners in television anymore who are willing to fund whatever the fuck as long as it makes a bit more money than it took to make.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #11
What I'm learning from Lemon's OP is that it's a shame that there's no Ted Turners in television anymore who are willing to fund whatever the fuck as long as it makes a bit more money than it took to make.
Cleretic, February 20, 2021, 05:51:07 am

Or conversely, a group of people made a passion project work from a shit budget, and it made something pretty fun.

Decouple media and arts from the yoke of capitalism so we can all experience and create more stupid shit to enjoy and mock. Hail Satan
Great Joe Achilles' Heelies chai tea latte

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Here's a Number of Words About Sealab 2021 #12
Here’s Brak’s catchiest song.
Cheapskate, February 19, 2021, 03:57:40 pm

Thank you for bringing me this treasure


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I feel that this thread is starting to get off-topic. The only solution? We declare MARTIAN LAW!