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Topic: Episode 162 - Expedited Shipping  (Read 4229 times)

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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Episode 162 - Expedited Shipping
Mix Secret Gaygent 69 thelizzerd


  • Paid
    • 184
    • 2
Episode 162 - Expedited Shipping #1
I figure even odds that this episode is going to have an Amazon truck and a UPS truck making love

sea hag

  • Paid
    • 117
    • 6
Episode 162 - Expedited Shipping #2
My least favorite sfw trope in fanfiction is "this rich evil person who loves me buys me a lot of gifts because he's rich."

Bonus points if they list brand names.
Shell Game sambair Secret Gaygent 69 thelizzerd


  • Paid
  • 472
  • 16
Episode 162 - Expedited Shipping #3
My least favorite sfw trope in fanfiction is "this rich evil person who loves me buys me a lot of gifts because he's rich."

Bonus points if they list brand names.
sea hag, November 07, 2022, 10:28:26 am

I have no real interest in reading the 50 Shades of Grey books, but apparently they're full of this, including a lot of descriptions of helicopter rides.