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Topic: Episode 167 - How Are You Peeling?  (Read 4930 times)

Shell Game

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Episode 167 - How Are You Peeling?
Mix Secret Gaygent 69 Salubrious Rex Sauce Dr. Buttplug

Salubrious Rex

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Episode 167 - How Are You Peeling? #1
Can't eat meat.

Can't eat fruit.

Can't eat ice.

Can't eat... whatever soylent is.

I'm starting to think the breatharians are on to something, eating sounds dangerous.
Sauce Achilles' Heelies Dr. Buttplug


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Episode 167 - How Are You Peeling? #2
Dr. Buttplug

Great Joe

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Episode 167 - How Are You Peeling? #3
Knock, knock

Dr. Buttplug

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Episode 167 - How Are You Peeling? #4

The image Shell attempts to describe at the end.

Which appears to be from this book of disturbing fruit imagery. Presumably theres a page where grapes and raspberries copulate.
Great Joe chai tea latte Salubrious Rex

Salubrious Rex

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Episode 167 - How Are You Peeling? #5

Which appears to be from this book of disturbing fruit imagery.
Dr. Buttplug, January 30, 2023, 09:45:21 am

This looks like Soupe Opera in book form. If you've never heard of Soupe Opera, enjoy these stop-motion animations of adorable fruit imagery.
Dr. Buttplug