Snakes In The Ball Pit > Yay, I get to talk about me!

This Thread is Sketchy as Fuck - Post Your Sketches

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Macho Masc Sangy Savage:
Still not sure what I want to print, so went back to scrolling through the Strange Animals twitter feed and trying to make costumed people hybrid things. Working on foreshortening, and eventually forcing myself into more dynamic poses. Definitely had to reference a dancer image for that second to last one.

I'm an idiot, the punk rock turtle is actually a Mary River turtle. I was really hoping the turtle was called 'punk rock turtle'

Amelia Blank:
Here a few recent drawing I've done using my first digital art tablet. <3

My scanner is dead, would anybody mind photographs (in shitty lighting conditions) of sketchbook stuff here?

Also thank you very much for making this thread - I had the idea of making a "let's learn to draw" thread, but I'm not quite qualified to do that considering I still suck shit at art.

Doesn't matter if it's good or bad, or what the hell it was for.

Thing you drew on your pizza box?   POST IT

Thread open to all levels of skill.
Sanguinary Novel, June 09, 2016, 04:18:24 pm
--- End quote ---

I'll post some of my scribbles later. Thanks for being cool art people on the internet.

Yes hello I do the thing, with the hands, where you make the pictures. I'll post whatever whenever, but until then here's a couple of oldies for content.

Amelia Blank:


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