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September 20, 2024, 08:44:46 pm

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Topic: 277: My First Time (Lying On A Website)  (Read 17958 times)


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I think it didn't initially occur to me that they were simulating poop. I thought they were just being weird with potato salad and I went "huh, that makes sense as a thing people would be into".JamEngulfer, March 29, 2018, 06:42:01 pm
I thought it was just a matter of it being impossible to faze the person who brought us the most horrible episode ever.
Sham bam bamina!, March 29, 2018, 06:48:27 pm

I mean, that too. I am genuinely worried at how little things faze me now.

I think that episode was my tipping point.

Shell Game

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Yay! Plastic pants!
SHAMBA~1.SBB DetectiveSlowpoke


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I love when any story is; as paraphrased from lemon in an episode: "oh you're wearing a diaper. That is......strangely erotic!"
Wrought Bodark Yavuz