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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2017766 times)


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I looked up this Dendi fellow from Zekka's storygame, found out he was a real guy and is "well known for his solo mid skills," and sat back in my chair and was... just really confused.
He's also really normiecute for a guy who spends a lot of time playing video games.  Also PewDiePie is, like, hot, if you're into surfer bros, which is really unacceptable for some asshole who makes millions of dollars by being on the internet.
Nifty Nif, May 02, 2016, 11:54:02 am

A lot of that stuff comes from injokes involving my ex. Here's a link to something very similar I created a long time ago for her birthday. It's less coherent and more memey so I'm not super proud of it.

(fyi, the command to open a file is `type` -- not `cat` -- I don't remember why I did that.)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 12:31:39 pm by Zekka »


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Apparently at some point in my referral to a neurosurgeon here in Melbourne, my last name got misspelled with an N instead of an R. At this point I'm not sure how to correct it, or even if it's worth the trouble to, since while it's spread among three different systems it's all internally consistent, and I might be changing my name in a year or two anyway.

There's also sort of a silent question of how long it's going to go. Every time I have to deal with any of the people who have my name misspelled, I show one or two pieces of ID that clearly have my name spelled correctly.  Eventually someone's going to notice that the name in their system is wrong, right?

A Meat

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Apparently at some point in my referral to a neurosurgeon here in Melbourne, my last name got misspelled with an N instead of an R. At this point I'm not sure how to correct it, or even if it's worth the trouble to, since while it's spread among three different systems it's all internally consistent, and I might be changing my name in a year or two anyway.

There's also sort of a silent question of how long it's going to go. Every time I have to deal with any of the people who have my name misspelled, I show one or two pieces of ID that clearly have my name spelled correctly.  Eventually someone's going to notice that the name in their system is wrong, right?
Cleretic, May 03, 2016, 01:58:48 am

As someone whose name is spelled incorrectly all the time, the answer is a resounding no. You gotta correct them if you want it right. an 'm' in my last name is changed to an 'n' like half of the time, and they never notice it unless I say something.

No to mention names being mispronounced, that's inevitable.

Speaking of last names, people on both sides of my family spell their last names in varying ways in English, creating unnecessary confusion. Anglicizing slavic last names can be tough, but be consistent please.

Nifty Nif

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Apparently at some point in my referral to a neurosurgeon here in Melbourne, my last name got misspelled with an N instead of an R. At this point I'm not sure how to correct it, or even if it's worth the trouble to, since while it's spread among three different systems it's all internally consistent, and I might be changing my name in a year or two anyway.

There's also sort of a silent question of how long it's going to go. Every time I have to deal with any of the people who have my name misspelled, I show one or two pieces of ID that clearly have my name spelled correctly.  Eventually someone's going to notice that the name in their system is wrong, right?
Cleretic, May 03, 2016, 01:58:48 am

Heck no they won't!  You gotta cross it off on their sheet, make a big deal out of it, and stand over them while you watch them correct it.  My bf is a "two first names" kind of guy (second one I've dated, coincidentally, something about these east-coast prep-school types), in that he has a last name that sounds like a first name, so his names get swapped on medical records constantly.  It doesn't get fixed unless you make a thing about it.
(The first guy I dated with two first names has 'em perma-backwards on his info that's tied to his DCI number, so every time he goes to play MtG his name gets called backwards.  Ha ha.  Fuck that guy.)

I'm wearing this trendy skirt that's got a space print on it.  Now that I'm looking even closer at it, it has SPACE KITTIES and SPACE UNICORNS on it.  Life is good.
chai tea latte Really_Quite_Nice Maxine Headroom


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Today in the news: "Angel found in Indonesia turns out to be a blow-up sexdoll"
Gyro Really_Quite_Nice Digital Walnut Chupasaurus-Rex

Sherman Tank

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A man who's been a sitcom punchline for my entire life is now one of the major parties' candidates for president. What the shit is happening.


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A man who's been a sitcom punchline for my entire life is now one of the major parties' candidates for president. What the shit is happening.
Not Always Sherman Tank, May 04, 2016, 03:02:59 am
On the upside, it's the last dying throes of a party that has no principles left but bigotry and hatred. Trump winning the primaries isn't so much a victory for him as it is just proof that nobody left in the Republican party has any fucking clue how to be appealing to voters or how to effectively debate other people.

The downside is that as shitty as Trump is at this, he can still theoretically win. Ball's in your court, America: don't fuck this up.
Bodark Gyro


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Today I walked out to my yard to see a woodpecker landing on a concrete utility pole. He spent the next 3 minutes circling on it, enthusiastically pecking the concrete for insects. I think halfway through he realized what an idiot he was, but still kept up the show for a while longer not to lose face in front of me. He appeared disinterested and flew away at last. Sure woodpecker, sure. I saw what you did. You moron.
Gyro Shigan Ashto Nifty Nif


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annual passport for Disneyland.
Digital Walnut, April 27, 2016, 11:56:17 pm

As a WDW geek, I don't understand why someone would do this.  Wouldn't you get bored?  There's like, nothing to do there.
Gosh, I really love Disney World.

Nifty Nif, April 28, 2016, 08:42:14 am

My wife's aunt, whose last name is Snowwhite (no shit) goes to Disney World like 2-3 times a year.

Nifty Nif

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annual passport for Disneyland.
Digital Walnut, April 27, 2016, 11:56:17 pm

As a WDW geek, I don't understand why someone would do this.  Wouldn't you get bored?  There's like, nothing to do there.
Gosh, I really love Disney World.

Nifty Nif, April 28, 2016, 08:42:14 am

My wife's aunt, whose last name is Snowwhite (no shit) goes to Disney World like 2-3 times a year.
Turkeyvolumeguessing, May 04, 2016, 06:15:00 am

That is the fucking bomb.  My parents, instead of empty nesting, are doing that now, but they're starting to go on Disney Cruises and doing the Food and Wine week thing rather than the 8-day see-every-park-twice family vacation experience.

The last time I went, I tried to do a Magic Kingdom one-day itinerary.  Not one that is optimized for the best experience, but one that is optimized so you have the best chance of seeing everything, literally everything, in the park in one full day, from opening ceremonies to fireworks.  At the time, this was 60ish attractions.  A few were closed, so I think I had 50-some to work with.  I got through 38 rides and attractions in 12 hours before ragequitting.  I could have kept going because the park hadn't closed yet, but I was toast.  I didn't take breaks for food, and I intentionally skipped "It's a Small World" because I knew I couldn't 100% complete it anyway.  It was a harrowing day, but I also got to see attractions that I hadn't seen since my first visit in 1996.  I will probably try again someday.

Park itinerary optimization is also a super interesting problem to tinker with if you like theme parks!
I have recurring dreams about theme parks and have had them since my youth.  I wonder what it means?  Probably that I like theme parks.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 11:23:39 am by Nifty Nif »


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The downside is that as shitty as Trump is at this, he can still theoretically win. Ball's in your court, America: don't fuck this up.Cleretic, May 04, 2016, 03:31:17 am

If it makes you feel any better, one of the major reasons establishment Republicans have been rallying against Trump is because they know that he has absolutely no appeal amongst undecided and swing voters. In essence, a primary-election victory for Trump is a general-election victory for the Democratic candidate, whoever that may be, and the Republican old guard knows it.

In a twist of irony, one of the reasons Republicans grew so complacent post-2000 election is because their core voting bloc of angry old white people is not only firmly loyal to them but also has historically high voting turnout. Now, that same bloc's loyalty is being used against them, because as big as it is, it's not big enough to singlehandedly give the win to a blowhard gaffe machine who pointedly alienates anybody he's not directly pandering to.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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"What Am I Gonna Do With All These Assholes?" would be the perfect title for two very different books.
Bodark Sherman Tank Digital Walnut Ashto goombapolice Maxine Headroom


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When will Nate Silver finally shut the fuck up and/or admit he's been more wrong than a person has ever been.

That gets no question mark because I already know the answer.
Nifty Nif


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I looked up this Dendi fellow from Zekka's storygame, found out he was a real guy and is "well known for his solo mid skills," and sat back in my chair and was... just really confused.
He's also really normiecute for a guy who spends a lot of time playing video games.  Also PewDiePie is, like, hot, if you're into surfer bros, which is really unacceptable for some asshole who makes millions of dollars by being on the internet.
Nifty Nif, May 02, 2016, 11:54:02 am
I've noticed that it's the shittist (popular) lets players that are the hottest, and the better they get, the more 'meh' looking they are.

Except, of course, for this beautiful angel:
Nifty Nif Maxine Headroom


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"What Am I Gonna Do With All These Assholes?" would be the perfect title for two very different books.
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes, May 04, 2016, 05:54:55 pm

One's about rude employees and the other one's about a herd of scared donkeys making off so fast they leave cartoon, ass-shaped holes in your walls, threatening the structural stability of your house? I've got it right, correct?
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Bodark Sherman Tank Ashto