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Topic: Episode 339: Afterskin  (Read 26161 times)


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Episode 339: Afterskin
Achilles' Heelies Mix GirlKisser420 Immoral Filth Ambious chai tea latte oscaruglyface SHAMBA~1.SBB Puppy Time Shell Game Salubrious Rex


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Episode 339: Afterskin #1
Keratin is a weird thing to think your dick grows. If you get circ’ed your dick gets a fingernail, that’s science
Achilles' Heelies Immoral Filth surrey Puppy Time Salubrious Rex


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Episode 339: Afterskin #2
Keratin is a weird thing to think your dick grows. If you get circ’ed your dick gets a fingernail, that’s science
GirlKisser420, December 21, 2020, 10:13:20 pm

The layman assumes the phrase "getting horny" refers exclusively to sexual arousal, but professionals understand its connection to the Post-Circumcision Dick Horn
Immoral Filth xX_sp00ks_Xx Dr. Buttplug surrey Puppy Time Salubrious Rex chai tea latte junior associate faguar


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Episode 339: Afterskin #3
Immoral Filth Antivehicular GirlKisser420 FinchChunk chai tea latte Achilles' Heelies Mix ikaribattousai surrey Puppy Time Salubrious Rex

Immoral Filth

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Episode 339: Afterskin #4
This was kind of a short episode. You could have stretched it out some more.
cube abuser Ambious Dr. Buttplug surrey Puppy Time Dawnswalker Salubrious Rex


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Episode 339: Afterskin #5
This was kind of a short episode. You could have stretched it out some more.
Immoral Filth, December 22, 2020, 12:17:38 am
To be fair, they were only at a Real Ridiculist Index (RRI) of 4. They're going to need at least 6 more ridiculists to get the podcast to docking length.

Also: Raw Milk for Cockrub Warrior of the Year
Immoral Filth Puppy Time


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Episode 339: Afterskin #6
A surprising lack of anti-semitism in this one.
Seth "Slimy" Rollins

Boots Raingear

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Episode 339: Afterskin #7

1 Samuel 18:24-25
Saul's servants reported back, and Saul told his servants, 'Tell David, "The king wants no other price for the bride than a hundred Philistine foreskins, so as to have vengeance on his enemies."'

1 Samuel 18:27
So David and his men went and killed two hundred Philistine men.

1 Samuel 18:27
He brought their foreskins and presented them before the king in full number.

1 Samuel 18:29
Saul realized that Yahweh was with David, and he was more afraid of David than ever.

From The Brick Testament
chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Penultimatum Achilles' Heelies A Meat 1234GO! Immoral Filth KingKalamari sambair Antivehicular xX_sp00ks_Xx Secret Gaygent 69 Dr. Buttplug I Liked That Joke surrey Shell Game Salubrious Rex DUDEVSTHEWORLD

The Killer Dynamo

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Episode 339: Afterskin #8
I have a family member who works in a urology clinic, and it is not uncommon for these fellas to come in seeking treatment after mangling their dicks with whatever MacGuyver contraption they've chosen.

I told them about this episode topic and they texted me back "gGGGGGGGGGGG"
GirlKisser420 One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Secret Gaygent 69 Boots Raingear KingKalamari chai tea latte Lemon Achilles' Heelies Antivehicular RoeCocoa A Meat EYE OF ZA auaurorau Great Joe Seth "Slimy" Rollins Mix lazzer grardaion? NutshellGulag surrey Penultimatum Shell Game 1234GO! SHAMBA~1.SBB Puppy Time Dawnswalker Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex DUDEVSTHEWORLD junior associate faguar thelizzerd

Shell Game

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Episode 339: Afterskin #9
When you got to reddit it was like flashing back to my first shared house and the intactivist libertarianism that was thrust upon me there.
Immoral Filth Penultimatum Achilles' Heelies Puppy Time Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex

Shell Game

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Episode 339: Afterskin #10
I've been made aware that I have the misfortune of remembering Foreskin Man where others don't. Consider this a PSA. A super fucking offensive PSA. I'm linking articles and videos and not the actual comic.

Foreskin Man was a superhero designed by a guy who tried to pass a bill in California banning non-medically necessary circumcision back in 2011. It's notable for being extremely anti-semitic, extremely racist, extremely islamophobic and extremely sexist. The comic ran 5 issues.

Here's an old mother jones article i found.

Here's a Wikipedia page with much less information, but that may be for the better.

Here's the THEME SONG as performed by "Vulva Girl."

Explore at your own risk.
chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB


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Episode 339: Afterskin #11
It's funny about the antisemitism. I've got a restored foreskin, and once upon a time, I had a website about how I did it. It was on PoE once -- you've likely seen it. Anyway, I never got any sort of hate about it with the exception of this one Orthodox Jewish group in Israel who despised me. It was an old fashioned sort of website with very little user interaction, so they couldn't really cause any problem on it, but they'd follow me around on forums and harass me constantly.

Shell Game

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Episode 339: Afterskin #12
It's funny about the antisemitism.
PersonFromPorlock, January 17, 2021, 01:11:27 am
...Is it?

Anyway, I never got any sort of hate about it with the exception of this one Orthodox Jewish group in Israel who despised me.
PersonFromPorlock, January 17, 2021, 01:11:27 am
Are you, in response to my post about the horrendously offensive comic in which a giant blond intactivist fights and defeats villainous mohels depicted in some very grotesque stereotypes, highlighting some sort of irony that, in your experience, Jewish people are aggressors?

Because I have a few concerns with this impulse to compare...

Or perhaps this is in response to the wondering about there not being antisemitism in the episode. To which i still wonder... is your point "well actually, the jews..." ? Cuz it REALLY feels like that's your point.
Dr. Buttplug Antivehicular Puppy Time Boots Raingear Achilles' Heelies Immoral Filth Great Joe Salubrious Rex A Meat teethwax
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 11:30:09 am by Shell Game »


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Episode 339: Afterskin #13
I've got a restored foreskin, and once upon a time, I had a website about how I did it.
PersonFromPorlock, January 17, 2021, 01:11:27 am
chai tea latte Great Joe SHAMBA~1.SBB Shell Game Spenny Salubrious Rex teethwax Vinny Possum Ugly In The Morning Mix Ganymede

Tipsy Almond

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Episode 339: Afterskin #14
It's funny about the antisemitism. I've got a restored foreskin, and once upon a time, I had a website about how I did it. It was on PoE once -- you've likely seen it. Anyway, I never got any sort of hate about it with the exception of this one Orthodox Jewish group in Israel who despised me. It was an old fashioned sort of website with very little user interaction, so they couldn't really cause any problem on it, but they'd follow me around on forums and harass me constantly.
PersonFromPorlock, January 17, 2021, 01:11:27 am

TMI, bro.
Immoral Filth Great Joe Seth "Slimy" Rollins Shell Game Salubrious Rex