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Topic: 205: Altered Creeps  (Read 23392 times)

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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205: Altered Creeps #30
For every explicit story there's five others of capt. Kirk just turning into a parakeet.
Spooks, February 22, 2016, 02:21:00 am

They're definitely jerking off to that.


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205: Altered Creeps #31
I'm not surprised at all by the amount of stuff that got cut. Leafing through the doc after it was recorded it was more and more apparent to me 80% of it was either too gross or infuriating to read out loud. The worst is I'm not even sure it's a failing entirely on my part.  I don't know if any amount of trimming down and story selection could redeem the TSA. It is a dense archive of fiction, one chock full of 50 page stories written in awful, convoluted, stilted writing where nothing happens until "and then I was a cat". Its worst stories, the ones that ended up in the doc, are also its best. That's not to say I regret submitting the subject, it's still a super weird site and it does make for a great episode where a listener can go "Huh? What? So you jerk off to this? Statues?" Props to you guys for soldiering through and making it work.

The most confounding thing is that, by and large, the TSA is not an erotic archive. For every explicit story there's five others of capt. Kirk just turning into a parakeet. I guess what most surprised me isn't that somebody would write a story about their telepathic dog transforming them into their dog-wife by way of intercourse (because of course they'd write that), it's the sheer amount of time some of these people spent, pouring buckets of unfiltered prose in this collective archive. I honestly don't know, man, 90's nerds.
All in all, [yuck]
Spooks, February 22, 2016, 02:21:00 am

I forgive you, but I'm still not trusting you with my pets.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte Sherman Tank


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205: Altered Creeps #32
I'm not surprised at all by the amount of stuff that got cut. Leafing through the doc after it was recorded it was more and more apparent to me 80% of it was either too gross or infuriating to read out loud.
Spooks, February 22, 2016, 02:21:00 am

I did the exact same thing with my first document, so don't bust your balls over it.


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205: Altered Creeps #33
I didn't get the Gremins reference but I did get the Reboot reference! [freakout]

Sherman Tank

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205: Altered Creeps #34
Here is a fun anecdote about this episode: I started the first reading and got about halfway into the story before Lemon realized it was about to lead to straight up horsefucking and made me stop.

I wouldn't have stopped on my own, I don't know what shame is.
Frank West, February 21, 2016, 11:38:29 pm

That F Plus Live 3 reading really broke you, didn't it?


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205: Altered Creeps #35
Here is a fun anecdote about this episode: I started the first reading and got about halfway into the story before Lemon realized it was about to lead to straight up horsefucking and made me stop.

I wouldn't have stopped on my own, I don't know what shame is.
Frank West, February 21, 2016, 11:38:29 pm

That F Plus Live 3 reading really broke you, didn't it?
Sherman Tank, February 22, 2016, 03:42:26 pm

Unless maybe it FIXED him...

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205: Altered Creeps #36
Today's Special!
Neal, February 21, 2016, 07:54:40 pm
Yeah, that's not that obscure, is it? It was an 80's era Canadian show, but I remember watching it on Nickelodeon as a kid.

junior associate faguar

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205: Altered Creeps #37
The limericks just make me want an all-fetish-poetry episode more and more
VOODOO RECTUM, February 22, 2016, 02:01:33 am

That may be coming to a hopper near you soon, along with maybe the second attempt at a Writing.com TF weirdness document.


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205: Altered Creeps #38
Today's Special!
Neal, February 21, 2016, 07:54:40 pm

Shout it loud and clear!
Sherman Tank


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205: Altered Creeps #39
Yeeeeeah, this site was my first expisure to things intended to be erotic that wasn't porny banner ads. I actually remember a couple of these stories. I can still kind of see what I saw in them, but it's not quite there.

I mentioned in internet.txt that you can really see the outlet-ism in transformation fetishism, and while that's not really true of these readings it's definitely very present on the TSA. Lots of people trying to make sense of themselves, that sometimes but not always leads into boners. I found it as part of a long chain of places I went in trying to make sense of my own feelings about myself, and while I went down the wrong road at that time I feel like it wasn't actually to blame, because that came through to me.
xX_sp00ks_Xx Gyro


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205: Altered Creeps #40
my craaaatch
Curious Robot chai tea latte RoeCocoa Dawnswalker Cirr slandersonn Sherman Tank Goose Goose Honk At Me Now


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205: Altered Creeps #41
Today's Special might be the most obscure reference ever made on this podcast. It's definitely the most regionally specific.

Digital Walnut

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205: Altered Creeps #42
"I'm going to skip the part where Pinky and The Brain fuck" might be my favorite opening sentence of anything ever.
Sherman Tank
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 01:13:27 pm by Digital Walnut »

Nikaer Drekin

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205: Altered Creeps #43
I was trying to play some CS:GO the other day, but the server just had way too much Carl for it to be any fun.

Boots Raingear

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205: Altered Creeps #44
Yeah, if there's a time you guys want to play, feel free. If you are playing at a time when none of the ridiculists are likely to be around and think you can be trusted with temporary admin power, let me know in advance.