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Topic: 207: Can I Borrow Your Brain?  (Read 14810 times)


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207: Can I Borrow Your Brain? #15
"Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 is the most innovative movie I've seen in years!"

Nice SUPERHOT reference there. Did you guys enjoy that game? I did.
Dog Magma, April 03, 2016, 04:49:38 pm

I did too, very much, but I burned through all of the content in short order. I guess that's a good thing; leave them wanting more and all that. Better a game does that then wear out its welcome.


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207: Can I Borrow Your Brain? #16
"Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 is the most innovative movie I've seen in years!"

Nice SUPERHOT reference there. Did you guys enjoy that game? I did.
Dog Magma, April 03, 2016, 04:49:38 pm

I did too, very much, but I burned through all of the content in short order. I guess that's a good thing; leave them wanting more and all that. Better a game does that then wear out its welcome.
Isfahan, April 03, 2016, 05:22:50 pm

Yeah, it's quite short. Good while it lasted, but it didn't last very long. Even with the "Endless Mode" - there's only so much of that you can do before it gets samey.

I pirated it and I feel like a horrible person for pirating an indie game - and not just that, a good indie game - but I'm going to wait to buy it when it's in a steam sale because fuck paying $26 for a two-hour experience.


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207: Can I Borrow Your Brain? #17
"Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 is the most innovative movie I've seen in years!"
Dog Magma, April 03, 2016, 04:49:38 pm

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207: Can I Borrow Your Brain? #18
Mmmm, delicious word salad.  Hand me the Caesar.

That aside, it reminded me of this guy I knew who thought his thoughts could change reality.  He wasn't a pua or anything close to it, but this bullshit kind of made him insufferable, nonetheless, because he'd try to apply it to other people's lives, too.  Like mine.  When I told him it didn't work (because, yanno, it isn't REAL) he trotted out that old 'you didn't want it hard enough' chestnut.

To this day I'm convinced the only reason why I didn't deck him for that was the prospect of jail time.


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207: Can I Borrow Your Brain? #19
I'm still not sure this wasn't some sort of D&D expansion book about psychics
A Meat, April 03, 2016, 01:41:23 am

This was straight-up Mage: the Ascension material.


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207: Can I Borrow Your Brain? #20
Kurt Vonnegut's Lust Rubies Or: Schizophrendzone
chai tea latte Sherman Tank Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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207: Can I Borrow Your Brain? #21
My personal favorite technique is The People's monster cock Sphincter.


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207: Can I Borrow Your Brain? #22
I have to agree with the readers' summary at the end: There is no fucking way that the people who wrote this believe it. It is 100% definitely a deliberate scam.


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207: Can I Borrow Your Brain? #23
Why would someone name themselves Richard McBeef? Does Cho Seung Hui have followers now?
Chaymie, April 03, 2016, 12:50:45 am

Yeah, this was literally the only thing I could think of, it was really distracting for some reason.

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207: Can I Borrow Your Brain? #24
Homeboy has a Patreon now!


Count me in at the Godly tier.