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Topic: Pen & Paper Bullshit  (Read 5103 times)


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Pen & Paper Bullshit
Hello, if you would like to hear some folks from around here doing tabletop RPGs, here you go. These games are all run by the Lesbiathan, and you can find them here. Each session is about two hours long.

Tell No Tales
Game: Eclipse Phase 2E Playtest
  • Jack Caiman (Frank West): A biology professor currently occupying a novacrab morph.
  • Dagfinn Yamaguchi (The Heavenator): A Quebecois mob enforcer in a squid morph.
  • Brightwing (me): An uplifted raven who wants to be a noir detective.
  • Billy "Gex" Gospeler (dijon du jour): An activist who believes that drugs deserve to be free.
The Story So Far: We are a Firewall team sent to hypercorp-dominated Mars to investigate information/tech broker Marzuq Abdul Wadud al-Bahth's suspicious death. Also, crab battle.

Super Charge Me
Game: Unknown Armies 3E
  • Rep. Brobert Malley (STOG): A centrist politician and avatar of the Demagogue. Wants to bring tech jobs to El Paso.
  • Raven Heartstone (me): Gourmeturge (food mage), restaurant owner, Wiccan. Wishes she'd been a hippie.
  • Chuck Greene (Frank West): A ludomancer (video game mage) and video game player. Basically Frank West playing himself.
  • JP Lapierre (Viscardus): An avatar of the Fool and classic triple-threat (singer, dancer, actor). Currently playing the vampire detective Louis XVII in an HBO drama.
  • Dr. Sam Johnson (The Heavenator): A dictomancer (word mage) and terrible professor. Believes that the mayor of Las Vegas is secretly the Zodiac Killer.
The Story So Far: We are the Small Business Council, a group of occult weirdos who are investigating the Fast Food Cabal, a different group of occult weirdos. The Fast Food Cabal seem to be trying to create a magickal nuke for some reason.

Bill in Three Persons
Game: Unknown Armies 3E
  • Henry Shortshiv (Nuffkins): An avatar of the Gambler and electrician.
  • Anise Alluria (Shell Game): An Instagram model and avatar of the Star.
  • Alex "The Ax" Jackson (Goop): An irascimancer (anger mage) and internet troll.
  • My Dude (dijon du jour): An avatar of the Tamer and IRL Pokemon Trainer. Accompanied by his trusty Shiba Inu, whose name is Growlithe.
The Story: A one-shot set in the same universe as Super Charge Me, this game features time-and-space shenangians as four random occult weirdos come together to help Bill Toge, who has somehow gotten into a three-car pileup with himself.
NutshellGulag Bodark Vinny Possum Frank West
« Last Edit: April 21, 2018, 09:56:17 am by Yavuz Sultan Selim »