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Topic: The boards seem awfully quiet lately  (Read 33221 times)


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #15
I suspect people are just busy.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #16
I suspect people are just busy.Runic, September 02, 2013, 03:06:51 pm

In all honesty, I think this is what it is. Summer's wrapping up, people are away for Labo(u)r Day, school's beginning, it's the last month of the fiscal year for lots of places, and the football season is starting.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #17
If I hadn't posted in that thread, then it would have become a pro-furry circlejerk, and then I would have been disappointed. It's a zero-sum game.
Isfahan, September 02, 2013, 03:05:54 pm

For what it's worth I was trying to word my post neutrally. In retrospect I can see how it looked more snarkily coy and I apologize for that.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #18
It's because I got a job!


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #19
It's because I got a job!
montrith, September 02, 2013, 03:54:20 pm

Grats! What kind of job?


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #20
It's because I got a job!
montrith, September 02, 2013, 03:54:20 pm

Ugh, the bourgeois, am I wrong, comrades?


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #21
Please explain to me how I was singling Ikarus out that does not amount to "Ikarus is the author of the post that you replied to."
Isfahan, September 02, 2013, 02:20:39 pm

You know, big picture, you're right. The majority of the thread was painted in broader strokes, and there's very few individuals who are specifically targetted in that thread - but I did feel that by opening with links to Icarus' journal and webcomic, the later arguments did come across as being personally directed.

We're diverging from topic, though. I'll just state that I agree with Ike's line of reasoning here and be done with it. At the end of the day, the posting frequency changes are more likely seasonal than anything else.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #22
I suspect people are just busy.Runic, September 02, 2013, 03:06:51 pm

In all honesty, I think this is what it is. Summer's wrapping up, people are away for Labo(u)r Day, school's beginning, it's the last month of the fiscal year for lots of places, and the football season is starting.
Isfahan, September 02, 2013, 03:08:47 pm
Just Labor day. Only in America do we celebrate Labor day in September, the rest of the world does it on May first. We changed the date because we wanted a day off but NO COMMIE MAN NO COMMIE.


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #23
It's in September here in Canada too (Because we absorb everything from America by osmosis).

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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #24
It's in September here in Canada too (Because we absorb everything from America by osmosis).
KingKalamari, September 02, 2013, 07:05:47 pm
Except poutine. Y'all came up with that shit on your own.

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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #25
It's in September here in Canada too (Because we absorb everything from America by osmosis).
KingKalamari, September 02, 2013, 07:05:47 pm

Yeah damned canadians stealing our calendar. COME UP WITH YOUR OWN MONTHS, FREELOADERS


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #26
I vote we change the name of September to Jesustember just to stick it to them!


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #27
It's because I got a job!
montrith, September 02, 2013, 03:54:20 pm

Grats! What kind of job?
TheCrawlingChaos, September 02, 2013, 03:59:09 pm

All you need to know is that if you've ever done business with a mail order company I hate your guts.

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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #28
For me it's just that I've shot my load.  I only have a few atrocity tourism interest areas - conservative nutters, religious nutters and furries, pretty much.  And I done made me a Conservapedia thread and a Naylor thread.  So basically at this point I could just keep updating the conservapedia thread with every new bit of idiocy I find, or stumble into other people's threads and make useless "HA HA YEAH THAT SURE IS MESSED UP" posts, and neither of those seems particularly useful.

Also happy 666th, Runic!


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The boards seem awfully quiet lately #29
Somehow I managed to collapse the "this internet of ours" section and forgot it existed for like a week. In my defense it was a really stressful week.