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Topic: thefmin.us  (Read 12823 times)


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As you may know, Extra Credit has a website at thefmin.us!
Up until recently it used an ugly generic WordPress theme, but Ashto has been hard at work the last week and completely redesigned the website into a pretty damn good looking site!
It's now easier to browse, easier on the eyes - and most importantly, easier for us to manage!
Thanks again to Ashto for this brilliant work!

If you have any comments, ideas, suggestions or problems - feel free to post them here.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop NutshellGulag Argyle Funk Sherman Tank Runic Nifty Nif Amelia Blank Liatai Caroline Yavuz Ganymede Lemon Bodark Gyro znarf bubbleuj STOG JonRG Shell Game charkas
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 01:17:22 pm by Ambious Was a Mistake »

Amelia Blank

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thefmin.us #1
Ashto is good! <3 Good job Ashto! <3
Nifty Nif

Sherman Tank

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thefmin.us #2
The new site is awesome.
znarf Nifty Nif


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thefmin.us #3
cough friday-sun recording please.  Or later on Thursdays cough


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thefmin.us #4
I can only record during the day.

So if people from outside NA want to record, I am down!

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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thefmin.us #5
As brought up on SA, there doesn't seem to be download links? Are we all blind, or is this an oversight, or is it just to stop us chewing through your wallet in bandwidth fees?


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thefmin.us #6
As brought up on SA, there doesn't seem to be download links? Are we all blind, or is this an oversight, or is it just to stop us chewing through your wallet in bandwidth fees?
moooo566, September 23, 2016, 03:10:10 am

Yeah, there was a problem with some of our scripts.
While we look into it, we've added the downloads & player manually for now.


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thefmin.us #7
The issue should be resolved now, so give the page a refresh.
Disregard Ambious, the website was put together with the help of the great and honerable Chairman Mao, and therefore any mistakes were due to the ineptitude of whatever country put together the computer you were visiting the site from. All hail Chairman Mao.
Nifty Nif Ganymede


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thefmin.us #8
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Amelia Blank Gyro Sherman Tank Ganymede znarf Yavuz

Silent Liver Disease

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thefmin.us #9
Found the competition.


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thefmin.us #10
Found the competition.
Silent Liver Disease, September 28, 2016, 05:54:49 pm
Oh wow!
Is it good?

Sherman Tank

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  • Associate Tag Director, East
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thefmin.us #11
Found the competition.
Silent Liver Disease, September 28, 2016, 05:54:49 pm
Oh wow!
Is it good?
Ambious Was a Mistake, September 28, 2016, 08:06:39 pm

No, it isn't.


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thefmin.us #12
Made a post to the twitter, but I'll do it here too.

Try this for the advert/reminder for the podcast:  T-H, E-F, M-I-N, dot-U-S.  It follows a smoother 2-2-3-3 scheme, instead of borrowing fplus's 3-3-3 and getting tripped up. on the extra bit.

I think they've been consistently horrible in the best way possible. 


  • Guest
thefmin.us #13
Made a post to the twitter, but I'll do it here too.

Try this for the advert/reminder for the podcast:  T-H, E-F, M-I-N, dot-U-S.  It follows a smoother 2-2-3-3 scheme, instead of borrowing fplus's 3-3-3 and getting tripped up. on the extra bit.

I think they've been consistently horrible in the best way possible.
znarf, October 07, 2016, 01:57:39 am

For me it works best as THE, F, MIN, DOT, US: 3-1-3-1-2
But I guess it's become a running joke by now that the address is a jawbreaker, so it's kinda fun at this point.
We should start having the guests say it just to mess with them.


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thefmin.us #14
Played around a little bit in CSS with the episode view. See screenshots below.

header { position:absolute; z-index:3; top:0; right:0; left:0; }
.epPost.img-container { position:fixed; top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; }

// either remove these rules...
.epPost.img-container { min-height: 100px; max-height: 45vh; max-width:1400px; }
// or add these....
.epPost.img-container { min-height: auto; max-height: auto; max-width:auto; }

main.container + div.container { position: relative; z-index: 3; width: 100%; background: white; margin-top: 3em; }
#comments { max-width: 1170px; width:90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background:transparent; }
footer.chalkboard-wood { position:relative; z-index:3; }

Not sure if that's to your liking or not, just wanted to experiment since you've got nice high-res images anyway. The .img-container thing won't translate that well to taller screens - would work better if it had a background image instead of an img element inside.
nuffkins, of all people, Ashto znarf Sherman Tank