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Topic: 2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?)  (Read 14120 times)

Victor Laszlo

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2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?) #15
It's probably my settings/extensions, but Firefox was not ready for this in the same way that Chrome was ready for this.


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2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?) #16
I finally clicked "yes" because I thought I was ready for this but I have now reconsidered my eligibility. Upon seeing a blonde man that looks very much like myself dancing in a green polo shirt, khaki pants and ConverseĀ® shoes, I am deeply compelled to hereby submit my resignation from being ready for this.
Lemon Liatai nuffkins, of all people, Boots Raingear Sherman Tank

ham burger

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2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?) #17
Tag yourself I'm nick cage
Frank West, April 22, 2017, 06:13:48 pm

i'm techno viking sorry

Shell Game

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2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?) #18
Tina Belcher I was not ready for you, but I wanted to pretend.


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2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?) #19
Those dance competitions are great, thanks for linking to everything on the github.


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2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?) #20
Those dance competitions are great, thanks for linking to everything on the github.
EYE OF ZA, April 30, 2017, 04:25:15 am

Yeah! strreetstar competitions are incredibly fun to watch. They break out all the battles by genre, going so far as to have 3 separate Vogue compeitions (Vogue New Way, Vogue Old Way, and Vogue Femme). But no matter what subgroup you choose, that one guy is going to be scatting nonsense while it happens.

Audio in the all the 2016 videos is blown out. But there's many years on their channel.

Oh and spoiler on the Runway competitions? The lady named Longlegs always wins.

While we're on the subject, if anyone wanted a thread on Battle of the Year, I would happily participate.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 08:39:10 am by Lemon »


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2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?) #21
Fyi this domain is available

I'm sure Iceland would appreciate it.
Fatty Bo Batty nuffkins, of all people,


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2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?) #22
The videos were being stupid on some phones, an issue I think I just addressed.

More phones should be ready for this now.


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2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?) #23
My Android Marshmallow was still not quite ready for this.
Samsung's default browser doesn't show any clips, but Chrome delivers.

ETA: I meant to say that my Samsung 5 S with Android Marshmallow not just the OS. Cause I think it'd be more helpful, but don't actually know shit.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 10:47:49 am by Peartee »


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2un.ltd (Are you all ready for this?) #24
Chrome on Android Nougat is only a little ready of this. The first gif repeats over and over, never progressing to the second gif. However, hitting No and then Yes again cycles to the next gif