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Topic: I make Youtube vids sporadically  (Read 6331 times)


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I make Youtube vids sporadically
Every once in a while, I'll get a really dumb idea and make a Youtube vid about it. They can range from complete nonsense to shit I actually put effort in. Usually the low effort ones turn out better. I try to keep them below two minutes to encourage binge watching. I've been told that whenever I put a new vid up, some people have to go through and watch a few more.


Here is my personal favorite:

I have a sneaking suspicion that Lemon referenced one of my vids in an older episode (can't for the life of me remember the number or context. He just said "hookerbot" over and over)

So yeah! Discuss what you like/hate about my videos, and if you have any ideas or want to collaborate with me on something, let me know! I think that'd be fun!
Dr. Buttplug


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I make Youtube vids sporadically #1
I have a sneaking suspicion that Lemon referenced one of my vids in an older episode (can't for the life of me remember the number or context. He just said "hookerbot" over and over)
goombapolice, July 22, 2015, 05:19:13 pm

Oh hey, serendipity!

Yes, I absolutely was referencing your video specifically. To elaborate, once upon a time there was a man named Bunky Bartlett. Bunky is a rather despicable human being, self-professed entrepreneur and WoW addict who suddenly found himself $27 million richer after winning the Mega Millions lottery. This life change gave him one great quest: Start a Kickstarter asking for an additional $1.1 million so he can build his own Second Life-style MMO called Your World. It was one of those game pitches where he was like you can do literally anything, but he very much focused on the concept of "hookerbots": Sex workers who would exist in the game and rub their polygons aganst your polygons because that in some way was good. He talked about hookerbots a lot. Here's a Polygon article about Bunky which also links to the "hookerbots" supercut.

One thing I've wanted to do for a while is to put together a little wiki on thefpl.us which explains really narrow references like this one. But I'd probably need help putting it together.

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I make Youtube vids sporadically #2
No need, there's already an F Plus wiki with four whole pages!

Dr. Buttplug

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I make Youtube vids sporadically #3
Well I subscribed. Keep it up dude!