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September 20, 2024, 07:52:03 pm

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Topic: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*  (Read 323076 times)


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ALSO I HAVE MOVED TO THE USA.  Next fplus live I will divorce my husband if we don’t go
Mr. Hunky Academia sambair jim and the mammograms Salubrious Rex Spenny chai tea latte thelizzerd

Salubrious Rex

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I have not had a mixed drink for a long time

Mixed drinks are good


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Y'all I drunk tweeted the fplus a bunch the other day, I am embarrassing. Also. Indiana is a stupid state.
thelizzerd Spenny bubbleuj


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over the past month I have been streaming movies to my friends over discord and it is so much fun. I'm the only one who has access to this many streaming services through family stuff, and it rocks to enjoy all of this with my favorite people.
Salubrious Rex Moistenedbinch


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I wish i was confident enough to admit that i wish i was a man. like how as 15/16 year old me okay enoguh with considering that i might be trans but 22 yo me isnt? like wtf? im afriad and im just gonna pretend im okay and im a woman. fuck i don't have to transition i can be a woman. shut up brain.


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I just want to be okay with myself. Why was teenage me confident enought to in real life be like "hey call me he/him and male name" and then I stopped that went I went to college. I ghosted all's my old friends. Im now dating this guy who is amazing but I don't think we'd be dating if I had already pushed to be trans. And idk I have a good job making 68k per year. Like I'm doing OKAY. but I hate myself. I hate how I didnt do what I wanted to. I used to be like as soon as I move out I'm gonna be myself but I didn't. And now drunk me just goes online and is like "what if I was male"


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I like drinking but I'm afraid of becoming an alcoholic cause all 4 of my grandparents were alcoholics. Which is why neither of my parents drink all too much. I'm also a light weight which idk if that helps or hurts me. I want to keep up with my friends in number of drinks but just end up druk when they aren't drunk yet.


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I just want to talk to other people 2ho are also drunk? Why isn't there like Twitter for drunk people?

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I like drinking but I'm afraid of becoming an alcoholic cause all 4 of my grandparents were alcoholics. Which is why neither of my parents drink all too much. I'm also a light weight which idk if that helps or hurts me. I want to keep up with my friends in number of drinks but just end up druk when they aren't drunk yet.
thelizzerd, May 16, 2021, 06:05:00 pm

So I can at least speak a little to the alcoholism thing, as a lot of people in my family are, and my dad is a shit head alcoholic. So there are people who can drink every day and live normal lives, and those who can drink very infrequently and be fucked up, so I'm not going to focus on amount.

Like all mental illnesses, it becomes a problem when it affects aspects of your life: are you still talking with friends, getting out to do things, getting to work and through the day okay? Can you go a day without and not feel bad? A big thing for me was drawing a line, so if I did those things, I was cutting myself off. The biggest was lashing out and hurting the ones I loved, but included small things like did I do it to feel better/self-medicate, was I drinking alone more often than not, was it making my depression worse. Find those lines and write them down, or tell a very VERY trusted friend. If you cross them multiple times, and find yourself moving goalposts, that's when you know things are getting bad.

The best suggestion I can offer right now is go a month only drinking with friends (virtually or in person), and see if you can hold off. Plus it's just more fun to get drunk with others. If you're the lightweight, you can drink lighter beers, alternate between water and alcohol, or as my pro drinking friend pointed out, just never stop eating.

Good luck friend!
Salubrious Rex jim and the mammograms RoeCocoa

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Hi I'm  sorry for vagueposting ten dollar secret threads but I'm here to say that I'm sick of feeling like my music tastes are shameful because they're mainstream. I'm just here because I'm drunk as hell and this is the thread for drunk as hell people.

Muse are good. Yeah I was listening to them while making shit art in the art course I failed at 16. The CD of The Uprising was the best birthday present I got that year. I don't give a shit if they're not niche or groundbreaking or whatever, the music was fucking good.

I was a fucking insufferable le wrong generation "Led Zeppelin are the only band worth listening to" piece of shit child. I transcribed the lyrics to Stairway to Heaven and every conversation I steered to the point where I could say "lets consult The Bible" and pulled them out like they would somehow be relevant and make me look cool. I wanted you to feel bad for liking things, and that's the kind of thing a turd wants.

Do not let that arsehole child make you feel bad for listening to stuff that sounds good. That's literally the whole point of music and the idea that you should feel bad for succumbing is completely insane and somehow incredibly prevalent.

It is not terrible that you are listening to Butterflies and Hurricanes. I;m listenign to Hysteria right now and it fucking owns so hard. You're not the coolest dudest dude on the entire planet and you don't have to be. The ultimate goal is to have a good time and not make the world a worse place. That's the win condition of life in the hellverse that we find ourselves in.

If you are listening to an mp3 you enjoy then congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! You win and 12 year old ChrisGainesFan loses and that is the way the world should be. Have a nice evening,

chai tea latte jim and the mammograms Antivehicular thelizzerd xX_sp00ks_Xx


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I just want to talk to other people 2ho are also drunk? Why isn't there like Twitter for drunk people?
thelizzerd, May 16, 2021, 07:44:25 pm

I use discord for that. Love to vc with 12 other people shooting the shit and then playing jackbox

Emperor Jack Chick

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Hi I'm  sorry for vagueposting ten dollar secret threads but I'm here to say that I'm sick of feeling like my music tastes are shameful because they're mainstream. I'm just here because I'm drunk as hell and this is the thread for drunk as hell people.

Muse are good. Yeah I was listening to them while making shit art in the art course I failed at 16. The CD of The Uprising was the best birthday present I got that year. I don't give a shit if they're not niche or groundbreaking or whatever, the music was fucking good.

I was a fucking insufferable le wrong generation "Led Zeppelin are the only band worth listening to" piece of shit child. I transcribed the lyrics to Stairway to Heaven and every conversation I steered to the point where I could say "lets consult The Bible" and pulled them out like they would somehow be relevant and make me look cool. I wanted you to feel bad for liking things, and that's the kind of thing a turd wants.

Do not let that arsehole child make you feel bad for listening to stuff that sounds good. That's literally the whole point of music and the idea that you should feel bad for succumbing is completely insane and somehow incredibly prevalent.

It is not terrible that you are listening to Butterflies and Hurricanes. I;m listenign to Hysteria right now and it fucking owns so hard. You're not the coolest dudest dude on the entire planet and you don't have to be. The ultimate goal is to have a good time and not make the world a worse place. That's the win condition of life in the hellverse that we find ourselves in.

If you are listening to an mp3 you enjoy then congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! You win and 12 year old ChrisGainesFan loses and that is the way the world should be. Have a nice evening,
ChrisGainesFan, July 08, 2021, 06:43:24 pm

i like muse. they were great live!

also I'm assuming you're not talking about Hysteria, the Def Leppard album, but you should be cause that album owns


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do you all remember the bodymods episode? do you remember skin pocket? i have a dream (nightmare) where i have the skin pocket probably once every 6 months. always left hip because i keep my phone in my left pocket.
Salubrious Rex thelizzerd chai tea latte Frank West Mr. Hunky Academia jim and the mammograms cube abuser

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Not terribly proud of it, but I ended up drinking just to get myself to sit down and finish up some freelance work and I hate how effective it was. Granted, it's a small sliver between "lessened anxiety and ADHD" and "badly designing while drunk" but it worked - tonight, at least.

I wish I could isolate exactly what makes things easier while drunk, because this is 100% not a long-term solution. I'm sure my therapist would enjoy it too, as she very professionally lost her squash at me today. Which is fair, I'm very annoyed at me too. It's hard to explain or justify "my brain knows exactly the right action and all of the consequences, but just plain refuses to act". It's dumb!!

Here's hoping I figure it out, so I can support all of the very lovely and amazing people who have helped me. I love them very much and I at least want to be better enough to help them, you know?
chai tea latte thelizzerd Salubrious Rex

Semantic Weeb

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My partner and I spent the afternoon researching the 46 candidates on the ballot in the CA recall, then got drunk and presented our findings to each other. It was great.