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September 20, 2024, 08:10:12 pm

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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 599880 times)

Sherman Tank

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CTRL+V and post it #840
i like the idea of ted rall starving to death
Quote from

Corn Syrup

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CTRL+V and post it #841
Imagine having been the creator of a 90s cartoon and realizing that nobody has ever drawn porn of it and it has been truly forgotten. Your life's work is a failure.
Vinny Possum Sovereign

Mr. Hunky Academia

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CTRL+V and post it #842
Making orbs/ships appear using prayer? Anyone has experience with this?


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CTRL+V and post it #843
Painting is an activity, and the artist will therefore tend to see what he paints rather than to paint what he sees. It is this interaction between style and preference which Nietzsche summed up in his mordant comment on the claims of realism:

‘All Nature faithfully’—But by what feint
Can Nature be subdued to art’s constraint ?
Her smallest fragment is still infinite !
And so he paints but what he likes in it.
What does he like? He likes, what he can paint!

There is more in this observation than just a cool reminder of the limitations of artistic means. We catch a glimpse of the reasons why these limitations will never obtrude themselves within the domain of art itself. Art presupposes mastery, and the greater the artist the more surely will he instinctively avoid a task where his mastery would fail to serve him. The layman may wonder whether Giotto could have painted a view of Fiesole in sunshine, but the historian will suspect that, lacking the means, he would not have wanted to, or rather that he could not have wanted to. We like to assume, somehow, that where there is a will there is also a way, but in matters of art the maxim should read that only where there is a way is there also a will. The individual can enrich the ways and means that his culture offers him; he can hardly wish for something that he has never known is possible.


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CTRL+V and post it #844
19. something sexy to were with a howl in it were the duck goose

A Meat

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CTRL+V and post it #845

A Meat

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CTRL+V and post it #846
However, Shigetaka Kurita, director of Kadokawa Dwango corporation, criticized Azur Lane for lacking the sense of "tragedy and heroism" in Kantai Collection. Kurita described the game as "merely an idol action game with a fleet motif". He found the greatest appeal of Kantai Collection to be the "sorrow of the Imperial Japanese Navy" saying that one might cry while playing Kantai Collection but not Azur Lane.[60]
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Corn Syrup

A Meat

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CTRL+V and post it #847
We found 5,834 Clips with "LINDA"

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #848
and you know the guy who invented sliced bread you know he was gay... you know he was like.. HEELLLLOOOOOOOO
xX_sp00ks_Xx Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr.

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CTRL+V and post it #849
The Iliad in a Nutshell

Achilles in a fit of pique will not fight for fellow Greek,
for Agamemnon, king of kings, took his girl (and other things).
Achilles now far from the fray, Trojans almost seize the day;
and the cause of all this strife?  Young Paris stole a fetching wife—
this occurred nine years before, and that’s how long they’ve been at war.
(There’s lots of other words, fighting, heroes, gods, and moonlighting.)
Patroclus, with Achilles’ shield, nearly makes the Trojans yield,
but Hector, mighty prince of Troy, fights and kills the headstrong boy.
Achilles now gets fighting mad, slaughters Hector, cries with dad.

(It’s The Odyssey, of course, wherein you’ll find the Wooden Horse.)
chai tea latte


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CTRL+V and post it #850

Corn Syrup

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CTRL+V and post it #851
"Your basic human is between three and twenty-five feet tall, and is mostly composed of an oily goo wrapped in a t-shirt."
"Is it true that they bite you on the neck to drain your transmission fluid, and then you become human yourself?"
"Sure, why not?"


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CTRL+V and post it #852
First, let’s acknowledge we’re talking about fictional characters. With that said, the punisher emulates  reality. A man that has given his life to help those that cannot help themselves. A man that has been broken down so far that he has decided the rest of his life will be given to help the less fortunate. The other, created by steroids.

Blessed are the real men that fight the things that go boo in the night so little boys that don’t know what bathroom to use don’t have to.

Corn Syrup

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CTRL+V and post it #853
The best defense, just in case one of these cases turns out to be legit, is to send a video of myself watching porn to all my contacts preemptively. Take out their leverage, you know?

Shell Game

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CTRL+V and post it #854
Duke of meme meme meme