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Topic: This thread is only for people who don't watch Game of Thrones  (Read 9572 times)


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I'm tired of Game of Thrones being the only show people around me will talk about, and an incessant flood of Game of Thrones news any time I check a pop culture news site, including the ones that are supposed to be about things that aren't TV shows. This thread is only for people like me who don't watch it, and are at this point getting kind of annoyed that people keep telling them to.

I recently saw somebody say that anyone who doesn't like Game of Thrones hasn't watched enough of it, and that they should give it until episode nine and they'll be hooked. To me, that just sounds like HBO made a bad TV show that started with eight hours of nothing worth watching, and eventually either sunk cost fallacy or Stockholm Syndrome set in.
chai tea latte GenesisAlwaysSucked Liatai cat_examiner

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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I think game of thrones is alright, goodbye!!!
Mique Eider Duck

A Meat

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I never watched game of thrones and have zero interest in changing that, the end


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Yeah, I watched most of the first season and it was ok, but it's not my cup of tea. Like... everyone dies. What a downer. I'm not trying to enjoy entertainment that's even more depressing than real life?? And honestly I don't find George RR Martin to be a very good author. His writing is ok, but it quickly becomes clear that he has no pre planned plot structure and it makes it so hard to slog through.

I do get told I look like Daenerys sometime (spoilers: I'm a standard white girl with long platinum hair) which is very flattering, but until that scores me some IRL pet dragons who cares.

Shell Game

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So many rule breakers in here!

I have never and do not currently watch game of thrones. I haven't read the books either. I have little opinion on either.

That's all.


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I'd be way more interested in watching an adaptation of the Abhorsen books than Game of Thrones.

Which is to say I also probably wouldn't be into it, but I would be more into it than Game of Thrones.


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I have never watched this show: I wonder if the Lancasters are going to get their dragons back from the Wedding Walkers this season?

I also recently read an (old) article recently where someone was talking about how, with the popularity of Game of Thrones, the time was ripe for a tv adaptation of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. I agree with that, but I think it should go a step further: Make a TV adaptation of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser that is framed around a proud-spanning meta-plot of courtly intrigue and betrayal in the city of Lankhmar...That the two titular characters continuously ignore in favor of doing other stuff. Like, the audience gets interludes of all this crazy, world-shaping drama going on among the aristocracy of Lankhmar and sees it playing out in the background of episodes if they watch closely in such a way that it seems like it's going to come to a head and involve our two protagonists, but every time Fafhrd and the Mouser seem like they're going to get drawn into all this Game of Thrones shit they just sort of ignore it in favor of more of their usual, weird antics.
GirlKisser420 Runic

A Meat

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I just remembered I got the first two books as a birthday gift like a decade ago, haven't opened them I don't think


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As someone who doesn't watch the show, I find it very satisfying that the final season turned out to be shit.


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I hope Jon Snow wins


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As someone who doesn't watch the show, I find it very satisfying that the final season turned out to be shit.
Mique, May 24, 2019, 07:44:43 pm
It's literally the best I could've hoped for, because a bad and disappointing ending all but confirms I won't have people recommending it to me in the future. It can die, and I can move on to the next big show I won't be watching because I'm instead watching some anime from the 90s and also a B-tier show everyone else moved on from a few years ago.
GenesisAlwaysSucked Ugly In The Morning

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Thought it was pretty good actually

Shell Game

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As someone who doesn't watch the show, I find it very satisfying that the final season turned out to be shit.
Mique, May 24, 2019, 07:44:43 pm
It's literally the best I could've hoped for, because a bad and disappointing ending all but confirms I won't have people recommending it to me in the future. It can dieCleretic, May 25, 2019, 07:14:09 am
I have a coworker who still insists she'll get me to watch it. She is not stymied by the ending in the slightest.


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My solution to that would be my solution to any time someone tries to get me to watch something I don't want: say "Oh sorry, I don't watch anime" and get confused when they try to say that it isn't anime.


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From Michael Mulvihill (@mulvihill79 on Twitter)

With 13.6 million live viewers, the Game of Thrones finale would have ranked 71st among all NFL games in live viewership last season.
chai tea latte