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Topic: General Podcast Questions Thread  (Read 53566 times)


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General Podcast Questions Thread #45
How do you decide whether a submitted topic is viable?  Do you tell the submitter if their doc is denied, or if it needs work?
Delcat, April 27, 2013, 08:54:29 pm

Some guidelines that may be of value here:
Like Stog, I generally skim documents.  I don't want to be spoiled because I want to be surprised when we do record that stuff, but I do need to come to grips with the content so I'll quickly pick through it, paying less attention to specifics over time.

I WANT SUBMISSIONS TO SUCCEED!  I want this desperately.  You've gone to all this trouble to gather up shit (and having put together a number of episodes myself, I know it's a hassle), so I want that work to come to fruition.  Permit me to give you a few tips that hopefully will be of interest to everyone:

GRAB MY ATTENTION.  Put your best (or maybe your second-best) info right at the top.  Make it the first entry I read.  If I'm all like, "Oh shit!" right off the bat, you got a winner right there.  Punch me right in the fucking face with something wicked-awesome.

EFFICIENCY:  The material should speak for itself.  A tiny intro for context isn't amiss, but don't bold bits of the text or add your own snarky commentary, it's kind of bewildering sometimes when I'm skimming.  Additionally, there really is a different sort of humour that comes through when something is read aloud (and reacted to by others) as opposed to what you see with plain text.  Seriously, try it for yourself sometime.*

LENGTH, OR EFFICIENCY PART II:  We tend to favour things which can be read in five minutes, ten in exceptional cases if it's of unsurpassed quality.  Straight-up prose will get read at a rate of about 100 words a minute, possibly slower--so a good snippet length is about 500 to 1000 words max.  Forum posts will take longer, but those are easier to skip through.  Really long essays generally don't work out, as what's funny on screen may not be when read aloud, or vice versa.

THE TAPOUT LINE:  Some topics are non-starters.  Overt racism and other forms of hate speech, and exceptionally gross or vile things won't make it.   Lou Reads goes down and dirtier than we do; we're more into idiots and insanity than just gross.  Also actually published material is under copyright, so that can't be read at all.  Sorry 'bout that.

THE SPOOR OF A GOOD TOPIC:  Typos are an easy one.  I personally love typo-laden text, reading it is a specialty, but it's like cake icing.  It's tasty but it's an adjunct to the actual cake itself, not something you want to eat on its own.  What's really good?  Sheer stupidity, broken logic, frikkin' weirdness or outright insanity.   Did you read it and felt yourself scratching your head and wondering what the hell you just read?  Fantastic!  SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT IT!  Some of us have our own preferences.

FINALLY, PROVIDE SOURCES:  Provide URLs whenever possible.  I put up some static over a recent submission because it was like, oh god, it was gonna be fantastic, but we really needed the supporting forum posts behind it.

Note that these are guidelines and not hard-and-fast rules.  Some episodes I thought were relatively weak in terms of content became some of the best because we had brilliant interaction and riffing.

* The reading test:   Stuff I used to write for public presentation would get a "verbal edit":  after a couple edit passes, I'd put on some music at conversational volume and then read my text to be heard over that music.  Speaking at volume changes how things get read, and correspondingly how you'd edit it.  S'true!  It reveals different stresses and, uhh, stuff.  Very technical.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #46
So, how is it you decide who edits what episode, then? Just go in order, or what?
Locclo, April 28, 2013, 04:48:33 pm

Some people just magically want to edit things.  In the case of the insect episode, I originally fetched up editing because my Blue snowball mic had a loose connection and kept cutting out, so I had four separate audio files I had to splice back into the episode.  It was easier for me to do that at least, since I had the four files on my own computer.

Otherwise, if you're looking for rhyme or reason, there isn't any!  Ha ha!


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General Podcast Questions Thread #47
The original casting call went out on PoE in 2009. This was around the time people were actually playing TF2 with some regularity, though the main reason was to have something in which to fuck around while people read stupid shit from the Internet and otherwise said fun things into alltalk. The "Cabalcast" consists mostly of simple unedited audio dumps of these sessions. Most of us came through a joint connection to both Portal of Evil/PoE News and the "TF2 Cabal" who played on Boots's server whenever the hell.

Edit: Oh okay fine, say what I was going to say, Portaxx, see if I care
Isfahan, April 26, 2013, 04:23:41 pm
I resent that it is uneditted! It is TECHNICALLY editted, in that I opened up the files and clipped out SOME of the nonsense.

I am just a very poor judge of what editing means and left far, far too much. I try to justify it to myself as motivation for what is clearly better work being done on F+.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #48
How do you set up your bumpers?  Do you just try to wing it from start to finish or do you try to put together a script ahead of time?


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General Podcast Questions Thread #49
How do you set up your bumpers?  Do you just try to wing it from start to finish or do you try to put together a script ahead of time?Cyberventurer, May 10, 2013, 06:58:15 am

It falls in between those two. We spend like 90 seconds spitballing skit ideas like "What if I was into Sherlock fanfiction but not the show itself?" and then improv it out and keep it whether it's retarded or not because who cares about bumpers anyway. For the end bumper, we cover the points we definitely want to make and then structure an improv conversation around them. That's about it.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #50
How many ready-for-reading docs do you generally have at any time, and how do you pick what y'all are going to read?


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General Podcast Questions Thread #51
I'm planning on working something tonite that'll answer the "how do you pick" question, but to answer the first part, we currently have 83 documents in the hopper.

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General Podcast Questions Thread #52
Oh wow. That is...more than I thought there were.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #53
Around half of them are probably from me. I'm trying to take a break and give Lemon some breathing room.

Boots Raingear

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General Podcast Questions Thread #54
Around half of them are probably from me. I'm trying to take a break and give Lemon some breathing room.
montrith, May 29, 2013, 11:26:36 am
Only 1/5 of them are from you.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #55
My friend Boots Raingear is mistaken. It isn't like a full fifth of the potential material is from Montrith.

It's actually slightly higher.  I have 21.6%.

If you include the stuff that's recorded and awaiting edit, it's nearly 24%.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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General Podcast Questions Thread #56
If you include the stuff that's recorded and awaiting edit, it's nearly 24%.
Lemon, May 29, 2013, 11:55:24 am
So how many are in the queue at any given time and can Montrith have her own custom title instead of "Paid"?


  • Library handwriting. Indexing. Abstracting. Alphabetizing. Filing.
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General Podcast Questions Thread #57
So how many are in the queue at any given time and can Montrith have her own custom title instead of "Paid"?
Cuddlesquid, May 29, 2013, 01:28:36 pm

"Cursed Be Your Name" would make a decent title, I think.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #58
If you include the stuff that's recorded and awaiting edit, it's nearly 24%.
Lemon, May 29, 2013, 11:55:24 am
So how many are in the queue at any given time and can Montrith have her own custom title instead of "Paid"?
Cuddlesquid, May 29, 2013, 01:28:36 pm

Here's a little riddle for you. There is a huge lie in this sentence, and it's entirely Lemon's fault.

Boots Raingear

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General Podcast Questions Thread #59
Here's a little riddle for you. There is a huge lie in this sentence, and it's entirely Lemon's fault.
montrith, May 29, 2013, 02:09:08 pm

It's true. For the last several months, Montrith has been outsourcing all of her F+ research to China.