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June 02, 2024, 03:58:38 am

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Topic: How did you find the F+?  (Read 121582 times)

Mr. Hunky Academia

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How did you find the F+? #150
Saw on twitter that Ironicus was doing a live show of yet another podcast I had never heard of.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Eider Duck


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How did you find the F+? #151
Through one of the tumblrs of a very prolific poster on this site actually.

Pigeon Pal

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How did you find the F+? #152
The gaia online RP episode was linked to me because one of my old posts as a teenager was on it. I was hooked after that lmao.
Dr. Buttplug GirlKisser420 Shell Game Lemon Frank West Emperor Jack Chick Yavuz Wyst nuffkins, of all people, Cirr Eider Duck Boots Raingear Sherman Tank Lawnchair M.D. NutshellGulag chai tea latte LuckyNumbers CozyJosie


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How did you find the F+? #153
I personally got into it through a friend recommending it to me (same one that co-wrote the VampireWebsite.net doc). I think my first episode was 'I Can See Your Retch Marks' and I was hooked from there.

It's really interesting seeing just how many people here found it through SomethingAwful, although I guess it naturally makes sense.


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How did you find the F+? #154
My friend recommended it to me because we both like terrible things and the internet. He is 1) a furry and 2) on SomethingAwful so presumably that's where he learned about it, since the original episode he linked me to was the (first?) furry one.
. GirlKisser420


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How did you find the F+? #155
I recommend the f plus to a friend today. Maybe he’ll end up on this thread someday.


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How did you find the F+? #156
Best case scenario:
"Hey, this podcast thelizzerd recommended is pretty good, I should check out their forums."

Worst case scenario
" Why the fuck are my posts a part of this podcast?! Why would you recommend this to me? How did you even know I was into this stuff? How?!"
Shell Game Vinny Possum


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How did you find the F+? #157
I asked him before hand if he'd be interested in a podcast of people reading terrible things from the internet with enthusiasm and he said yes.


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How did you find the F+? #158
I asked him before hand if he'd be interested in a podcast of people reading terrible things from the internet with enthusiasm and he said yes.
thelizzerd, February 14, 2019, 06:43:57 pm

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Achilles' Heelies SHAMBA~1.SBB Shell Game chai tea latte nuffkins, of all people, RoeCocoa Dr. Buttplug Yavuz Mix

Achilles' Heelies

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How did you find the F+? #159
I asked him before hand if he'd be interested in a podcast of people reading terrible things from the internet with enthusiasm and he said yes.
thelizzerd, February 14, 2019, 06:43:57 pm

Lemon, February 14, 2019, 07:54:10 pm
It's a Valentine's Day miracle.
Shell Game


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How did you find the F+? #160
My boyfriend was a mega fan already when he introduced me to the podcast about three years ago.  The first episode he had me listen to was the Juggalo one.  At first I didn't really care for it, but I have come to love it now.
GirlKisser420 Lemon Achilles' Heelies Yavuz Shell Game


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How did you find the F+? #161
Back in 2013 I was reading about insane mens rights activists on line and having a laugh and someone linked me episode 103 and I haven't missed an episode since. Making fun of people has been a hobby of mine since elementary school so I'm glad there is an outlet for spectating weirdos online
GirlKisser420 Shell Game chai tea latte


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How did you find the F+? #162
I heard about it from a friend in high school who listened to the Earwolf Challenge thing. He told me to listen to episode 48, Weighted Companion Dudes. Since then I don't think I've gone for more than 2 days without listening to The FPlus.
SHAMBA~1.SBB GirlKisser420 Shell Game


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How did you find the F+? #163
I got a link to the tvtropes episode in one of the tvtropes goonmock threads


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How did you find the F+? #164
I was driving from Los Angeles to San Francisco (about 8 years ago) and my friend put on one of the clown fetish episodes and  I instantly feel in love with the F+!
SHAMBA~1.SBB Dr. Buttplug