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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2020471 times)

Vinny Possum

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The National Association of REALATORS® really wants me to vote for Jimmy Nguyen.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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a series of short comedic murder mysteries with a fantasy twist, starring Magick McGick, Wizard Dick
Gyro Bodark Nifty Nif

A Meat

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a series of short comedic murder mysteries with a fantasy twist, starring Magick McGick, Wizard Dick
GooseBusters HQ, October 11, 2016, 01:34:51 pm
Who killed Captain Allspice in the Solarium with Arcane Missles?
Gyro Bodark Nifty Nif Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

positive stress

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There's a website called VNDB, the Visual Novel Database, and it's absolutely ridiculous. You know how IMDB lets you search for movies based on titles, actors, directors, etc? Imagine if, in addition to that, you could also say "give me all the movies released in 1995, originally in Italian but with English subtitles, featuring male protagonists with long hair and at least one scene involving public urination." That's VNDB. Their tagging system goes so deep with subcategory after subcategory. Let's just look at some examples.

Heroine -> Non-human heroine -> Monster heroine -> Werewolf heroine

Romance -> Love triangle -> Comedic love triangle

What if you're not looking for a certain type of story, but a certain type of VN? What if you love it when the text is contained in a box at the bottom of the screen (ADV), but don't mind the occasional switch to a fullscreen text box (NVL) as long as it's not for the whole thing? No problem

Presentation ->  Text -> ADV -> Brief NVL scenes

Now I know what you're thinking "this is all great, but there's one thing that always bugs me. I can't stand when the main character has no voice actor, but I also don't like having to listen to the main character talk all the time. If only

Presentation -> Sounds and Music -> Voice Acting -> Protagonist with Voice Acting -> Protagonist with Partial Voice Acting

"This is great," you say, "but also I'm gross and weird, and I was wondering if

Sexual Content -> Implementation of Sexual Content -> Internal Exhibition of Sex -> Visible Penetration of Cervix

Jesus christ the sexual content tags get really specific and viscerally upsetting so I'm stopping here. It gets a lot worse. Anyway the whole point of this post is that the anime equivalent AniDB sucks and I wish it was more like VNDB

edit: hm


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My clock isn't digital, it's monster cockog.

If you have a headache, use a monster cockgesic.

A Meat

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Were I to go in the direction of sociology or social anthropology one day, I'd probably write a paper about shitposting culture

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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If there is a clothing store chain that is nation wide, does it have to split its clothing line in the winter? I can't imagine anyone needing a sweater in Nevada in December.


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The National Association of REALATORS® really wants me to vote for Jimmy Nguyen.
Vinny Possum, October 11, 2016, 03:07:55 am

Well, you have to admit "Win with Jimmy Nguyen!" is pretty catchy.
Vinny Possum


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Why doesn't Trader Joe's have frozen tater tots? I mean, they could call them Trader Tots. It seems perfect to me. Jeeze.
Ragnarok Boobies Macho Masc Sangy Savage

lazzer grardaion?

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I think that the 'This is a thread for yelling' on these forums should be wordfiltered to be more like this


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Update: Trader Joes's DOES have tater tots. Sadly, they are not named Trader Tots.
montrith Ragnarok Boobies Liatai Frank West


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A Meat Gyro Ragnarok Boobies chai tea latte Frank West Really_Quite_Nice

Ragnarok Boobies

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Spooks, October 21, 2016, 02:53:50 pm
I deeply regret that google search


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The more a person's worldview changes the more everything else stays the same.

I first noticed this when I was reading an objectivism forum.  This was right after Bioshock came out, and I wanted to see what they thought of it.  While I was doing this I read through some of the objectivism forum's other posts, and it turned out that a large section of their userbase consisted of ex-mormons.  This seemed really strange to me.  I mean, if you've just left an incredibly proscriptive religion then why would you follow that up with membership in one of the most proscriptive secular philosophies ever developed?

But this sort of thing is the norm.  I also read philosophy of religion sometimes, and I pay special attention to anyone who has previously held one worldview and then switched sides.  I figure people like that can see both perspectives, and their ideas will be worth learning about.  And here too, the more a person's worldview changes the more it stays the same

Dan Barker was raised as a very conservative christian and eventually switched worldviews to atheism.  Now he writes and performs the same kind of music he grew up with, except about atheism.

On the other side I'm currently reading Edward Feser's The Last Superstition.  He started as an atheist philosopher and switched to a very conservative form of Catholicism.  So I'm reading his book and all of a sudden:

"The same thing can be said of the New Atheists’ attitude toward the moral views defended by religious believers, including the traditional sexual morality so hated by secularists. That these views can only be regarded as superstitious, without rational foundation, motivated by bigotry, etc., is a familiar enough cliché, and the New Atheists have nothing to add to it – other than Richard Dawkins’s proposal to replace the Ten Commandments with a list that includes “Enjoy your own sex life (as long as it damages no one else).” Combine this with his proposal to replace religious instruction for children with something more progressive, and his weird outrage over the “hysteria” he thinks surrounds the treatment of pedophiles – his own boyhood victimization by a pedophile was, he kindly shares with us, “embarrassing but otherwise harmless” – and you get some truly creepy vibes about the direction in which secularist “values education” might go. (You can forget whatever Father Smith or Sister Mary taught you in parochial school, kids; Uncle Dick is here to tell you what it really means to love each other."

That's the most r/atheism thing that was never posted in r/atheism.  Seriously, Feser just made fun of Dawkin's molestation, belittled his feelings on the event, misrepresented his views on pedophilia, and insinuated that Dawkins is himself a molester.  The more a person's worldview changes the more everything else stays the same.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 03:29:04 pm by Healslime »


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I had a conversation about left-wing superheroes last night, and I'm still not sure there are any besides Captain Planet, and if that's a matter of one not being present/visible or if that's just the nature of the genre.

Much of why Captain Planet is left-wing is because his opponents are industrialists and generally anti-environmentalist. If we extend that to others--that a superhero's philosophy is largely defined by their opponents--then we come to Superman, whose iconic opponent is a corporate heavyweight, and you combine that with the fact Superman is necessarily a pro-immigration story to come up with a pretty good case. ...But you still really can't dismiss the fact that Superman is, right down to his name, an Aryan ubermesch, so you can't really stand by him as one. And of course, his buddy Batman is fascist as hell.

The other obvious choice is the X-Men, given they are a civil rights allegory and are typically primarily fighting for acceptance. That's a solid pick, especially when you recall that Professor X was classically based on Martin Luther King. ...But then you take into account that their classic opponent is Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants, who are classically based on Malcolm X's side of the civil rights conflict, and it falls apart again. The X-Men are the proverbial Good Ones, the members of a minority that anti-progressives point at and say 'see they're not ALL bad' while simultaneously calling for suppression based on the actions of the proverbial Bad Ones. The Brotherhood are the ones actually getting angry and fighting for change and getting vilified for it (because there's no nice way to do that), while the X-Men are either just sitting and waiting for society to accept them or just accepting that they won't and being good to the rest of humanity anyway. Individual X-Men stories can be left-wing, for sure, but I think the group as a whole can't narratively break from that 'Good Minorities' mold enough to be a good example of left-wing superheroes.

Then I went back to my own attempts, the characters I RPed as on City of Heroes. Being based on me on some level, and me being pretty left-wing, I could possibly use them as a basis... but then I realized that the ones closest to me and that I mostly associated with were villains. The one I take my username from was tired of society valuing money and muscle over intelligent reasoning, and ultimately decided they could only fix those problems by breaking it and rebuilding; a smash-the-state Marxist from a different direction. Another was marked as a villain because they took swings at white-collar crime, and just rolled with the fact this made them an outlaw.

I still have no idea as to if an answer to 'what's a left-wing superhero' is cleanly possible.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Goose Goose Honk At Me Now