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Topic: Ones you just can't make it through?  (Read 70945 times)


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Ones you just can't make it through? #30
A lot of episodes, especially the ones where the people being featured sound fairly young, give me really intense second-hand embarrassment, but it's never been so bad that I've had to stop listening. I was a stupid, self-absorbed teenager who also happened to be something of a musical child prodigy (no, seriously - Ask Me About My First Professional Tour Which Happened When I Was 11*), so the Sub-Sub-Pop episode just made me cringe really hard.

But the only one I've had to outright stop listening to was the most recent one. I'm severely phobic of bugs, so I mean, I don't really know what I expected. I thought it would be uncomfortable in a funny sort of way, but it was just kind of terrifying to me.

*Like most former child prodigies, I dropped the thing I was prodigious at as soon as I became old enough to make my own decisions, and now live a pretty mundane life, which is awesome.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #31
(no, seriously - Ask Me About My First Professional Tour Which Happened When I Was 11*)ellehumour, March 06, 2013, 04:18:18 pm

Out of respect for your private life, I'm not going to, but it does make it clear why you were sensitive about Charlotte Sometimes.  A delayed answer there:  I never thought she had something traumatic in her childhood, at least that's not the impression I'd got.  I'm disinclined to make light of genuine tragedy.

So I can remain on-topic:  in fear of sounding like I'm bragging, there hasn't been a single topic that's really bothered me.  Part of this, however, is due to a stupidly competitive streak.  If others are trying to make me uncomfortable, I'll fight back* until I've hit my absolute limit.  Almost invariably, it's turned out my limits are much higher than most.

* This backfires.  While I'm not interested in men, I would regularily play "homosexual chicken".  The last time I did this my 'victim' was a man who'd climbed out of the closet just a month ago.  We had a laugh over it and I conceded victory.  I admit I quite deserved to get punched, though.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #32
The new Lou Reads the Internet is horrible.  If bugs made you consider shutting off your mp3 playing device, this will make you.  I don't know why I kept on to the end, but now I am very sad.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #33
I feel like a traitor since this is such a favorite, but I'll confess: I only barely made it through the Transformers fic ep.  The culminating "AND THEN"s were funny to most of my brain, but the literary part of it just started screaming and wouldn't stop after a certain point.  I was absurdly relieved when it was over.  Talk about bugs in dicks and dirty adult diapers and Bronies all you want, but good God, I cannot take repetitive bad grammar.  Vogon fucking poetry, man.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #34
I will happily plow through any and all of the weird or disgusting fetishes, but the unschooling episode was actually super uncomfortable for me - I was homeschool, borderline-almost "unschooled", and it was all disquietingly familiar. Actually, I can't be certain but I think Dar may have been the mother of a kid who used to play with around age 8... they moved so much I can't really be certain, but if it's not her then that means there are two or more unschooling single-mother families with a mother named Dar and a daughter into theatre who goes by "Rain".


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Ones you just can't make it through? #35
I can make it through anything, because my mind is broken and prone to dick jokes.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #36
I'm a-ok with all the fetish episodes (actually they're my favourites) but I still haven't plucked up the courage to listen to the PUA episodes because I'm gritting my teeth just typing those three letters

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Ones you just can't make it through? #37
I'm a-ok with all the fetish episodes (actually they're my favourites) but I still haven't plucked up the courage to listen to the PUA episodes because I'm gritting my teeth just typing those three letters
transatlanticalien, April 15, 2013, 10:14:40 pm
There are some good jokes, and I found them a lot easier to listen to than I'd been expecting, if that helps.

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Ones you just can't make it through? #38
The new Lou Reads the Internet is horrible.  If bugs made you consider shutting off your mp3 playing device, this will make you.  I don't know why I kept on to the end, but now I am very sad.
RedMinjo, March 19, 2013, 02:00:20 am

Oh my God, yes. I actually deleted it so I won't accidentally listen to any of it again.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #39
The Frenulum episode (91), because ugh, body modifications. As someone who can't handle piercings beyond one earring for each ear, can anyone summarize what kind of 'modifications' are explained in that episode? I have it downloaded but can't bear clicking it.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #40
The Frenulum episode (91), because ugh, body modifications. As someone who can't handle piercings beyond one earring for each ear, can anyone summarize what kind of 'modifications' are explained in that episode? I have it downloaded but can't bear clicking it.
toanoradian, April 20, 2013, 01:44:32 am

If it's something terrible and it can be done to male genitalia, it's in there, pretty much.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #41
If it's something terrible and it can be done to male genitalia, it's in there, pretty much.
Delcat, April 21, 2013, 01:54:57 am

Thanks! Deleting it now.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #42
Quite welcome!

I had a spate of insomnia last night and ended up thinking about this thread and wondering why terrifying female genitalia body mods aren't as common, and why they seem to be functional rather than fashionable--the only totally arbitrary ones I can think of involve the labia.  Is there just something about having your junk in front of you all the time that makes you go "You know what this needs?  To be utterly traumatized with horrible semi-medical devices" or what?  God, I can't even begin to untangle the reasoning.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #43
I had a spate of insomnia last night and ended up thinking about this thread and wondering why terrifying female genitalia body mods aren't as common
Delcat, April 21, 2013, 09:12:35 pm
It really is. As you say, the majority of genital piercings are functional (in theory). Most shaft piercings are done with a "ribbed for her pleasure" mentality in mind, prince alberts are supposed to increase sensitivity, just like the clit hood piercing. And for every guy that's ventured out and done something terrible to his penis, there's at least one lady doing something equally awful to her business.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #44
toanoradian, you're gonna want to cover your ears and hum for this one.  NO LINKS ARE WORKSAFE

Piercings are about as common, but I'm not sure modifications are.  There are mods to change the shape and size of the labia, but I've never heard of anything that equates to splitting the penis like a hot dog.  Or gauging the penis.  Or...is that a tongue?  Oh God, I don't know what happened here but I'm gonna puke all over it.

Those can all be pulled from the first page of GIS results for "penis extreme body mod".  When you try "vagina extreme body mod", all you get is this.  Granted, that's terrifying enough to equal any two of the others, but--WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT USED TO BE A PENIS TOO?

I should have a closing point for this but I seriously do feel nauseous now.