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Topic: I'm painting my guitars  (Read 5925 times)

Dirk Dammit

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I'm painting my guitars
Being a guitar player for a little over a decade I've amassed a small collection of guitars, many of which are broken. I'm not in a band or anything, I just graduated art school, and I got some cheap acrylic paints hangin around around, so hey, fuck it! Let's paint some guitars!
Here's my progress so far.

You got the schecter 7 string that I cut the horn off of for some reason

And here's a cheap 90's Ibanez I took apart and painted.

They're both works in progress so I'll be posting that. I'll probably start painting one or two of my other guitars too.

Edit: for some reason the images aren't working even though when I paste the links into chrome they show the photos totally fine. Maybe it's cuz I'm on my phone? I'll try and fix it when I get to my laptop later today.

edit 2: ok i fixed it
Lemon Trav Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop nuffkins, of all people, Malten Corn Syrup
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 03:47:29 pm by Dirk Dammit »


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I'm painting my guitars #1
That Schecter 7 is super cool looking.
Dirk Dammit

Dirk Dammit

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I'm painting my guitars #2
That Schecter 7 is super cool looking.
Lemon, April 13, 2017, 09:57:52 am

Thanks Lemon! I actually just repainted the blue with an irridescent medium which means it should be um... irridescent now.

Dirk Dammit

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I'm painting my guitars #3
Ugh im so annoyed. I totally forgot that I threw away some of my broken guitars when I moved.