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Topic: Ones you just can't make it through?  (Read 70950 times)


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Ones you just can't make it through? #15
I've only just gotten She Thinks my Spex are Sexy to download properly, and I haven't heard the new one yet, but otherwise I've listened to them all.  I'm just inured to gross shit at this point, and while I'm enraged by stuff like uneducation, I find it truly cathartic to have the piss taken out of it.  Seriously, that one left me feeling morally righteous and a lot better about some of the shit I saw in Crazy Fundie School.

If you ever do an episode about spit, though, I'll have to bow out.  My being able to watch a BDSM slave lick a toilet in a documentary without flinching and while enjoying the disgust of others, but having to put my head on my desk and cover my ears during a video of a man spitting into a cup and drinking it again (I gagged writing that) was a source of endless amusement for my psych teacher.  I don't know what it is, it's just POW straight to the heaves.

ETA: I swear to God, on every forum I've ever been on, it's been the absolute worst posts I make that break a new page.  I don't know how to stop it.

Lady Naga

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Ones you just can't make it through? #16
I've only just gotten She Thinks my Spex are Sexy to download properly, and I haven't heard the new one yet, but otherwise I've listened to them all.  I'm just inured to gross shit at this point, and while I'm enraged by stuff like uneducation, I find it truly cathartic to have the piss taken out of it.  Seriously, that one left me feeling morally righteous and a lot better about some of the shit I saw in Crazy Fundie School.

If you ever do an episode about spit, though, I'll have to bow out.  My being able to watch a BDSM slave lick a toilet in a documentary without flinching and while enjoying the disgust of others, but having to put my head on my desk and cover my ears during a video of a man spitting into a cup and drinking it again (I gagged writing that) was a source of endless amusement for my psych teacher.  I don't know what it is, it's just POW straight to the heaves.

ETA: I swear to God, on every forum I've ever been on, it's been the absolute worst posts I make that break a new page.  I don't know how to stop it.
Delcat, March 06, 2013, 04:00:39 am

Pretend I posted that video of Homestuck cosplayers spitting into a bucket here.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #17
ETA: I swear to God, on every forum I've ever been on, it's been the absolute worst posts I make that break a new page.  I don't know how to stop it.
Delcat, March 06, 2013, 04:00:39 am

i don't think it's that the posts starting a new page are inheritly terrible so much as it is being the first post on a new page makes you feel kinda self concious about what you said, since it's the thing most likely to be read by people clicking around.

i mean this is the ball pit
9/10 times we're going to be discussing something terrible

that said, i almost didn't make it through the CHOCOLATE EATING MONSTER episode because i have issues with food and force feeding makes me pretty sick to even think about. but i soldiered on.

i think i might have tapped out on 'i can't put up with you people because you're bastard people' but that was less because the content bothered me and more because it just didn't grab me. i think i paused it to do something and never resumed listening. i guess people being angry on the internet over dumb shit is just kinda old hat...? and yet fetishes aren't, go figure that double standard out somehow.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #18
Pretend I posted that video of Homestuck cosplayers spitting into a bucket here.
Lady Naga, March 06, 2013, 06:26:21 am

The only reason I am not murdering you is because you didn't actually do it
also because I like you but STILL woman


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Ones you just can't make it through? #19
I had a rough time making it through the Spectrum X episode just because of the sheer annoyance the guy elicited from me. The Tumblr types in general seem to have a special knack for getting under my skin.
Jay T. Doggzone, March 06, 2013, 01:16:46 am

A fun game with that one is to listen to it and Demonbusters back-to-back. The sheer idiocy on both sides of the spectrum cancels itself out, leaving the listener with a vague sense of amused confusion.

Lady Naga

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Ones you just can't make it through? #20
Pretend I posted that video of Homestuck cosplayers spitting into a bucket here.
Lady Naga, March 06, 2013, 06:26:21 am

The only reason I am not murdering you is because you didn't actually do it
also because I like you but STILL woman
Delcat, March 06, 2013, 08:04:38 am

Nah I totes understand sis, I can't make it through that thing either. Bodies are disgusting (especially the shit that comes out of mouths)


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Ones you just can't make it through? #21
what is shit doing coming out of mouths D8


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Ones you just can't make it through? #22
I've been able to handle listening through every episode, and some of the more unsavory ones are actually up there in my favorites for being proportionately funny to their horribleness.

That said, I could only listen to the Doublegay Conservaganza short once. Homophobia is hard for me to listen to, even when it's Conservapedia-tier outlandish and being made fun of, thanks to real life circumstances. In particular, it's the bit on the "Homosexual Bait-and-Switch" that I can't handle, since it's pretty clear that they're talking about transgender individuals who come out to their trusted partner as trans (typically to avoid complications or violent reactions if they want to have a sexual relationship), not evil conniving homosexuals trying to trick our poor straight men into the homosex. Without that subtext the segment would be pretty spurious, but given how many real world trans people get murdered over people thinking shit like that, I can't really laugh at the content of that episode.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #23
In particular, it's the bit on the "Homosexual Bait-and-Switch" that I can't handle, since it's pretty clear that they're talking about transgender individuals who come out to their trusted partner as trans (typically to avoid complications or violent reactions if they want to have a sexual relationship), not evil conniving homosexuals trying to trick our poor straight men into the homosex.Ansemaru, March 06, 2013, 10:37:11 am

You're actually giving them too much credit, I think.

You see, I disagree. I think they really are talking about gay men dressing in drag over months and years to get straight men to commit to long-term relationships where sex somehow never comes up as a topic of discussion. Then the gay men reveal they're actually men and the straighty is I guess just supposed to throw up his hands and go "oh well, we're already married, I might as well become gay."

In other words, no, they really are being that stupid.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #24
In particular, it's the bit on the "Homosexual Bait-and-Switch" that I can't handle, since it's pretty clear that they're talking about transgender individuals who come out to their trusted partner as trans (typically to avoid complications or violent reactions if they want to have a sexual relationship), not evil conniving homosexuals trying to trick our poor straight men into the homosex.Ansemaru, March 06, 2013, 10:37:11 am

You're actually giving them too much credit, I think.

You see, I disagree. I think they really are talking about gay men dressing in drag over months and years to get straight men to commit to long-term relationships where sex somehow never comes up as a topic of discussion. Then the gay men reveal they're actually men and the straighty is I guess just supposed to throw up his hands and go "oh well, we're already married, I might as well become gay."

In other words, no, they really are being that stupid.
Isfahan, March 06, 2013, 10:58:25 am

That is impressively stupid, in that case.


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Ones you just can't make it through? #25
That is impressively stupid, in that case.
Ansemaru, March 06, 2013, 11:02:06 am


There's conservative sorts who think that mathematical proofs are some manner of liberal plot, and if they're being ironic they've been invested in this "irony" for years now.  It's not a far reach from there to assume they believe gay men have been deep undercover for decades to lure right-thinking straight men into becoming gay by tricking them somehow.

(This goes hand-in-hand with the weird illusion that some men and cultures maintain that man's primary purpose is to provide locomotion for his penis and is not otherwise responsible for it.)


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Ones you just can't make it through? #26

(This goes hand-in-hand with the weird illusion that some men and cultures maintain that man's primary purpose is to provide locomotion for his penis and is not otherwise responsible for it.)
Acierocolotl, March 06, 2013, 11:13:29 am

just tiny little penis gremlins piloting man-shaped bipedal tanks, pretending to be humans as they go about their business


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Ones you just can't make it through? #27
So when someone gets a boner, it's just their penis gremlin going "THIS WAY! FULL STEAM AHEAD, GODDAMMIT!"


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Ones you just can't make it through? #28
Guys, use smaller words!  You're confusing the asexual!


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Ones you just can't make it through? #29
I still haven't listened to "Devil Came Down From Tumblr" (the tumblr episode without Lemon); it just makes me angry.