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Topic: [Volunteers Wanted] Podcast Chaptering  (Read 21155 times)


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[Volunteers Wanted] Podcast Chaptering #15
is 17 chapters too many? the other option is 10
also how do I turn this in

edit: also did 188, it has 14 chapters which I find acceptable
birdie, April 12, 2019, 12:08:27 am

A lot of mine have 16 or 17. I email them to Lemon with the chapter titles and time stamps in text in the email body.

[email protected]


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[Volunteers Wanted] Podcast Chaptering #16
Sent 187 and 188. Starting 189 shortly~


  • Square Pusher
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[Volunteers Wanted] Podcast Chaptering #17
I could possibly help, as I have a Mac. Any standards or practices you'd like to keep? Any formatting style we should follow?


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[Volunteers Wanted] Podcast Chaptering #18
I could possibly help, as I have a Mac. Any standards or practices you'd like to keep? Any formatting style we should follow?
Down10, April 12, 2019, 11:51:38 am
I've been aiming for 10-15 chapters, mostly based off the doc's sections. "introduction" and "what did we learn?" are also standard in mine.
Titles are default all lowercase no punctuation, but occasionally there's CAPS FOR EMPHASIS or a punctuation mark.
116kbps is ideal (I'm using 128 because it's the closest option in forecast).
Then I send the file as an attachment to [email protected], with the email body being a list of times and chapter titles in order.
Want to edit metadata? Here's Lemon's example:


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[Volunteers Wanted] Podcast Chaptering #19
Yeah, I don't really have a style guide for chapters. I feel like if you feel like doing chaptering, just do whatever seems appropriate to you, as far as how many and naming conventions. But do please encode your MP3 back at 112kbps (or whatever is closest to it), and for episode metadata:

Title: Title (without # or the word "episode", eg: Stuffed Full of Fantasy)
Artist: The F Plus
Album: [the year the episode was released]
Year: [the year the episode was released]
Track: [episode number]
-in the case of non-standard episodes, I kind of wing it. For example, there's an "album" called "F Plus Live", and each recording is a chronological track number of that. So fplus_live_4a.mp3 is album F Plus Live, track 8
Genre: Podcast
Comment: thefpl.us
Composer [whoever edited this specific episode]
Album Artist: The F Plus [this is probably unnecessary]

I just tested and found out that you can take an episode with chapters and process it thru mp3tag and it'll keep the chapter info.
chai tea latte


  • Square Pusher
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[Volunteers Wanted] Podcast Chaptering #20
Is there a spreadsheet for us to track work, in case we don't end up doing the same episodes? Just a Google Doc or something.


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[Volunteers Wanted] Podcast Chaptering #21
Is there a spreadsheet for us to track work, in case we don't end up doing the same episodes? Just a Google Doc or something.
Down10, April 12, 2019, 01:21:20 pm

I've just been pouring the episodes I've been doing in this thread, but maybe later I can start a Google Sheet for it.
Lemon birdie


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[Volunteers Wanted] Podcast Chaptering #22
I got impatient and made a gdoc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MMkI0ahNvO_o9BjKK09jzMbb5ve8mMPGgLYyL0mqa-4/edit?usp=sharing
Feel free to add fields or deal with the non-standard episode rows, it's pretty bare bones at the moment.
Lemon Macho Masc Sangy Savage


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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[Volunteers Wanted] Podcast Chaptering #23
In my design fork I've added a per-episode indicator of which eps have chapters.

Also added credit for chapter providers

Turtle birdie Sherman Tank