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September 20, 2024, 10:17:47 pm

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Topic: 400: The Inspirational Stories of Not Always Right  (Read 13455 times)


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Immoral Filth Salubrious Rex vaMpiresoftWare oscaruglyface chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB Shell Game LuckyNumbers Lumbermouth thelizzerd


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i'm still at your pre-talk and my head is already in my hands 10/10
Lemon LuckyNumbers Salubrious Rex oscaruglyface Puppy Time thelizzerd

Deep 13

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Lemon's after-the-fact narration and getting this from two sets of ridiculists in one episode made this like the IMAX version of an F Plus episode.
Lemon Immoral Filth LuckyNumbers Salubrious Rex vaMpiresoftWare Dr. Buttplug sea hag Shell Game oscaruglyface Puppy Time thelizzerd corporate daiquiri Captain Nobeard


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Hooray for baby's first "got read on the show" document!
Love the dual audio tracks. It's like pop team epic, when they record each episode twice with different voice actors...
Salubrious Rex thelizzerd

Salubrious Rex

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Wow it's like 2 episodes for the price of literally any other number of episodes - I've never paid for an episode of this podcast!

I was so impressed and inspired by the FPlus's dedication to quality podcasts that I wanted to bulb this post personally and i tried to bulb it twice because of just how impressed I was. When i couldnt, i asked to speak to the manager, whose name was Lemon and he said he was so glad that I enjoyed the episode that just for me he would allow a double bulb (he said his 'boss' (wink) allows him to permitone every 20 years) and then everyone on ballp.it stood up and chanted thay i am the hero of our times and Lemon the mystical king of all the land
oscaruglyface LuckyNumbers Dr. Buttplug thelizzerd DUDEVSTHEWORLD xdaringdamselx Captain Nobeard

Recon Rabbit

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I'm glad that Shell reprised the role of the late Queen Elizabeth for this episode.
Dr. Buttplug Achilles' Heelies Shell Game LuckyNumbers Puppy Time thelizzerd Nemo2342


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400 episodes (and probably 100+ hours of other content) and The F Plus is still going strong. I am very grateful that y’all are still at it. I have listened to every episode at least once and most of them more times than I can remember. There are great episodes, great readings, and great gags across the entire run. I’m glad that the cast has been expanding and that people are still putting together docs after all this time. Cheers!
Lemon SHAMBA~1.SBB oscaruglyface Shell Game LuckyNumbers Puppy Time Lumbermouth thelizzerd DUDEVSTHEWORLD xdaringdamselx Immoral Filth


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I only just started the coffee segment and was ready to yell "JUST ASK WHAT THE LIGHTEST ROAST IS!"
thelizzerd Nemo2342 Immoral Filth


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400 episodes (and probably 100+ hours of other content) and The F Plus is still going strong. I am very grateful that y’all are still at it. I have listened to every episode at least once and most of them more times than I can remember. There are great episodes, great readings, and great gags across the entire run. I’m glad that the cast has been expanding and that people are still putting together docs after all this time. Cheers!
vampiresoftware, March 11, 2024, 08:48:08 pm

I feel very similarly. I love every episode and have listened to them all more times than I can count. For the past many years until 2020 I traveled for work and the F plus was my only exposure to English and home sometimes for months at a time and I'm so thankful for you guys and everything you've produced!

Also considering the only physical music media I own is a snap bracelet and a tape cassette, I guess maybe Boots is also my favorite music act lol
Happy 400!
Lemon Achilles' Heelies Shell Game Boots Raingear LuckyNumbers Lumbermouth thelizzerd

Achilles' Heelies

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I would like to say that I tried to make up for my sins of not saying my catchphrase, but it looks like that got left on the cutting room floor. I'll try even harder to make up for it next time...

Adam Bozarth

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I've always wondered what it would be like to have an episode where everyone is doing a different interpretation of the same text.

Happy 400, y'all

episode, episode, episode, episode, episode, episode, episode, episode, episode, episode, episode, episode ...
Achilles' Heelies Shell Game chai tea latte Boots Raingear Salubrious Rex LuckyNumbers sea hag oscaruglyface Puppy Time thelizzerd Nemo2342 xdaringdamselx Immoral Filth

Shell Game

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I'm glad that Shell reprised the role of the late Queen Elizabeth for this episode.
Recon Rabbit, March 11, 2024, 11:27:49 am
Always doing what I can to show the brits the respect they deserve, even if Lemon is a hypocrite and a coward.
Salubrious Rex honey


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I've been considering listening to all the episodes in order and writing my impressions as a fan project


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Happy 400.

Did lemon get a new mic? Because he sounds different in the intro vs the rest of the recording.


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Did lemon get a new mic? Because he sounds different in the intro vs the rest of the recording.
thelizzerd, March 22, 2024, 12:03:02 am

Same mic. Lemon sounds vaguely more professional when he's recording alone versus trying to keep the show on track.
Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex thelizzerd chai tea latte Sauce Shell Game