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September 20, 2024, 08:08:18 pm

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Topic: Strategic deployment of innovative jargon concepts  (Read 55914 times)

A Meat

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So, is middle manager the highest position in Middlemen Inc.?

Emperor Jack Chick

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He made sure to point it out to me, so I think he recognizes how fucking angry it makes me.

twofer: lots of my friends have been using this - then they post about how they're such awesome chefs ang BJHALHFALBHJA FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

burn the world.


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The mealsquares testimonials remind me of Something Awful's Skymall reviews.

Eating MealSquares has freed up lots of my time for working on MealSquares.

My life is an ouroboros of shit in more than one way

Emperor Jack Chick

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the founder links to lesswrong when proving his credibility as an author. :D :D :D :D


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What the fuck is with nerds and trying to hack their way out of making food?  Do they think it all just tastes like lunch meats and buttered pasta?

Tiny Prancer

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tbh I can understand the idea because sometimes I don't feel like eating and I have such picky tastes in food that I have trouble feeding myself on a regular basis, to the point that the idea of having a fast and easy food substitute that I can fall back on doesn't seem too bad. Really though, the bigger appeal of that kind of idea is that then when I'd eat "real food" that it's more likely to be something I'm eating because I want to rather than because I have to.

The fact that the creators of all these kind of things are obviously gross silicon valley nerdbros doesn't really make me keen to try any of them out, however.

chai tea latte

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tbh I can understand the idea because sometimes I don't feel like eating and I have such picky tastes in food that I have trouble feeding myself on a regular basis, to the point that the idea of having a fast and easy food substitute that I can fall back on doesn't seem too bad. Really though, the bigger appeal of that kind of idea is that then when I'd eat "real food" that it's more likely to be something I'm eating because I want to rather than because I have to.

The fact that the creators of all these kind of things are obviously gross silicon valley nerdbros doesn't really make me keen to try any of them out, however.
Tiny Prancer, September 29, 2015, 09:52:06 pm
drink a Boost for breakfast and an Ensure for dessert

(it's b/c they don't understand that food can be anything other than nutritive fuel, they lack conception of cooking or eating as joyful or in any way conveying personal, cultural or communal significance)

Emperor Jack Chick

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nah dude meals out in the real world are where you conduct business deals and who has time for that?!


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I've lifehacked myself so hard that I don't even need to warm soft touch of a female companion .
Nikaer Drekin chai tea latte

A Meat

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If someone invents a way to eat all your food by inserting it directly into your stomach via a tube, I bet you some silicon valley type dudes will be the first to embrace it

Victor Laszlo

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If someone invents a way to eat all your food by inserting it directly into your stomach via a tube, I bet you some silicon valley type dudes will be the first to embrace it
A Meat, September 30, 2015, 03:51:01 pm

Tiny Prancer

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tbh I can understand the idea because sometimes I don't feel like eating and I have such picky tastes in food that I have trouble feeding myself on a regular basis, to the point that the idea of having a fast and easy food substitute that I can fall back on doesn't seem too bad. Really though, the bigger appeal of that kind of idea is that then when I'd eat "real food" that it's more likely to be something I'm eating because I want to rather than because I have to.

The fact that the creators of all these kind of things are obviously gross silicon valley nerdbros doesn't really make me keen to try any of them out, however.
Tiny Prancer, September 29, 2015, 09:52:06 pm
drink a Boost for breakfast and an Ensure for dessert

(it's b/c they don't understand that food can be anything other than nutritive fuel, they lack conception of cooking or eating as joyful or in any way conveying personal, cultural or communal significance)
chai tea latte, September 29, 2015, 10:12:29 pm

The problem is that I get sick of certain flavors VERY quickly, to the point I can't bring myself to eat the food that has said flavor (I currently can't eat kefir or protein bars because of this), and I've never been fond of the taste of protien shakes. The big appeal that soylent had for me when I read about it was the idea that it's supposed to have little to no taste, because as bland and depressing as that is, that also means it's harder/takes longer to get sick of it.


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I'm not really into cooking, and even I hate most tech-nerd approaches to meal supplements. I have a nutritional supplement for breakfast, but that's not because it's more efficient or anything, it's probably slower than just making some goddamn toast. I have it because I mix it into milk, and when I get up in the morning my throat just does not want something as dry as toast, but my brain doesn't want to do something complicated.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Hahahaha another jackass decides that the government should do something about the homeless riff-raff -- san francisco startup bullshit of course.

that's ok his company commando.io has literally the exact same website and idea as everyone else so that's good disruptivation going on.

seriously can we grind these people into dog food

Emperor Jack Chick

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chai tea latte Maxine Headroom Sherman Tank Afraid of Audio