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February 06, 2025, 07:53:01 pm

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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2312005 times)

A Meat

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I think a clown fetish is a funny thing to have. But if you have the opportunity to fuck a Clown and don't take it, there's something wrong with you
GirlKisser420, January 11, 2025, 07:10:50 pm
I really want there to be some clown fetishists out there who are really into "guy with an unusual performance-art job and an interesting set of skills" clowns and not "horror movie monster" clowns, because it would be much more sympathetic to me, and also circus performers gotta get laid too
Antivehicular, January 12, 2025, 12:25:32 am
listen, we all like Jerma, you don't have to call him a clown


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I think a clown fetish is a funny thing to have. But if you have the opportunity to fuck a Clown and don't take it, there's something wrong with you
GirlKisser420, January 11, 2025, 07:10:50 pm
I really want there to be some clown fetishists out there who are really into "guy with an unusual performance-art job and an interesting set of skills" clowns and not "horror movie monster" clowns, because it would be much more sympathetic to me, and also circus performers gotta get laid too
Antivehicular, January 12, 2025, 12:25:32 am
listen, we all like Jerma, you don't have to call him a clown
A Meat, January 12, 2025, 03:05:52 am
My embarrassing Internet confession is that I have no idea who Jerma is besides "some guy who maybe makes videos? I guess?"


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Who is more clownish, the clown or the person who fucks the clown?

Dr. Buttplug

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Who is more clownish, the clown or the person who fucks the clown?
vaMpiresoftWare, January 12, 2025, 05:10:24 pm
The one who honks at the climax.
CozyJosie vaMpiresoftWare

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
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Elon Musk is a psyop by other billionaires to make them look good by comparison


  • Crying vampire
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Music isn’t getting worse. You are getting older.

Salubrious Rex

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Music isn't getting worse. You are getting worse.

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
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Spinning tops imply the existence of spinning bottoms
Dr. Buttplug vaMpiresoftWare Salubrious Rex

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Music is getting worse, and that's good, let me show you my drawer full of symphonic metal and pop country t shirts.
vaMpiresoftWare Salubrious Rex

Salubrious Rex

  • A paths duck, really
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Love is such a sweet thing
And it pilots my meat-thing
Gonna fly it right into you
NoneuclidianSchlong Dr. Buttplug vaMpiresoftWare

A Meat

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What do you mean "anti-woke"? You mean "sleepy"?
xX_sp00ks_Xx Salubrious Rex Lumbermouth vaMpiresoftWare

chai tea latte

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I think a clown fetish is a funny thing to have. But if you have the opportunity to fuck a Clown and don't take it, there's something wrong with you
GirlKisser420, January 11, 2025, 07:10:50 pm
I really want there to be some clown fetishists out there who are really into "guy with an unusual performance-art job and an interesting set of skills" clowns and not "horror movie monster" clowns, because it would be much more sympathetic to me, and also circus performers gotta get laid too
Antivehicular, January 12, 2025, 12:25:32 am
my understanding is that circus performers are fucking their co-workers on the daily. They'll be fine

Salubrious Rex

  • A paths duck, really
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  • Do you whant to help me dirty thirsty?
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I think a clown fetish is a funny thing to have. But if you have the opportunity to fuck a Clown and don't take it, there's something wrong with you
GirlKisser420, January 11, 2025, 07:10:50 pm
I really want there to be some clown fetishists out there who are really into "guy with an unusual performance-art job and an interesting set of skills" clowns and not "horror movie monster" clowns, because it would be much more sympathetic to me, and also circus performers gotta get laid too
Antivehicular, January 12, 2025, 12:25:32 am
my understanding is that circus performers are fucking their co-workers on the daily. They'll be fine
chai tea latte, January 23, 2025, 05:44:20 pm
Spare a thought though for the lonely yet hard working non-circus clown. Are they not worthy of a good fuckin'?


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I should just like become a fucking clown.


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Spare a thought fuck though for the lonely yet hard working non-circus clown.
Salubrious Rex A Meat Antivehicular