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February 13, 2025, 01:24:38 pm

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Topic: Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous");  (Read 96179 times)


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don't mind me just closing my brackets ;}}}

lazzer grardaion?

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I made my own raytracer from scratch and I'm disproportionately proud of it.

Lemon EYE OF ZA .


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We wasted an hour at work today trying to come up with a documentation convention for our Python code because all of the existing conventions are really, really bad.
I love writing in Python, but everything tangential to it (like conventions, linters, package managers, dependencies, etc.) is a hot mess.
Also why is parallelization such a tall order in Python? It's so uncharacteristic for something to be this complicated on a language that's basically pseudo-code.
In C# I can just do
Parallel.ForEach((room, ridiculist) => {
    ridiculist.clap(); //And all the ridiculists will clap concurrently - each in their own thread.

In Python to achieve the same in a controlled mannger I have to start dealing with pools and futures and manually iterate over threads or do something called a starmap and what the fuck were they thinking!?


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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #138
I've been feeling burned out as hell for months at work for reasons I won't get into here but I've recently picked up a personal project that's doing a damn good job of reminding me that I do, in fact, enjoy doing this shit and I guess this is a reminder that even though your hobby may have become your job, you should take time out to do something for you.

ham burger

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i am resurrecting this thread to complain about a thing i am enduring right now

i pay for a fairly beefy server ~in the cloud~ that i use to host some software i need, some personal projects, and some game servers/other things for friends as a kindness. i just like doing it, it's nice to have a whole bunch of digital horses that are on demand to throw at a problem. i generally find it rewarding.

some friends of mine recently started a forum-based RPG with this tool, lorekeeper, that is one of the worst things i've ever interacted with. i'm in deep on being its admin at this point, but if you could imagine a laravel/php app built by 16 year olds with a fairly deep amount of complexity, this is it. config randomly scattered between environment vars and php config files. randomly laid out nested menus for managing the software that puts the upload for the css override under "image management," for example. every css class is highly specific so as to make styling it a nightmare, with liberal use of !important. tons of bugs. so many bugs. terrible documentation. no unit tests. it is an unholy nightmare.

the most demeaning thing, however, is how i get support. i am going to come here and say that i am a fairly experienced Technology Man with some knowledge of how to do a code or two and i've been at this for easily 25 years, 15ish years professionally so far, so i kinda know the lay of the land. i have to be nice to these kids, because they're kids, but also tech support. i say stuff like "the configuration values seem to be caching in a weird way and i can't flush the cache" and they say "yeah, configuration is very susceptible to caching" or i will say something like "this configuration value is not being read" and they will say "well are you committing it to git?" initially i solved all my problems by just reading the code, but as you can imagine, it is a nightmare and i will not be doing that.

i genuinely want to scream it is the most frustrating experience ever but i love my friends and will persevere.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2021, 12:22:10 pm by ham burger »

Emperor Jack Chick

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That sounds very similar to a tool we have at work!

At some point the need for data about how automated tests performed across all layers of our application, and most teams were doing some half-assed work on their own. Naturally this bred the opportunity for someone to create a mechanism for data collation. Sadly, the way this works at my company is the idea is floated and then a specific team that handles all cross-team tooling builds whatever it is. Sadly, because this team is wholly and completely incompetent. 

So what we have now is a giant react app that was written by said team, a team that is not in the business of ui development, so they built the whole thing without taking advantage of components or composition. Configs are all hardcoded in data and copy pasted across files (also they didnt bother writing a BE service for it so all data is just live loaded from a DB in the fucking react code.

Naturally, this thing is fucking broken and doesn't report data properly for my team. My boss asked me to look into what it would take to fix our data, so I cloned the repo and started investigating. After 2 days of this I reported back that it would be a steep effort just to even figure out what the hell anything did and how to get around it to start figuring out the bugs, much less hacking in stuff to fix what we needed. We then looked into alternative solutions and have better, more comprehensive reports from Splunk (our data already reported to there) which took us about 2 hours to get setup and rolling. HOORAY!
ham burger