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February 13, 2025, 12:43:16 pm

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Topic: New forum game: F Plus Association Football Congress!  (Read 44794 times)


  • Paid
  • Like an old lady, but younger
  • 11
  • 3
Hi! Here's me:

1. Milf Parade
2. She/Her
3. 1980
4. USA, Irish extraction
5. Philadelphian
6. Like: Arsenal by marriage, Liverpool because Klopp, and spiritually Watford because the team is called the Hornets but there's a fucked up moose on their crest
Dislike: Tottenham, Mans both U and City, Chelsea (although the Bond villain has to sell the team so maybe I'll come around)
7. Thing one: I have been in the room while my husband has played well over 10,000 hours of FIFA so according to Malcolm Gladwell, I'm an expert now
    Thing two: I can name several of soccer players (or "Soccerinos," as they prefer to be called)
    Thing three: I know how offsides works
8. My personnel decisions will be almost 50% based on cool names above anything else
9. I'm pathologically non-confrontational and hate telling people what to do so Coaching, obviously
10. Inverness Caledonian Thistle, also obviously

This is a ridiculous idea and I'm very into it, thx


  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
We’ve now got three votes for Caley Thistle and three for Palermo—who will break the tie?


  • break that legs
  • Paid
  • ƨtupid cat
    • 1,413
    • -110
1. Sham bam bamina!
2. Masculine
3. 1993
4. American, Moroccan
5. Russian
6. 1999 St. Louis Rams
7. I love riding my bicycle, which means I probably could do a bicycle kick, and I have enormous feet that could kick the ball really good. I also have experience playing FIFA International Soccer on the 3DO.
8. Despite my considerable expertise in playing the game of footy, I have no relevant organizational experience and would be really bad in the roles at hand.
9. Medical team
10. Inverness
MilfParade Cheapskate
« Last Edit: May 18, 2022, 08:11:52 pm by SHAMBA~1.SBB »


  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
We could’ve been spending our winters in sunny Palermo, drinking wine and dodging pickpockets, but you wanted to manage in Inverness. Remember this in January when the cold rain is pouring and the wind is whipping in off the Moray Firth.

Let’s say hello to our backroom staff. If you want to join the game in progress, you can do so, but I won’t be able to make you a club director. Let me know if you want to know more about what your job at the club entails.

And here’s our projected starting eleven.

I’ll be playing our preseason starting on Friday, but in the meantime, we can make some changes. Caley Thistle traditionally wears shirts with blue and red vertical stripes at home. Their away uniforms are white and sky blue. If you’d like to nominate some new designs, head over to https://fmkitcreator.com/ and put something together—remember to hit both the Download and the Minikit buttons when you’re done. (The club’s badge is available here, and I imagine the shirt sponsor would be The F Plus.)

Also, if you’re in the game and you want the game to put your picture with your name, I can do that if you send me one.

More details on matches and streaming to come!
MilfParade Salubrious Rex

moooo566 (taylor's version)

  • Paid
  • 2,569
  • 92
I'm GM? god, we're fucked.
Salubrious Rex

Salubrious Rex

  • A paths duck, really
  • Paid
  • Do you whant to help me dirty thirsty?
  • 1,302
  • 41
I'm GM? god, we're fucked.
unregistered hypercum 2, May 08, 2022, 04:15:50 pm
I can't imagine the series of directorial blunders that resulted in myself being made Managing Director. What kind of a FC have we inherited?

Shell Game

  • Extra Creditor, Crab, Dragon Enthusiast
  • Paid
  • "..........Rarrr????"
  • 5,016
  • 669
I'm noticing a discrepancy in pay.


  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
I'm noticing a discrepancy in pay.
Shell Game, May 09, 2022, 12:22:08 am

You’ve inherited the salary of the last person to hold the position before you. When your contract runs up, the general manager (unregistered hypercum 2) will negotiate a new salary with you.


  • Paid
  • Like an old lady, but younger
  • 11
  • 3
My child army shall lay waste to the league. We have not forgotten our recent defeat in the semis at the hands of a team out of Midlothian nicknamed the “Wee Jambos”

moooo566 (taylor's version)

  • Paid
  • 2,569
  • 92
I'm noticing a discrepancy in pay.
Shell Game, May 09, 2022, 12:22:08 am

You’ve inherited the salary of the last person to hold the position before you. When your contract runs up, the general manager (unregistered hypercum 2) will negotiate a new salary with you.
Cheapskate, May 09, 2022, 07:09:20 am

Since this is football, I'm receptive to any and all bribes, fyi.


  • Paid
  • 265
  • 33

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
  • Paid
  • Legendary Jizz-Wailer
  • 2,382
  • -10
Since I liked Polermo for the distinctive color scheme, let's just steal it. I chose the pan flag colors because they look good, they're distinguish us from Polermo, and when it comes to footy, we take on all comers.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

  • Paid
  • 2,569
  • 92
That's a nice kit!

As promised, I too have excellent taste in colours. The full diagram is unfortunately too large for ballpits attachment system but there is a preview below and the full item here.


  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
Other Things You Should Know About Inverness C.T.

• In 2018, they lost to a team of one hundred children. Here’s a post-match interview with former manager John Robertson.

• From 2009 to 2013, they were managed by Terry Butcher, who, during his playing days, participated in a World Cup qualifier while covered in blood.

• Another former manager, Steve Paterson, eluded the press by hiding in the trunk of a car.

• This is their mascot, Lionel Nessi.

• There’s a sale at the team shop! Ten pounds for a decent v-neck or polo shirt seems like a good deal to me.


I’m pleased with the suggestions we’ve seen so far, although we should probably get at least one set in the club’s traditional colors. I’ve developed one set based on the sort of outfits I like to wear in the summer, and a second set designed to reassure the supporters that having a bunch of Americans around won’t change the club’s traditions.


Here’s an invitation to the Discord server where I can stream matches. I’m considering streaming on Fridays from about 10am Mountain time until whenever and/or on Sundays from between 10:30-11:00am Mountain time until whenever. Would any of you be available sometimes if I streamed on those days?

Regardless of whether people can attend streams, I’ll post detailed team reports on the Discord server and more general overviews here on Ballp.it.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Dr. Buttplug MilfParade Salubrious Rex

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
  • Paid
  • Legendary Jizz-Wailer
  • 2,382
  • -10
Well, if you want to stick with the regular (lame) colors I think we should capitalize on the obvious draw here.
MilfParade advancedclass Salubrious Rex